
  • 网络Intellectual capital;Intellect Capital
  1. 这种战略性的资源被称为智力资本(Intellectualcapital)。

    This strategic resource is called Intellectual Capital ( IC ) .

  2. 引进所有的智力资本(IC)并在早期经验的基础上构建一套相一致的附属品,将局域顾问看作参与者。

    Bringing all of the intellectual capital ( IC ) and building a consistent set of collateral based on those early experiences , leveraging regional mentors as participants .

  3. 英国机构没有维护其智力资本和情绪资本。

    UK organisations are not nourishing their intellectual and emotional capital .

  4. 随着中国加入WTO和全球经济的一体化,知识资本、智力资本已成为企业与社会发展的关键因素。

    With China 's entry into WTO and the economy globalization , knowledge and intelligence capitals have become the critical factors in the development of enterprises and society .

  5. 本文虽然试图对智力资本进行数据分析,但是由于UT斯达康公司的相关数据搜集的困难,从而限定了案例分析的范围和深度。

    Although this paper attempts to quantify intellectual capital , the scope and depth of case analysis is limited due to difficulties of data collection about UT Starcom .

  6. 为有效解决现代公司治理中存在的代理成本问题,自20世纪90年代以来,当代西方的公司绩效管理领域出现了三种创新:EVA、平衡计分卡和智力资本评价体系。

    In order to solve the agency cost that exists in Corporate Governance , since 1990 's , there emerged three types of innovation which are known as EVA , the Balanced Scorecard and Intellectual capital evaluation system .

  7. 从而埃巴称EVA为现代公司管理的一场革命;Roos等将智力资本的财务评价方法Skandia导航器称为工业经济转向知识经济的财务里程碑;

    Roos and his colleagues consider one of the intellectual capital financial evaluation methods , ' Skandia Navigator ' , as ' financial milestone of conversion from industrial economy to knowledge economy ' .

  8. 高技术企业经营业绩的评价应结合高技术企业的特点,借鉴BSC基本原理,构建财务、成长性、价值链流程、产品与技术创新、智力资本开发五个维度的评价指标体系。

    Performance evaluation to high-tech enterprise should be taken into its characteristics account . By means of BSC principles , we can construct five dimension evaluation indices : financial , growth , value-chain process , production and technology creation , intelligence capital developing .

  9. 在实证研究部分,依照知识的密集程度选取医药行业、钢铁行业和纺织行业的上市公司作为计量的样本公司,并采用改进后的CIV法对样本公司的智力资本进行了计量。

    In the part of empirical study , I choose listed companies of Pharmaceutical , Steel and Textile industries as the sample companies according to the grade of knowledge intensity and applied improved CIV method to measure them .

  10. 将信息技术应用于企业管理领域,从而提升企业的竞争力,是信息管理的一项重要任务。自1994年Skandia公司公布第一份企业智力资本报告以来,智力资本评价的理论与实践发展很快。

    Depending on information technology to improve the competence of enterprises is a chief task of information management . Intellectual capital report ( ICR ) is becoming an essential instrument to measure the competence of enterprises .

  11. 实证检验方面,本文以在我国深圳证券交易所上市的100家公司为研究样本,基于样本公司2008年和2009年的年报数据,运用内容分析法构建智力资本信息披露指数(ICIDI)。

    In terms of empirical test , this paper uses content analysis to build intellectual capital disclosure index ( ICIDI ) based on 100 companies lists on Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2009 .

  12. 智力资本包括社会核心科学和技术知识。

    Intellectual capital includes society 's core scientific and technological know-how .

  13. 第四部分:智力资本运营模式。

    Fourth : The mode of capital operation of intellectual capital .

  14. 第二,高参与工作系统能够促进智力资本的发展,但高参与工作系统的各个维度对智力资本影响是有差异的。

    The impacts on intellectual capital of each dimension are different .

  15. 关于智力资本出资的法学思考

    Legal Reflection on Contribution of the Intellectual Capital as Equity Share

  16. 智力资本投入对持续竞争优势的影响研究

    Research on Impacts of Intellectual Capital Input on Sustainable Competitive Advantage

  17. 网络强联系是智力资本高效运动的基础。

    Strong ties is the base of movement of intellectual capital .

  18. 基于企业知识理论视角下的智力资本会计研究

    Research on Intellectual Capital Accounting in Knowledge-based Theory of Enterprise Perspective

  19. 二是要提高智力资本投资的效益。

    Promote the benefit of the investment of intelligence capital .

  20. 智力资本和资产作为方法内容和指导进行管理

    Managing intellectual capital and assets as method content and guidance

  21. 国家智力资本理论研究现状及启示

    Present situation and enlightenment of national intellectual capital theory research

  22. 智力资本:企业价值的新增长点

    Intellectual Capital : The New Value Driver for a Company

  23. 新企业成长的内生性资源:智力资本

    Inner-Born Resources of New Enterprises ' Growth : Intellectual Capital

  24. 知识型企业智力资本的识别与测量

    Identification and Measurement of Intellectual Capital in Knowledge Based Firms

  25. 知识经济下智力资本的产权特征及会计确认

    Property Right Characteristics of Intelligence Capital in Knowledge-based Economy and Accounting Identification

  26. 基于绩效的智力资本管理研究

    Research of Intellectual Capital Management Based on the Enterprise Performance

  27. 智力资本是知识经济中最具有决定意义的因素。

    Intellectual capital is the most decisive factor in the knowledge-based economy .

  28. 2000~2007年我国区域智力资本的测量

    Evaluation of Chinese Regional Intellectual Capital from 2000 to 2007

  29. 欧洲大学智力资本报告理论研究综述

    Literature review on the theory of intellectual capital report in European universities

  30. 我国上市公司智力资本效率差异的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Intellectual Capital Efficiency Differences of Listed Companies in China