
  1. 谈如何提高编制标底速度和质量

    Measures to improve preparation speed and quality of pre-tender estimation

  2. 水利水电工程普遍实行工程招投标制度,这就要求设计单位和承包商及时测算出工程造价,以便于编制标底和报价。

    With the widespread implementation of the tender offer and tender bidding system in the Water Conservancy and Hydroelectricity Engineering ( WCHE ), the cost of projects shall be estimated in time by the design unit and the contractor in order to work out the tender and the quoteprice .

  3. 一个工程只能编制一个标底。

    Only one pre-tender estimate shall be prepared per project .

  4. 编制特殊工程标底的启示

    An enlightenment from preparation of a " particular " pre-tender estimation of a project

  5. 本文结合实际工作,从招标代理机构选择、投标企业审查、招标文件编制、工程量清单编制和标底确定五个方面对高校的基建工程招投标管理提出了建议。

    This paper bases itself on the construcion practices in terms of bidding , and produces five suggestions as to bidding agent selection , bidders ' examination , tendering document filing , list of construction amount filing and the base price determination .