
  • 网络Sampling theorem;Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem
  1. 在过去,传统的奈奎斯特采样定理一直统治着信号处理领域。

    In the past , Nyquist Sampling theorem has been always dominated the field of signal processing .

  2. 数字信号处理CAI系统&采样定理与卷积

    CAI System of Digital Signal Processing & Part of Sampling Theorem and Convolution

  3. ATE系统中基于相关采样定理的ADC测试方法和波形重建

    Waveform reconstructing method and effect to ADC parameter testing based on coherent sampling in ATE system

  4. 本文基于二维采样定理,提出两种非等间距采集电子探针X射线像方法。

    Based on the two dimensional sampling law , two methods of nonuniformly sampling x - ray images on an electron probe are proposed .

  5. 基于Shannon采样定理的插值算法

    An interpolation algorithm based on Shannon sampling theorem

  6. 压缩传感理论(CompressiveSensing,CS)是近几年来新近发展的一种不同于奈奎斯特采样定理的信号处理方法。

    Compressive sensing ( CS ) is a rising fancy signal processing theory in recent years , which is different from Nyquist sampling theory .

  7. 从软件无线电的实现出发对带通欠采样定理进行了完整的推导、分析,得出其等效表达式为2fHn-1,2≤n≤N,并给出了带通欠采样定理在不同条件下的MATLAB仿真结果。

    The bandpass undersampling principle was analyzed based on the implementation of software radio , and the results were shown , which was simulated by MATLAB under different conditions . An application is also given .

  8. 分析了小波采样定理突破Nyquist率限制的原因以及相对于Shannon采样定理的优势;

    The thesis analyses the reason why the wavelet sampling theorem can break Nyquist barrier and its advantages over Shannon sampling theorem .

  9. 说明了DDS的基本原理是基于Nyquist采样定理;分析了DDS的基本工作原理及这种技术的优缺点。

    The basic principle of DDS is based upon the Nyquist sampling theorem . The basic operational principle and the characteristics of DDS are analyzed .

  10. 阐述Shannon采样定理在插值理论上的含义和对Shannon采样定理作进一步研究的必要性。

    The meaning of Shannon sampling theorem in interpolation theory is expounded and the necessity of making further research for Shannon sampling theorem is elaborated .

  11. 文中给出了一个比较容易实现的峰值采样定理,这种采样方式适用于包络与基带信号相对应的AM和DSB信号;

    This paper presents a specific peak value sampling theorem , which can be applied to AM and DSB signal easily .

  12. 在改进框架和Riesz基的扰动的基础上,改进了不规则采样定理。

    We improve the irregular sampling theorems on the base of improving the perturbations of frames and Riesz basis .

  13. 后来,许多学者在Shannon采样定理的基础上构造出各种各样的采样定理,从一维信号的采样理论拓展到多维信号的采样理论;

    Afterwards , some scholars structure miscellaneous sampling theorems based on Shannon sampling theorem , from sampling theorems about one dimension signal to sampling theorems about many dimensions signal ;

  14. 本文以低频虚拟示波器和虚拟电感测微仪为主要研究对象,从采样定理入手,分析了Dos下和Windows下的不同模式,论述了基于虚拟仪器概念的信号采集系统在Windows2000操作系统中的实现方案。

    This dissertation discusses the implementation of virtual oscillograph and virtual inductance micrometer . It analyses the sampling theorem and the different mode in Dos and Windows , accomplishing a signal acquisition system in Win32 operation system .

  15. 在很弱的条件下,通过r重小波子空间的再生核形成一个Riesz基,然后再利用这个Riesz基构造均匀和非均匀采样定理。

    Under weak hypotheses , these subspaces are first shown to have Riesz basis formed from the reproducing kernels , these in turn are used to construct regular and irregular sampling sequences .

