
  • 网络Precision;Precision Ratio
  1. 但是用这些技术去查询,返回来的结果常与用户所需要的很不一致,很多都不是用户所需要的,这将直接影响WEB查询系统的查准率和查询效率。

    It will influence the precision ratio and the efficiency of the query .

  2. 这些方法扩展了XML文档查询范围,提高了文档的查全率和查准率。

    They extend scope for searching XML documents , and improve recall and precision for searching XML documents .

  3. 传统的Web服务发现采用基于关键字和服务分类的查询技术,易导致低查准率和低查全率问题。

    The present technology of web service discovery based on keyword and service categories can easily lead to low accuracy and recall .

  4. 旨在结合Web信息挖掘提高中文搜索引擎的查准率,为用户提供个性化的信息检索服务。

    We aim at increasing the precision rate of search engineer combining with web information mining to provide users with personalized information retrieval service .

  5. 随着Web上的信息猛速增长,基于关键词全文匹配的传统搜索引擎,已不能满足用户在查全率、查准率方面的需求。

    With the information explosion on Web , the traditional keyword-based search engines cannot meet users ' demand for recall ratio and precision any more .

  6. 为此,研究者纷纷引入语义Web的思想,试图提高Web服务发现的查全率和查准率。

    Then , the researchers have introduced the idea of the Semantic Web , trying to improve the recall rate and the precision of Web service discovery .

  7. 随着Web服务技术的发展和应用,具有较高查全率和查准率的语义Web服务的相关问题成为了当前研究的热点。

    With the development and application of web service technology , the higher recall rate and precision of the semantic web service has become the current research focus .

  8. 过滤的策略是根据过滤的结果,循环、不断优化过滤特征,提高过滤的查准率(precision)和查全率(recall)。

    Filtering strategy is that the characteristic rules are continuously optimized according to the Filtering result , which improves precision and recall .

  9. 最后采用典型的电子商务网站和门户网站作为实验WEB数据源,采用数据抽取评价指标查全率和查准率来评价该抽取器的性能。

    Finally choosing typical WEB e-commerce site and portal website as experimental data source , using data extraction evaluation recall and precision to evaluate the performance of the extractor .

  10. 传统的Web服务发现主要是基于关键字的,缺乏对语义的支持,因而在服务发现方面的查全率和查准率较低。

    However , the traditional discovery of Web service is mainly based on keywords , lacking support for semantic . Therefore , it has a lower recall rate and precision .

  11. 传统的Web服务匹配是基于关键字的匹配,由于缺乏足够的语义信息,这种匹配方式的查全率和查准率都不高。

    The traditional Web Service matching is based on the key words matching . However , the lack of semantic information leads to the low recall and precision of this matching .

  12. 针对根据目前网络信息检索存在的查全率和查准率低的特点,提出一种个性化的局部上下文分析方法,以提高Web信息检索的性能。

    Since the precision and recall of Web information retrieval systems was very low now , a new method for automatic query expansion to improve the performance of retrieval was presented .

  13. Web服务发现的研究目标是检索效率(比如查全率和查准率)和自动化程度的提高。

    The main purpose of the research on Web Services Discovery is to increase the search efficiency ( such as recall ratio and precision ratio ) and to realize the discovery automation .

  14. 实验结果使用查全率、查准率和F1值等多项评价指标来衡量。

    Recall , Precision and F1 are used as the evaluating indicators of experiments results .

  15. 采用查全率、查准率和F1值等指标分析实验数据。

    The experimental data were evaluated by the indicators of recall , precision and F1 value .

  16. 该文在分析了传统关键词检索方法不足的基础上,提出基于功能的Web服务语义相似匹配,从查全率和查准率两方面对服务的检索质量进行了改进。

    Based on the analysis of the insufficiency of traditional keyword search , capacity-based semantic similarity matchmaking for Web service is proposed . It improves the precision and recall of quality of Web service searching .

