
  1. 那么,哪些地方属于古普洱府辖地呢?

    In this case , how many places belong to the ancient Pu'er Prefecture ?

  2. 思茅(普洱府)是世界茶树原产地的中心地带。

    Simao ( Pu'er Prefecture ) is the original tea heartland of the world .

  3. 另外,普洱府产茶的历史也是有据可考的。

    Moreover , there are still proof evidences that Pu'er Prefecture produced tea in the history .

  4. 这里面包括了四个方面的条件,一是产地和区域是普洱府所属地区;

    It includes four conditions : Firstly , the producing place and region are under the jurisdiction of Pu'er Prefecture ;

  5. 随着时间推移,围绕茶产业逐步形成了以普洱府为中心的大规模的加工和贸易,普洱成了茶马古道的源头。

    With the passing of the time , Pu'er Prefecture gradually formed the center of large-scale process and trade by the tea industry and Pu'er also became the source of the Tea Horse Roads .

  6. 但是大家都一致认为,普洱茶因普洱府而得名,普洱府是普洱茶集散地。

    But it is the consensus that Pu'er tea got its name from Pu'er Prefecture , Pu'er Prefecture was the distribution center of Pu'er tea .

  7. 普洱茶是普洱府各族人民对茶叶界的重大贡献,普洱茶因普洱府而得名,普洱府因普洱茶而名扬天下。

    Pu'er Tea was a great contribution of People in Pu'er prefecture to tea . Pu'er tea got its name from Pu'er Prefecture and Pu'er prefecture became famous from Pu'er Tea in the world .