
  1. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。(晏殊《浣溪沙》)

    Flowers fall , do what one may ; | swallows return , no strangers they .

  2. 但是,晏殊的出生地究竟在何处?

    But where is his birthplace at all ?

  3. 北宋太平宰相晏殊的诗学思想

    Prime Minister Yan Shu 's Thoughts on Poetics

  4. 修辞方面,晏殊词中的比喻取其形似方面。

    Rhetoric , Yan word metaphor taken shape .

  5. 晏殊是北宋初年词坛上最重要的词人,他对词坛的兴盛有带动之功。

    Yan Shu was the most important poet of the early Northern Song Dynasty .

  6. 晏殊词在北宋初期词坛上有其独特的贡献。

    Yan Shu had a distinctive contribution of Ci in the early Northern Song Dynasty .

  7. 试论晏殊诗

    On the poems of Yan Shu

  8. 生活在同一时期的柳永和晏殊对“夕阳”这个传统意象都情有独钟。

    Liu Yong and Yan Shu who live in same time are deep love with the traditional imago .

  9. 北宋的词人辈出,如晏殊、欧阳修、柳永、苏轼、秦观、周邦彦等等。

    The most prominent poets are Ouyang Xiu , Yan Shu , Liu Yong , Su Shi , Qin Guan and Zhou Bangyan etc.

  10. 二晏是北宋时期著名的词人晏殊和其子晏几道,他们的词作在北宋令词的发展中占据重要的位置。

    Two Yan Yan of the famous poet of the Northern Song Dynasty andhis son Similarities their word , to occupy an important position in thedevelopment of word order in the Northern Song Dynasty .