
biān mǎ
  • code;encoded;encrypt
编码 [biān mǎ]
  • (1) [coding]

  • (2) 把设计的程序以某种合适的语言改编成表示该程序的一系列准确而详尽的指令之一种过程

  • (3) 为执行一给定程序或解一给定题目把所需操作步骤按顺序用计算机代码编成的表

编码[biān mǎ]
  1. 磷酸运转器由核DNA编码,分子量约为36000D。

    The phosphate translocator ( molecular weight 36 kD ) is encoded by nuclear DNA .

  2. Java中文编码问题的产生与处理

    Creation and troubleshooting of Chinese encoded question in Java

  3. 把表格上的编码记下来。

    Make a note of the reference number shown on the form .

  4. 很多人疏忽之下会颠倒邮政编码中数字的顺序。

    Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code .

  5. 编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。

    The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials .

  6. 他设计了一种把每句话进行独特编码的方法。

    He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely

  7. 整个演讲完全可以看成是在向美国人传递编码信息。

    The whole speech might well be interpreted as a coded message to the Americans

  8. 地址为华盛顿特区,西北区,M大街2025号,邮政编码20036。

    The address is 2025 M Street , Northwest , Washington , DC , 20036

  9. 在这一格里写上你的邮政编码。

    Mark the frame with your postcode

  10. 勿忘使用邮政编码。

    Remember to use postal code .

  11. 勿忘填写邮政编码。

    Remember to fill postal code .

  12. 发表数据和编码能让你的科学得以再生。

    Publishing   data   and   code allows   your   science   to   be   reproducible .

  13. "卡、贴纸、编码账号和有效期、压印卡片,还有小信封,这些加在一起只要不到一美元。"

    " The cost of the card , putting the sticker on it , coding the account number and expiration date , embossing it , the small envelope — all put together , you 're in the dollar range . "

  14. 洞察力包括选择性编码、选择性比较、选择性联合。

    Perspicacity includes selective code , selective comparing and selective combining .

  15. 介绍了一种二进制指纹编码方案

    In addition , a digital fingerprinting algorithm based on binary codes is described .

  16. 第三个医生说,“我喜欢给电工手术,他们的器官都有带颜色的编码。”

    The third surgeon said , " I prefer to operate on electricians . Their organs are color-coded . "

  17. 字符串,对机器的操作系统,硬件,和内核属性进行隐意编码

    A string which opaquely encodes various aspects about a machine 's operating system , hardware , and kernel attributes .

  18. 结构光编码的MATLAB程序优化设计

    MATLAB program optimization design of structured light binary code

  19. X树非平衡保护多描述编码

    X - Tree Unequal Protected Multiple Description Coding

  20. 始终遵循Java编码惯例。

    Always follow the Java coding conventions .

  21. 用PLC改造激光编码生产线

    Application of PLC in Laser Coding Product Line

  22. 在IP电话的实现中编码后的数据流采用RTP/RTCP协议来打包传送。

    Realization of IP phone uses RTP / RTCP protocol to pack and send data encoded .

  23. PC卡式可程控数字编码信号发生器及其驱动程序的设计

    PC Card Based Programmable Control Coded Digital Signal Generator and the Design of Its Driver

  24. 基于二叉树编码遗传算法的SOA服务选择

    SOA services selection based on binary-tree-coding genetic algorithm

  25. 空间编码是GIS与全球空间数据组织与共享的重要基础。

    Spatial coding is an important foundation of GIS and global spatial data organization and sharing applications .

  26. 与生物体发育相关的非编码RNA及其作用机理

    Organism Development Related Non-Coding RNA and Their Functional Mechanisms

  27. 目的:克隆小鼠牙本质涎蛋白(DSP)成熟肽编码区基因。

    Aim : Cloning and partially sequencing of mouse dentin sialoprotein ( DSP ) encoding mature protein .

  28. 由FPGA对信号进行纠错编码和扩频编码。

    Carries on the error correction code and the wide frequency code by FPGA to the signal .

  29. H.263编码中DCT在定点DSP上的实现

    An Implementation of DCT on DSP Used in H. 263 Encoder

  30. 遵循SQL编码标准和指导原则。

    Follow SQL coding standards and guidelines .