
biāo dǐ
  • bid;base number of a tender
标底 [biāo dǐ]
  • [base number of a tender] 招标人预定的招标工程的底价

标底[biāo dǐ]
  1. 实行严格的资格预审制度和科学合理地确定评标标底,可以有效地预防投标中的不正当竞争行为。

    Practicing the strict pre-qualification system and confirming the base number of a tender of tender evaluation scientifically and rationally , can prevent the illegitimate competition behavior while submitting a tender effectively .

  2. 与传统的招标方式相比,该招标模式能够有效地引入竞争机制,淡化标底的作用,在保证质量、工期的前提下,最终以不低于成本的合理低价中标。

    Compared with traditional , the model can effectively lead into competitive mechanism , weaken base number of a tender and finally win the bidding with a not less than cost reasonable low price on the premise of assurance of quality and deadline .

  3. INTERNET招投标运作方式研究投标决策模型在无标底招标中的应用

    Accomplish bidding by INTERNET ; Application of Bid Decision Model in the Lowest Bid Approach of Engineering Project

  4. 无标底招投标的Nash均衡模型及GA算法实现

    Nash Equilibrium Model and Improved Genetic Algorithms of Inviting Tender without Bottom Price

  5. 无标底招标是我国建筑市场发展的必然趋势,也是加入WTO后我国建设工程交易的主要方式。

    The non-price bottom bidding is the inevitable development trend of construction market in china and also the main project transaction way after joining into WTO .

  6. 本文的第二章从基于BP神经网络的电子评标方法、标底保密技术、评审专家随机选取技术和身份认证技术几个方面对招投标系统的相关技术进行了简单的分析和介绍。

    The second part introduced the key technology such as electronic evaluation method based on BP neural network , baseprice security technology , evaluation experts randomly selected technology and identity authentication technology .

  7. 无标底招标采购的理论基础及其制度意义

    The Academic Base and Practice Meaning of Tendering on Non-Base Price

  8. 无标底招投标风险的二维分析

    Two Dimensional Analysis of the Risk of Tender without Base Price

  9. 运用一元线性回归分析法预测复合标底

    To Forecast Compound Lower Limited Bids with Unitary Linearity Regression Method

  10. 按合成标底打分时的投标报价决策模型

    Decision Model of Bid Price of Grading According to Composite Base

  11. 评定招标成败的两个关键因素-标书标底与产品品质

    Base Bid Price and Product Quality-Two Key Factors of Evaluating Tender

  12. 石化行业项目标底的编制技巧

    Skills in the Drawing-up of Bidding Basis for Petrochemical Engineering Projects

  13. 统计学中是非标志散论试论工程建设项目施工无标底招标

    Discussion on the no - mark bid of project construction

  14. 接着从理论和实践两方面分析了现阶段采用的无标底招标和合理低价法评标。

    Then analyzed the methods in two aspects of theoretic and practice .

  15. 基于先验信息的无标底投标报价策略研究

    Optimal Bidding Strategy Based on Apriori Information under Non-base Auction

  16. 关于建设工程标底编审工作的思考

    Thinking on the Working of Read and Edit for Building-engineering Marked Price

  17. 百色水利枢纽副坝标底编制体会

    Experience from drafting base number of the tender for Baise saddle dam

  18. 博弈论与复合标底工程报价

    Game theory and compound base price of project quoted price

  19. 浅述综合评标法与最低价评标法的利弊复合标底投标报价的探讨

    On the advantages and disadvantages of composite and minimum price bid evaluation

  20. 民用机场建设项目推行无标底招标的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration in Promotion of Non-base-price Bidding in Civil Airport Construction

  21. 公路工程标底的编制原则与方法

    Principle and Method of Preparing Bid price of Highway Project

  22. 关于完善工程项目无标底招标方式的探讨

    Discussion about Improving the Lowest Bid Approach in Construction Project

  23. 无标底最低价招标的工程实践

    Engineering practice of lowest evaluated bid without the minimum restriction

  24. 无标底招标及实行低价中标之我见

    Comment on the bidding without basic price and realizing lower quoted price

  25. 建筑工程无标底招标理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of The Lowest Bid Approach in Construction

  26. 定额法编制水利工程施工招标标底

    Using norm method to prepare the construction bidding pretender for hydraulic project

  27. 无标底招标在水利工程招标中的应用

    Application of Calling for Tender without Base Bid for Water Conservancy Project

  28. 一个工程只能编制一个标底。

    Only one pre-tender estimate shall be prepared per project .

  29. 谈如何提高编制标底速度和质量

    Measures to improve preparation speed and quality of pre-tender estimation

  30. 无标底招投标理论与实践研究

    Theoretical and Practice Research on Bidding without Base Price