
  • 网络Standard & Poor;standard&poor;S&P;Standard and Poor;Standard and Poor's
  1. 据标准普尔公司(Standard&Poor’s)估计,这类债券的规模今年很可能翻一番,达到200亿美元左右。

    According to Standard & Poor 's , it is likely to double this year to around $ 20 billion .

  2. 标准普尔公司对美国主权债务的评级是AAA,这是最高级别并且没有改变。

    The U.S.has a AAA rating from S & P.That 's the highest you can get and that didn 't change .

  3. Franleeway是标准普尔公司汽车行业资产平衡分析家。他说,实际上,政府给通用和克莱斯特为其三年的贷款是有条件的,比如,要求他们在明年3月31号之前必须自力更生,重新盈利。

    In fact , the three-year loans to GM and Chrysler come with conditions , such as requiring the companies to prove by March 31st , that they can become viable , Fran leeway of equity auto industry analyst at Standard & Poor 's.

  4. 主要的信誉评定机构标准普尔公司下调希腊政府债务等级。

    A major credit rating agency , Standard & Poor 's , has downgraded the status of Greek government debt .

  5. 标准普尔公司说,原因是担心美国欠债持续增长以及无法确定美国国会是否决心减少政府借债。

    S & P cited concerns about the nation 's growing debt load and uncertainty about Congress'willingness to rein in borrowing .

  6. 标准普尔公司的经济学家贝丝·安·博维诺表示,美联储认为经济正在逐渐复苏,因此采取了这一举动。

    Beth Ann Bovino is an economist at Standard and Poor 's , says the move comes at a time the Fed .

  7. 投资者的信心在周三又被撬动,评级机构标准普尔公司宣布降调西班牙的债务&这反映了对另一个欧元区信心的丢失。

    Investor confidence took yet another knock on Wednesday when rating agency Standard & Poor 's downgraded Spain 's debt-reflecting a loss of confidence in another eurozone country .

  8. 在进行行业经营风险分析时,标准普尔公司认为,评估的重点是在产业风险、多样化与规模和管理绩效这三方面。

    To analyze the industry and management risk , Standard and Poor company think that the focal points assessed are in industry risk , diversification and scale , and management performance .

  9. 国外有很多专门的信用风险评估机构对公司或企业的信用风险进行全面的评级,如美国著名的穆迪信用评级公司、标准普尔公司和费奇公司。

    Many special credit risks appraisal agencies carry on overall credit risks grading of the company or enterprises in abroad , for instance , famous Moody credit rating Company , Standard and Poor company .

  10. 如标准普尔公司认为,必须综合考虑企业经营风险与财务风险两个方面的情况,才能准确地给出企业的信用等级。

    For example , Standard and Poor Company think that they could provide the credit grades of enterprises accurately only if they consider the two respects of enterprise 's business risk and the situations of financial risk synthetically .

  11. 比如,标准普尔公司正在估算盈利能力,资产及负债估值和现金流遭受的直接和间接影响,以评估碳价格风险对公司信誉的影响。

    S & P , for instance , is seeking to assess the effects of carbon price risk on a company 's creditworthiness by considering the direct and indirect impact of profitability , asset and liability valuation , and cash flow .

  12. 标准普尔公司对特斯拉的企业信用评级为B-,比投资级别低了6个等级,标普称特斯拉汽车利基市场的产品范围较窄,与大型汽车公司相比运营多样性有限。

    The firm rates Tesla six levels into junk , at a B - corporate credit rating , citing concerns about the auto company 's niche market that has a very limited product range , and operating diversity compared to significantly larger and stronger rivals .

  13. 在任何一年,标准普尔500公司拥有MBA学位的CEO比例都在40%左右。

    About 40 % of SP 500 CEOs have an MBA , in any given year .

  14. 25%至30%的标准普尔500公司CEO拥有其他高级学位,如博士学位或法律学位。

    Between 25 % and 30 % of SP 500 CEOs have another type of advanced degree , like a PhD or law degree .

  15. 目前来看,标准普尔成分股公司将打破连续9个季度利润下滑的局面。

    S & P companies are now set to break a run of nine consecutive quarterly declines in profits .

