
  • 网络intellectual property;intellectual capital;Intellectual Asset
  1. 逆向工程和可视化跟踪是另外一些帮助团队获得现有智力资产的流程。

    Reverse engineering and visual trace are additional processes that help teams harvest existing intellectual capital .

  2. 管理团队也很担心在人们离开组织或者组织内部调动工作时智力资产将会损失。

    Management teams are concerned that intellectual capital assets will be lost when people leave the organization or transition to new jobs within the organization .

  3. 文档是企业重要的智力资产,随着信息化进程,基于Web的文档管理系统越来越受到企业的重视。

    Document is important intellectual assets of enterprises , with the information process , enterprises pay more and more attention to document management system based on Web .

  4. 基于实物期权的智力资产价值分析

    Analysis about Value of Intellectual Asset Based on Real Option

  5. 企业智力资产的探析

    The Research of The Intellectual Assets in Enterprise

  6. 智力资产是专业服务性企业最宝贵的资产。

    Abstract Intelligent asset is the most valuable asset of the professional service firms .

  7. 基于智力资产的企业知识经营战略

    Intellectual Capital-based Knowledge Business Strategies in Enterprises

  8. 本文认为,市场资产由市场关系资产和市场智力资产构成。

    The author points out that market relation assets and market intellectual assets compose market assets .

  9. 在知识经济时代下,智力资产越来越受到企业的重视。

    In the knowledge-economic times , the companies pay more and more attentions to the intellectual assets .

  10. 市场资产由两种类型构成,一种是市场关系资产,一种是市场智力资产。5.营销资源通过层级递进机制实现向企业绩效的转化。

    Market-based assets include two types , one is market-based relational assets , another is market-based intellectual assets . 5 .

  11. 知识管理的最终目的是通过对企业的智力资产的管理来使收益最大化。

    The final purpose of knowledge management is to maximize the profits of enterprises by way of managing its intellectual assets .

  12. 企业家公司以异质的企业家人力资本和企业家智力资产持续创新,破坏均衡,产生竞争优势和显著的业绩。

    Company continues innovation , breaks balance , produce competitive advantages and super performance by different entrepreneurial human capital and intellectual assets .

  13. 更重要的是,为企业创建业务流程的价值在于那些流程所代表的智力资产。

    More importantly , the value of creating business processes for an enterprise is in the intellectual assets that those processes represent .

  14. 最后,对企业集团智力资产对经营活动现金流协同效应的贡献进行探讨。

    Finally , we derive a proposition on the operation cash flow contribution of intellectual assets in synergic management effect of firm group .

  15. 有效地管理知识劳动、战略资源、智力资产成为虚拟企业的必然选择。

    As knowledge management effective management of knowledge labor 、 effective management of strategic resource and effective management of intelligence asset become only choice .

  16. 在知识经济条件下,我们不能将无形资产、智力资产和无形负债排除在会计确认和计量体系之外。

    In the knowledge-based economy , intangible assets , intellectual assets and intangible liabilities cannot be excluded from accounting confirmation and the quantitative system .

  17. 科技馆是政务管理单位,文档是科技馆最重要的智力资产形式。

    Science and Technology Museum is a chief management unit . Documents Science and Technology Museum is the most important form of intellectual assets .

  18. 企业的知识资本一词具有复杂的含义,常常作为知识产权、智力资产和知识资产的同义词。

    The word of knowledge capital has complex meaning , intellectual property rights , intelligence property and knowledge property are frequently the same of knowledge capital .

  19. 在考虑智力资产贡献激励情况下,企业代理人会寻找更有效的手段(如资产负债综合重组优化)来优化企业资本结构。

    Considering the incentive of intellectual assets contribution , agent would find more effective methods ( such as restructure assets and liabilities ) to optimize capital structure in firm .

  20. 核心竞争力是企业拥有的关键性技能、隐性知识和智力资产,是超额价值和企业创新的源泉。

    The core competition is the key craftsmanship , recessive knowledge and intellective assets of the enterprise . It is the source of the enterprise 's innovation and excess value .

  21. 另一方面,您必须十分小心,以免提供过多的信息,这会白白奉送您的智力资产,或是泄漏解决方案的深层内容。

    On the other , care should be exercised so that you don 't provide so much detail that you give away intellectual capital or an in-depth exposition of the solution .

  22. 即在生产个人计算机和硬件之外,创造智力资产,触及信息技术的核心&应用软件,而非硬件。

    Which is to move beyond just making PCs and hardware to making intellectual capital , to making the real heart of an information technology system which is the application , not the hardware .

  23. 本文分析了企业竞争的环境、竞争优势及与智力资产的关系并阐述了智力资本管理的要素和所面临的问题,对智力资本的管理模式进行探讨。

    This paper analyzed condition and predominance of corporation compete , and analyzed connection with intellectual capital , and expatiate on basic of intellectual capital management and discussed the model of intellectual capital management .

  24. 智力资产是企业的生命之源,它包括人力资产、结构资产和客户资产三部分,并通过它们的动态交互作用创造超额收益。

    The Intellectual assets , which includes the human assets , the structural assets and the client assets , is the vital resources of the enterprise and will create excessive profit by their dynamic interactions .

  25. 企业中人的原动力和人的素质的重要性显得尤其重要,无形的智力资产成为新型企业的最大资本,是现代管理的重要内容。

    The importance of the enterprise middleman 's motive power and people 's quality seems especially important , invisible intelligence assets become the largest capital of new-type enterprises , is the important content of modern management .

  26. 分析了智力资产的特点,简要讨论了传统历史成本法、重置成本法和收益现值法的优缺点。

    This paper analyzed the nature of intellectual asset and briefly disused the merit and shortcoming of traditional valuation methods , such as historical cost method , replacement cost method , and present value of earnings .

  27. 根据智力资产的实物期权特性,本文建立了智力资产实物期权价值评价模型,并运用具体算例验证了模型的有用性。

    According to the real option characteristics of intellectual asset , this paper set up real option value evaluation model for intellectual asset , and testified the utility of this model by using concrete calculated examples .

  28. 企业界逐步认识到自身的竞争优势不再是对资源的占有与配置,而是在于对知识、科学技术、高科技含量的无形资产以及智力资产的占有和开发,即企业的技术创新能力。

    Enterprises come to realize that their competitive edge no longer lies in occupation and development of resources but in those of knowledge , science , technology , high-tech incorporeal property and intelligence resources , namely enterprises ' ability of technology innovation .

  29. 竞争情报工作属于一种无形的知识与智力资产,服务于决策部门,不产生直接的经济效益,因此该工作的顺利执行离不开业绩评价。

    In a company the competitive intelligence work is a kind of invisible knowledge and intelligence assets . It serves the decision-making department , and does not produce the economic benefits directly , so the work cannot smoothly executed without the achievement assessment .

  30. 本文从资源特性、非竞争性及与其他资产的整合效应等方面分析了市场智力资产对企业竞争优势的影响和顾客价值创造的作用;

    After the analysis of relations of intellectual assets based-on market ( IABM ) and customer value creation ( CVC ), the mechanism of CVC is studied from IABM ' resource , non-competitive characters and IABM ' effects on conformity of other assets .