
  • 网络standard oil;Standard Oil Company;Standard oil of California;Standard Oil Co
  1. 比如,标准石油公司(theStandardOilCompany)为了向中国销售石油,曾经主动为中国市场提供低价煤油灯。

    For example , the standard oil company gave away kerosene lamps in order to sell oil to the Chinese .

  2. 1870年的今天,约翰·D·洛克菲勒建立标准石油公司。

    1870 – John D.Rockefeller incorporates Standard Oil .

  3. 并于19世纪70年代洛克菲勒和他的伙伴建立了标准石油公司。

    By eighteen seventy , Rockefeller and his partners formed the Standard Oil Company .

  4. 有历史学者认为,自从19世纪标准石油公司以来,沃尔玛是影响美国经济最有力的一家企业,它持续维持低价的日用品,对稳定美国通货膨胀起到了一定的积极作用。

    It steady USA inflation to some extent with its continuous low price of commodity .

  5. 标准石油公司被许多人认为是最初的跨国公司之一。

    Standard Oil is considered by many to be one of the first multinational companies .

  6. 标准石油公司和托辣斯

    Standard Oil Company and Trust

  7. 当时,埃克森美孚的前身标准石油公司将煤油通过帆船运到中国.开始了在中国的销售业务。

    At that time , Standard Oil , the predecessor of ExxonMobil , began marketing kerosene in China .

  8. 结果,独立的石油公司纷纷被挤垮,其中许多是抛售给标准石油公司。

    As a result , independent oil companies were crushed , many of them selling out to Standard Oil .

  9. 首先,解散标准石油公司时允许其股东保留对33个子公司的所有权和控制。

    First , the break up of Standard Oil permitted its shareholders to retain ownership and control of the33 baby Standards .

  10. 标准石油公司及其控制的其它公司从事于生产的各个领域:从钻井到煤油、到运输与销售。

    Standard Oil and other companies that it owned performed every level of production & from drilling to refining to transporting and selling .

  11. 后来她的母亲嫁给了标准石油公司的继承人小休•奥金克洛斯,可继父休并没有接济杰奎琳和她的姐妹。

    When her mother married the Standard Oil heir Hugh D. Auchincloss Jr. , his largesse did not extend to Jacqueline and her sister .

  12. 1969年,我从美国海运学院毕业了。我那有学识的爸爸十分高兴,因为加州标准石油公司录用我为它的油轮队工作。

    When I graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1969 , my educated dad was happy . Standard Oil of California had hired me for its oil-tanker fleet .

  13. 标准石油公司是一家垄断型企业,这是一个关键性的事实,因为“剃刀和刀片”理论在只有一家刀片(或石油)卖家的前提下才会产生最佳效果。

    Standard oil was a monopoly , which is a crucial fact because the razors-and-blades theory works best when only one vendor is selling the blades ( or the oil ) .

  14. 但是,进步人士试图解体托拉斯的努力未能奏效,因为像当时的标准石油公司一样,这些托拉斯集团只需迁移到改革愿望不甚强、商业法较宽松的州即可。

    But efforts by progressives to break up trusts failed because , like Standard Oil at the time , they could simply move to less reform-minded states with more permissive commercial laws .

  15. 1938年,加利福尼亚标准石油公司在其租让地内发现商业用量的油田,这不仅给它带来巨大商机也给沙特带来了福音。

    In 1938 , Standard Oil of California announced the discovery of oil in commercial quantities on its concession , which brought Standard Oil of California a huge business opportunity and gave Saudi Arabian Gospels .