
  • 网络standardized contract
  1. 该行业也更加努力地推动通过中央平台进行cds交易,以减少交易对手风险一旦标准化合约实施,这种努力将会变得容易得多。

    Efforts are also intensifying to put CDs trades through a centralised platform in a bid to reduce counterparty risk an endeavour which becomes much easier once standardised contracts are in place .

  2. 期货合约是指由期货交易所统一制定的、规定在将来某一特定的时间和地点交割一定数量和质量商品的标准化合约。

    The concepts about futures exchange , the sharps of contracts in developed countries and the optimized models of forward contracts and future contracts are introduced in this article .