
  • 网络Intelligent Services;Smart Service;Service Intelligent;Intelligence-aaS
  1. 吉利和腾讯将联合持有这一名为动车网络科技有限公司的企业49%的股份。该公司将提供WiFi连接、娱乐和休闲服务、新闻和信息、在线餐饮和购物以及其他智能服务。

    China Railway Gecent Technology Co Ltd , with Geely and Tencent taking a combined 49 percent stake , will offer WiFi connection , entertainment and leisure services , news and information , online catering and shopping , and other smart services .

  2. 利用思科内部有关思科智能服务的专业知识。

    Utilize Cisco internal expertise on Cisco Smart Services .

  3. 我们的平台通过使用WEBService技术来构建我们的商务智能服务。

    We use web service technology to construct our business intelligence services .

  4. 面向智能服务的Web内容计算研究与应用

    Intelligent Service Oriented Study and Application on Web Content Computing

  5. 智能服务&Web服务和语义Web集成研究

    Intelligent Service & the Research of Integrating Web Service and Semantic Web

  6. 利用文本挖掘实现Web智能服务

    Using text mining to implement Web Intelligent Service

  7. Internet智能服务平台

    Internet Intelligent Service Platform

  8. 基于GPRS的移动式农田信息智能服务系统通信协议

    Communication protocol in mobile field information intelligent service system based on GPRS

  9. 本文针对一种智能服务机器人,设计了基于DSP的视觉系统。

    In this paper , a vision system has been primary designed according to a certain intelligent robot .

  10. 基于PDA的寒地大豆智能服务平台研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on Soybean Intelligent Service Platform in Cold Region Based on PDA

  11. Web服务的出现使得网络从一个静态网页的提供者转变为一个可交互的、自动的和智能服务的提供者。

    The Web Service paradigm is transforming the Web from a provider of static pages to a provider of interactive , automated and intelligent services that interact via the Internet .

  12. 基于WEB内容的计算就是以WEB页面为对象,研究WEB的信息提取、WEB的信息检索和WEB智能服务等涉及到的问题。

    Web content based computing research focuses on web pages ' content data , the hotspots includes information extraction ( IE ), information retrieval ( IR ) and intelligent web services .

  13. 微软公司研发了全新的SurfacePro4平板电脑和Cortana智能服务来对抗苹果的iPadPro和Siri系统。

    Microsoft went after Apple by pitting its new Surface Pro 4 tablet and Cortana smart assistant against the iPad Pro and Siri .

  14. 通过调研,新的市场不仅要求EPON业务稳定安全,而且还要能提供智能服务。

    Through research , new market not only requires a stable and secure EPON business , but also to provide intelligent services .

  15. 亚马逊公司还致力于开发人工智能服务和个人数字助手,Alexa。

    It 's continuing to develop artificial intelligence services and its personal digital assistant , Alexa .

  16. 正如彭博(Bloomberg)最近在一篇披露内幕的报道中所言,一些新的聊天机器人和人工智能服务也有人类藏在里面:“人类假装是机器人,再由机器人假装人类”。

    Some of the new chatbot and AI services also have people hiding inside : " humans pretending to be robots pretending to be humans , " as Bloomberg put it in a recent expos é .

  17. 在谷歌昨天召开的I/O(输入/输出)大会上,最令人难忘的主题就是谷歌从纯技术独创性的角度推出了Duplex技术,这是一种可以拨打电话并与电话另一端的人交谈的人工智能服务。

    From a standpoint of pure technological ingenuity , the most memorable section of yesterday 's keynote at Google 's I / O conference was the unveiling of Duplex , an AI service that can place phone calls and converse with a human on the other end .

  18. 预计将用于一款被称为Home的语音工具产品(效仿亚马逊的Echo)。谷歌5月时还表示,该技术将用于在应用软件Allo中驱动基于文本的智能服务。近日已发布的Allo旨在推动谷歌进入即时信息领域。

    It is set to be used in a product called Home , a voice-activated gadget modelled on Amazon 's breakthrough Echo . Google also said in May that it would power a text-based intelligent service to appear inside Allo , an app launched yesterday ( see below ) that is intended to propel Google , belatedly , into messaging .

  19. 为人工智能服务的云技术也遵循这一法则。

    A cloud that serves AI will obey the same law .

  20. 基于上下文感知的智能服务推荐机制设计及实现

    Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Service Recommendation Mechanism Based on Context-aware

  21. 不确定语义检索在专利智能服务平台中的应用

    Application of Uncertain Semantic Retrieval in Patent Intelligent Service Platform

  22. 信息检索智能服务与教学系统设计

    Designing the Information Retrieval Intellectualized Service and Teaching System

  23. 双臂作业型智能服务机器人的研制

    Development of intelligent mobile robot with double working arms

  24. 面向公共安全与应急联动的空间信息智能服务模型

    Spatial Information Intelligent Service Model Aimed at Public Safety and Coalition Emergency Response

  25. 《学生体质健康标准智能服务系统》软件存在问题分析

    Analysis of problems existing in the software Student Physical Health Standard Intelligent Service System

  26. 智能服务机器人的模块化视觉平台研究

    Research of Modularized Vision-Platform of Intelligent Service Robot

  27. 教育资源库的自我建构与智能服务技术研究

    Research on the Self-construction and Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) Technical Service of Educational Resource Base

  28. 在这样的背景下,提出了一个支持体系结构的智能服务群系统。

    So this paper completes an intelligent server group system which supports browser / multi-server architecture .

  29. 我们也在商务智能服务平台的上面开发了一个客户端样例应用软件。

    We also developed a sample client application to use the services offered by the platform .

  30. 基于联机公共查询目录的读者行为挖掘的个性化智能服务系统构建

    Construction of the Individual Intelligent Service System Based on the Mining of Readers ' Behavior in OPAC Database