
  • 网络Puglia;apulia
  1. 问:你在书中提到,普利亚区(Puglia)是近期的热门旅游目的地。

    Q. You mention Puglia in your book as a recently popular destination for tourists .

  2. 持续多日的婚礼在意大利南部的普利亚(Pulia)举行,参加婚礼的既有美国科技业和印度企业界的领军人物,也有好莱坞明星艾什顿•库彻(AshtonKutcher)和米拉•库妮丝(MilaKunis)。

    The multi-day affair in Puglia in southern Italy was attended by leaders in the American tech and Indian corporate worlds , as well as Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis .

  3. 安德烈亚·德杰尼奥(AndreadelGenio)是那不勒斯人,他从生活在普利亚的祖母那里继承了一座仍在耕种的农场。

    Andrea del Genio is a Neapolitan who inherited a working farm from his Puglian grandmother . "

  4. 这名球员上赛季从巴塞罗那加盟,然后被租借到了普利亚。

    The playmaker who joined last year from Barcellona , moved to Puglia on loan .

  5. 一场美轮美奂的“来自阿普利亚的意大利式婚礼”今晚在世博园意大利馆上演。

    A beautiful ornate " from the Italian wedding priya in Italy ," the government hall tonight .

  6. 意大利警方称他们在意大利南部普利亚地区逮捕了一名黑手党头目。

    Italian police say they 've arrested a mafia boss in the Puglia region of southern Italy .

  7. 意大利人在说到普利亚时用复数形式是有原因的。

    There 's a reason Italians call Puglia " le Puglie , " " in the plural .

  8. 这种典型的托斯卡纳葡萄品种非常适应普利亚临近地中海的红粘土土质。

    This typical Tuscan grape variety perfectly fits the Apulian red clay soils close to the Mediterranean Sea .

  9. 普利亚,你问:“结婚后还保持自由,可能吗?”

    You are asking , priya : " is it possible to be married and to be free ?"

  10. 佛罗伦西亚。西普利亚诺是莫桑比克政府的首席兽医。

    The overhaus brought about dramatic changes , according to Florencia Cipriano , chief veterinarian for the Mozambique government .

  11. 颁奖仪式是在曼哈顿的西普利亚尼华尔街饭店举办的正装晚宴,有700多名宾客出席。

    The prizes were presented at a black-tie dinner in Manhattan at Cipriani Wall Street , with more than 700 guests .

  12. 意大利西北的一个海港城市;利古里亚区的首府。亚得里亚海沿岸阿普利亚区的首府。

    A seaport in northwestern Italy ; provincial capital of Liguria . capital city of the Apulia region on the Adriatic coast .

  13. 随着美食旅游的发展,普利亚(阿普利亚英国用语)将成为一个家喻户晓的名字。

    With foodie travel on the rise , Puglia (" Apulia " to the English-speaking set ) is going to become a household name .

  14. 就像有很多个普利亚,萨伦托是其中之一一样,也有很多个萨伦托:那些小村庄四散分布,绵延数百英里。

    Just as there are many Puglias , of which Salento is one , there are also many Salentos : small hamlets spread over hundreds of miles .

  15. 今年十八岁的洛特纳好像很喜欢自己的新角色,每天的大部分时间里他都驾驶着一辆橘黄色的阿普利亚牌摩托车。

    Lautner , 18 , seemed to enjoy the new role as he got to cruise around on a bright orange Aprilia motorcycle for most of the day .

  16. 普利亚的萨伦托由诸多小村庄构成。这些村落生活节奏缓慢,有着令人惊叹的风景、深蓝色的大海和数百上千年的悠久历史,人们过着远离21世纪的幸福生活。

    The slow-paced villages that make up Salento boast a stunning landscape , deep-blue seas , centuries of history - and are blissfully isolated from the 21st century .

  17. 作为商业作家,帕特森在精英文学圈中算是局外人,在获奖致辞中,他拿这个开起了玩笑,说自己是“西普利亚尼的巨无霸汉堡”。他还号召出版社“多做革新”。

    In his acceptance speech , Mr. Patterson joked about his outsider status as a commercial author in elite literary company , calling himself the " Big Mac at Cipriani . " He issued a call for publishers to " innovate more . "

  18. 在米色石头、绿色橄榄树和蓝色大海的映衬下,影片的女性角色发现了尚处在农业社会的萨伦托的古色古香之处。普利亚位于意大利南部,地势崎岖,多岩石。而长期以来,萨伦托一直是普利亚最不起眼的地区。

    Here - amid the cream of stone , the green of olive , the blue of sea - the women discover the ancient grace of agricultural Salento , long the humblest region within Puglia , the rough-hewn , rocky area in the country 's south .