
  • 网络Labeling theory;Labelling theory
  1. 社会标签理论对艾滋病防治工作的启示

    The Revelation on AIDS Prevention and Care of Social Labeling Theory

  2. 从标签理论的视角看后进生形成的原因

    Analysis on the Causes of Backward Students from the Perspective of " Labeling Theory "

  3. 基于标签理论的消极性班级非正式群体管理

    Management about negative informal group in class based on label theory

  4. 寻求行为的融洽点:标签理论与社区矫正

    Pursuit of the Harmonizing Point between Behaviors : Label Doctrine and Community Correction

  5. 对于“越轨犯规行为”的科学分析和有效转化,犯罪心理学领域提出了著名的社会标签理论。

    Social label theory in crime psychology can help scientifically analyze the behavior of aberration .

  6. 社会标签理论对学生问题行为的解读与启示

    Explanation of the Students ' " Problem Action " by Social Label Theory and its Implications

  7. 标签理论及其对思想转化工作的启示

    Inspiration Drawn from the Labeling Theory

  8. 军事应用,该阅读器和标签理论上可以分开的一公里或更多。

    For military applications , the reader and tag could theoretically be separated by a kilometer or more .

  9. 学校教育失误:后进生的成因分析&一种标签理论的视角

    Mistakes in School Education : analysis on the Causes of backward Students & a perspective of " tag " theory

  10. 尽管标签理论能够解释一些犯罪,但是,研究显示,采取非刑罚措施对预防犯罪并未获得太大成功。

    Labelling theory can explain some crimes , but research shows that non - penalty measures have not been successful to prevent crimes .

  11. 摘要标签理论认为,人一旦被贴上某种标签,就会成为标签所标定的那种人。

    According to the labeling theory , once a person is labelled , he will become such a kind of person as the label describes .

  12. 其学术标签是范式理论,范式曾一度风靡全球。库恩哲学思想的影响现已超出科学哲学和科学哲学史,扩展到政治、经济、文化诸领域。

    His academic tag is " paradigm " theory , the impact of this philosophy is now beyond scientific philosophy and history of scientific philosophy , extending to the political , economic and cultural fields , " Paradigm " once swept the globe .

  13. 时装通常被人贴上“逃避现实”的标签,而且这个理论还说,它应该为那些华丽的梦想服务,而不是为偏见服务。

    Fashion is often labeled escapism and , the theory goes , should provide that service to those who want to dream of gorgeousness rather than prejudice .