  16. 通过选择其中不同的正交函数K(x,t),可以得到不同的积分变换式和不同的信号f(t)重构式,而香农采样定理仅是这种采样理论的特例。

    Under complete set of orthogonal integral transform , by choosing different orthogonal function K ( x , t ) , the various integral transforms and the various f ( t ) signal reconstruction forms could be obtained . Shannon sampling theorem only is a its application .

  17. 第二章研究软件无线电体制SSB短波通信电台抗干扰通信系统中的A/D技术,包括带通采样定理以及如何确定采样的位置、精度、速度。

    In chapter 2 we introduce the A / D method , include the band-pass sampling theory and the how to decide the sampling position , sampling accuracy and sampling rate .

  18. 建立了可分辨信号空间的概念,构造性地建立起该空间内函数的采样定理,由此将以Shannon采样定理为核心的信号处理方式纳入新的体系。

    This paper gives the concept of resolutive signal space and a constructive approach to the sampling theorem , which results in a new scheme of signal processing containing Shannon sampling theorem as a special case .

  19. 首先,由小波变换的像空间是一个再生核Hilbert空间,讨论小波变换像空间的一般描述,同时给出像空间中的采样定理。

    Firstly , the general characterization of the image space in the wavelets transform is discussed and its sampling theorem is given from the conclusion that the image space in the wavelets transform is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space .

  20. 根据奈奎斯特采样定理,对插值滤波器进行了采样频率分析、量化误差分析,并得出分辨率与OSR的关系。

    This paper analyzes the interpolation filter under different sampling velocity and qualified differences according to Nyquist Sampling Theory and educed the relationship between resolution and OSR consequently .

  21. 讨论采样定理的实验验证问题,分析采样时间对系统性能的影响,并提出用留数法进行Z变换时应注意的问题。

    The problem of experimental verification about sampling theorem is discussed , the influence of the finite duration of sampled signals on the performance of system is analysed , and a problem that should be noticed while using residue theorem to find Z & transform is posed .

  22. 根据Shannon采样定理,对信号的采样率不能低于Nyquist率,这就意味着对超宽带信号采样需要很高的采样率,而对于非带限信号更是无法通过采样点准确重建原始信号。

    According to Shannon sampling theorem , however , sampling rate should not be smaller than Nyquist rate , which means that UWB signals have to be sampled at a quite high sampling rate and non-bandlimited signals can not be reconstructed exactly .

  23. 多波形数字信号发生器,采用的基本原理是Nyquist采样定理,本论文中使用高速存储器RAM及高速D/A转换器,由计算机控制在硬件上实现了I、Q正交双通道数字波形发生器。

    On hybrid waveforms signal generator , Nyquist sampling theorem is adopted . In the hardware , we have developed a digital waveform generator applying with high_ speed memory and high speed D / A converter . Which is I Q quadrature channels and is controlled by computer .

  24. 本文确定了按带通采样定理采样的频率,降低了宽带软件无线电(信号带宽为20MHz)采样后的数据率,提高了信息处理能力。

    This paper makes out the sampling frequency of bandpass sampling theorem , reduces the data rate after the sampling of broadband software radio ( signal bandwidth is 20 MHz ) and raises information processing speed .

  25. 采样定理的拓展&一种新的非均匀采样规则

    Extension of the Sampling Theorem & A New Non-Uniform Sampling Rule

  26. 频率采样定理在DS/CDMA信号数字接收中的应用

    Application in ds / cdma digital receiver basing on frequency sampling theorem

  27. 基于单小波的多重小波子空间的采样定理

    Sampling Theorem on the Multi-wavelets Subspace Based on the Uni-wavelet

  28. 由此建立了这种小波包子空间上的近似采样定理。

    Hence approximated sampling theorem in the wavelet packets space is obtained .

  29. 一个时限信号采样定理及其在数据压缩中的应用

    Sampling Theorem for Duration Limited Signal and Its Application to Data Compression

  30. 框架的扰动、采样定理和框架的对偶

    Perturbation of Frames , Sampling Theorems and Duality of Frames