  17. 同时提出基于属性共现度的匹配方法提高模式属性的查全率和查准率。(3)提出了面向内容的Web数据库分类方法。

    At last , we use attribute co-concurrency to matching more schema attributes and improving the precision and recall of our approach . ( 3 ) The content-oriented classification approach for Web database is proposed .

  18. 实验结果表明,SaS方法的查准率优于RO方法。

    The experimental results reveal that the precision of the SaS method is better than that of RO .

  19. 最后分析了SIR的可用性,证明了SIR可极大地提高语义网上信息检索的查全率和查准率。

    SIR can significantly enhance the recall and precision of the information retrieval by the semantic inference . Finally , the practicability of the SIR model is analyzed .

  20. 在当前Web服务的研究中,大多数的学者都倾向于将语义Web和Web服务结合起来,使得Web服务具有语义,提高了Web服务发现的查全率和查准率。

    In the current study of Web service , most scholars tend to combine semantic Web with Web service . It makes Web service having semantic , and improves recall rate and precision of Web service discovery .

  21. 同时,本文中采用的基于Web日志挖掘的个性化推荐算法,经测试结果证明,具有较高的查准率,有一定的实用价值。

    At the same time , the personalized recommendation algorithm that the paper used based on Web log mining be tested and the results prove that with high precision , and a certain degree of practical value .

  22. 用户在Web上检索信息时,通常使用门户网站所提供的搜索引擎工具,但目前的搜索引擎普遍存在查全率和查准率低、不具备个性化等问题。

    A user always uses the search engine provided by the portals when he is searching information on the Web , but the existing search engines usually have the problems of low precision and lack of personality .

  23. 论文通过Ontology技术在文档检索领域的应用,在信息表示的层次上解决了传统的基于关键词检索中存在的查全率和查准率不高的问题。

    This paper resolves the problems of lower recall factor and pertinency factor in traditional keywords-based retrieval system in the layer of information description by using Ontology technique .

  24. 目前,Internet中已经存在着许多搜索引擎系统,但是在功能上和性能上它们都存在着一些缺陷,尤其是查全率和查准率。

    Now , many search engine systems are already in use on the Internet , but these search engines have some bugs in function or quality , especially in the rate of precision and whole of information .

  25. 实验表明,基于Rough本体的搜索引擎能够提高查全率和查准率,有着重要的研究价值。

    The test shows that the search engine which is on the basis of Rough ontology can improve the recall and the precision , and it has important value of research .

  26. 目前使用的标准只是从语法层次对Web服务的接口进行描述,不能表达语义信息,容易造成服务查准率低,从而难以保证服务组合的质量和性能。

    The current standard can only provide syntactic Web service description , and cannot express semantic information . This will decrease the precision of Web service discovery , which cannot guarantee the performance and quality of Web service composition .

  27. 针对现有的Web服务发现机制中存在的效率低下和查准率不高的两个问题,提出了一种基于本体的语义Web服务聚类和发现框架。首先,提出了基于本体的语义Web服务描述模型。

    For existing Web service discovery mechanism inefficiencies and the precision rate is not high , we proposed an ontology-based semantic Web services cluster and discovery framework . Firstly , we proposed the ontology-based Semantic Web service description model .

  28. 本文围绕查全率和查准率的效率问题,引入树匹配思想,对基于XML的元数据检索进行了深入的研究。

    This thesis aims at the efficiency problem of accuracy and recall rate in XML retrieval . Based on tree matching , the thesis makes a further study on the XML retrieval technology about metadata .

  29. 为了方便用户查找,提高用户的查全率和查准率,本文提供了Internet上常用的农业信息资源,并总结了获取网络农业信息的多种方法。

    In order to make the users easily search needed information and improve the wholeness and accuracy of searching the needed information , the paper provides common agricultural information resources in Internet and various methods of getting agricultural information .

  30. 在平台的研究和原型的实现过程中引入了本体(Ontology)技术,试图在保证查全查准率的同时实现个性化的服务。

    In order to assure the recall and accuracy of query and realize personalized query , in the research course of this platform , Agent and Ontology technology are led into .