
  1. 批准《亚太地区汽车产业可持续发展宣言》,欢迎2014年亚太经合组织电动汽车标准规制合作发展机制对话会成果。

    Endorse the Asia-Pacific Region Automotive Industry Sustainable Development Declaration and welcome the outcomes of the 2014 APEC Regulatory Cooperation Advancement Mechanism ( ARCAM ) Dialogue on Electric Vehicle Standards .

  2. 微观方面是政府利用行政权力对收费公路的运营进行直接干预,包括:市场进入规制、市场结构规制、收费标准规制和服务质量规制。

    In microscopic , our government intervenes the operations of toll roads directly by its power including : market entry regulation , market structure regulation , charge standard regulation and service quality regulation .

  3. 针对技术标准的规制进行了分类,具有操作指导意义;

    Guidance to regulations on technical standards for the classification is provided , too .

  4. 因此,对司法过程中的利益衡量应当寻求相对客观的标准加以规制。

    Therefore , the interest balance should be regulated by objective standards that we make great efforts to seek in the course of justice .

  5. 美国、日本和欧盟分别制定了适合本国或其成员国国情的专利技术标准和规制专利权滥用的行为,其立法经验值得我们借鉴。

    The America , Japan , and European Union respectively have formulated the patented technology standards and regulations of patent abuse , and for us the experience is worth using for reference .

  6. 美国、欧盟、日本分别制定了适宜本国或成员国的专利技术标准并规制滥用行为,其共同点和差异性都值得我们借鉴。

    The United States , the European Union and Japan made suitable patented technology standards law and regulated the unfair competitors , the common points and differences are worthy of our reference .

  7. 以排除或限制竞争效果为规制产融结合的实体标准;规制产融结合的价值目标应定位于实现维护消费者利益、提高经济运行效率和保障金融安全的三者统一。

    Taking eliminating or restricting competition as the substantive standard , the value goal of regulating the integration of industry with finance should be located on achieving the unity of preserving the interests of consumers , increasing the efficiency of economic operation and ensure financial security .

  8. 立法机关应当从适用的案件范围、适用的实质要件、适用的对象范围等方面对主动型侦查的合法性标准作出明确规制。

    The legislature should legally standardize in initiative detection from the aspects of its plactical cases'scope , material condition and object 's limits , ect .

  9. 指出了规制标准在安全规制中的作用不仅是法律法规的细化和延伸,还是规制安全监察的技术准则,也有助于企业提高安全意识。

    It pointed that the effect of regulatory standards in safety regulation is not only the refinement and extension of law , but also the regulation of safety supervision technology standards , and also helps enterprises to improve safety awareness .

  10. 为规范社团营利行为,对公益性体育社团应采用收入用途标准,互益性社团采用相关目的标准进行规制。

    In order to regulate the Profit-seeking behavior of sports association , the " Income-use criteria " and " Related purposes standards " should be used to the public welfare and mutual beneficial associations .

  11. 细分标准、加强技术培训、增加生命赔付标准与完善法律法规可以加强标准强度,保障规制效果。

    From the view of standard , regulatory effects can be enforced by some ways , such as subdivision standards , strengthen technical training , increase the payment standard of life and improving laws and regulations .