  16. 鉴于公司发放股息的意愿和能力方面存在的不确定性,标准普尔成份股公司3.9%的股息率无法为投资者提供多少安慰。

    The S & P 's dividend yield of 3.9 per cent is of little comfort given the uncertainty over companies ' willingness or ability to preserve dividends .

  17. 2006年第一季度,标准普尔500公司用于股票回购的资高达1000亿美元,较2005年同期增长22%。

    During the first season of 2006 , S & P 500 companies paid $ 100 billion on share buyback , 22 % increasing than the corresponding period in 2005 .

  18. 标准普尔评级服务公司(Standard&Poor'sRatingsServices)说,由于一批短期房地产贷款将在今年到期,中国超过8万家房地产开发商可能面临一场生死存亡的考验。

    Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services says China 's more than 80000 developers could face a battle for survival as a wave of short-term property loans fall due this year .

  19. 任职于福库商学院的教授比尔-梅修和莫罕-万卡塔查兰与加州大学圣地亚哥分校的克里斯托弗-帕森教授合作,收集了标准普尔1500指数公司中的792位CEO的演讲样本。

    Fuqua professors Bill Mayew and Mohan Venkatachalam , together with U.C. San Diego professor Christopher Parson , got speech samples for 792 CEOs from the Standard and Poor 's 1500 stock index .

  20. 本文作者NeerajSahai是标准普尔评级服务公司总裁。

    Neeraj Sahai is president of Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services .

  21. 标准普尔500强公司中,现在有210家公司分离了两者的角色。

    Of the companies in the S & P500,210 now split the two roles .

  22. 列入标准普尔500的公司通常在各自的行业内拥有最大的市场价值。

    The companies chosen for the S & P500 generally have the largest market value within their industry .

  23. 据《华尔街日报》报道,2005年度,标准普尔500指数公司用于股票回购的资金达到了创记录的3670亿美元。

    According to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL , S & P spent a record $ 367 billion on buying back shares .

  24. 不过,标准普尔市场研究公司的首席投资策略师萨姆·斯托瓦尔说,银行仍然谨慎。

    Nonetheless , Sam Stovall , chief investment strategist at the Standard and Poor 's market research firm , says banks are cautious .

  25. 王肖恩教授是该研究报告的三名作者之一,他告诉美国广播公司新闻网说,被用来分析的605个签名大部分是来自2011年7月标准普尔500强公司上交的年度报告和其他文件。

    Professor Sean Wang , one of three authors of the study , told ABC News that the 605 signatures analysed were found largely on annual reports and other documents filed by SP 500 companies as of July 2011 .

  26. 这份报告显示,在标准普尔500指数成分股公司CEO的抽样中,仅有6.1%的人出生在6月,5.9%的人出生在7月,远远低于3月份(12.5%)和4月份(10.7%)出生的CEO的比率。

    According to the report , just 6.1 % of a sampling of S & P 500 CEOs was born in June , and 5.9 % had July birthdays . That 's well below the number born in March ( 12.5 % ) and April ( 10.7 % ) .

  27. 管理咨询公司史宾沙(SpencerStuart(BIV)Ltd.)的统计数据显示,同样是在2012年至2013年间,标准普尔500指数成份股公司中有90家更换了CEO,比例为17%。

    In the same two years , 90 companies , or 17 % of the constituents of the S & P 500 index of the biggest U.S. business , changed CEOs , according to a tally by management consultant Spencer Stuart .

  28. 穆迪和标准普尔重申对MBIA公司的资信等级,消除对全球最大的债券保险公司低估的威胁(目前至少是如此)。

    Moody 's and Standard Poor 's reaffirmed their AAA + ratings for MBIA , removing the threat of a downgrade to the world 's biggest bond insurer at least for the moment .

  29. 美元走低推高了美国公司的收益,因为标准普尔500指数成份股公司的大多数销售收入都来自美国境外。

    This boosts the earnings of US companies , as most of SP 500 companies ' sales are made outside the US .

  30. 标准普尔100指数成份股公司中,有近三分之二的公司没有请董事会检查政治支出。

    Almost two-thirds of the members of the S & P 100 index did not require the board to oversee political spending .