
  • 网络policy information
  1. 在移动IP网络中支持QoS的策略信息模型研究及策略存储实现

    The Research of Supporting QoS Policy Information Model in Mobile IP Network and the Implementation of Policy Storage

  2. 除了主体信息之外,Kerberos策略信息也存储在LDAP目录中。

    Along with the principal information , the Kerberos policy information is also stored in the LDAP directory .

  3. 将所有ip安全策略信息导出到一个文件中。

    Exports information for all IP security policies to a file .

  4. IP网络QoS策略信息存储模型的研究

    Study on Policy Repository Schema of IP Network for QoS

  5. 在Kerberos中,最重要的信息是主体(Kerberos用户)和策略信息。

    In Kerberos , the most important thing to secure is the principal ( Kerberos user ) and policy information .

  6. 您需要同时在服务器端和客户端向策略信息中添加WSDL自定义扩展,通过用户配置细节表明如何实现安全处理。

    You also need to add WSIT custom extensions to the policy information on both client and server sides with user-configuration details to indicate how the security handling will be implemented .

  7. 此外,PSVITA用户将能够使用手持游戏设备作为辅助屏幕,包括远程控制游戏或显示策略信息。

    Additionally , Playstation Vita owners will be able to use their handheld gaming device as a supplementary screen , including controlling games remotely or displaying tactical information .

  8. PDP也可以调用策略信息点(PIP)服务检索与主体、资源或者环境有关的属性值。

    The PDP may also invoke the Policy Information Point ( PIP ) service to retrieve the attribute values related to the subject , the resource , or the environment .

  9. PMS负责管理及分发策略信息,但并不拥有所有策略数据,它只保留个别(客户端)服务的属性信息。

    PMS is responsible for managing and distributing policy information but does not own all policy data , which remains the property of individual ( client ) services .

  10. CDP基于文本模式,完整描述了会议的策略信息,使服务器和客户端可以对会议状态进行灵活的协商和设置。

    CDP can describe all policis about a conference in text format . CDP helps server and user agent to exchange and modify information about the conference .

  11. 该元素为策略信息提供了特定于Rampart的扩展,在本例中,给出了将用于处理密码回调的类的名称。

    This element provides Rampart-specific extensions to the policy information , in this case giving the name of a class to be used for handling password callbacks .

  12. 与UsernameToken示例一样,WSIT需要客户端与服务器上存在针对策略信息的自定义扩展,以便提供详细的附加配置信息。

    As with the UsernameToken example , WSIT needs custom extensions to the policy information on both client and server sides to provide additional configuration details .

  13. 请求的策略信息只在目录服务中。

    The requested policy information is only in the directory service .

  14. 刍议营运资本管理与策略信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素

    On the management and strategy of working capital

  15. 文章最后例举了策略信息存储方案中的策略规则结构类。

    The policy rule structural class in policy repository schema is illustrated in the end .

  16. 这是容器用于将安全策略信息传递给提供程序的机制。

    This is the mechanism the container uses to pass security policy information to the provider .

  17. 软件架构师和设计人员开发了包含协议和策略信息的具体服务规范。

    The Software Architect and Designer develop detailed service specifications that include the protocol and policy information .

  18. 全球策略信息系统的创建

    Global Strategic Information System

  19. 部署完毕后,熟悉大部分应用程序逻辑时就可以向部署环境提供策略信息了。

    After development , when the application logic is largely known , the policy information can be made available to the deployment environment .

  20. 您需要包括关于确定漏洞探测的中断阀值重不重要的策略信息。

    You also need to include information about what the policy is for determining interruption thresholds for vulnerability probes as significant or insignificant .

  21. 国内知名报刊发行研究专业机构北京开元策略信息咨询有限公司,日前公布了2011年市场化报刊零售发行调查报告。

    Well-known newspapers and periodicals of professional organizations Beijing Kaiyuan Strategy Consulting Co. , Ltd. , has announced the2011 market survey of newspapers and retail distribution .

  22. 当前,在各研究组织提出的策略信息模型中,策略条件都可以是由逻辑运算符OR或者AND联结的表达式。

    Nowadays , policy condition can be expressed as ORed sets of statements or ANDed sets of statements in policy information models proposed by different research organizations .

  23. 文章研究了各研究组织提出的策略信息模型,指出了策略信息模型中策略条件OR运算可能导致的三类问题,并提出了解决此三类问题的方法。

    Different policy information models are studied and three kinds of problems caused by ORed sets of condition statements are pointed out in this paper . The methods to resolve these problems are proposed .

  24. 系统通过采用节点内策略信息跨空间拷贝、节点间策略信息缓存以及策略决策分离等技术提高了在分布式环境下实施强制访问控制的正确性和有效性。

    By deploying the technology such as cross-space copying of policy information , inter-node policy information cache and multi-level decision-making mechanism , DVM-MAC could improve correctness and effectiveness of MAC enforcement in distributed environment .

  25. 系统中各个安全部件之间需要交换策略信息、报警信息、预警信息等,如何穿越防火墙/NAT来尽量实时、安全、准确地传输这些信息是一个关键性的问题。

    Every security component in NSWS needs to exchange policy messages , alert messages and warning messages . How to penetrate firewall / NAT in a real-time , safe and correct way is a key problem .

  26. 推理问题是低安全级的用户利用他能够访问到的数据以及自身的知识,推断出高安全级的机密信息,从而构成对数据库的攻击,它会引起违反安全策略信息流动。

    Inference problem is that the user having a low security level figures out the secret information of high security level via data it can access and its own knowledge , leading to the attack to the data base , which can cause information flow disobeying security strategy .

  27. 这些会议声称旨在收集有关金融策略的信息。

    The ostensible purpose of these meetings was to gather information on financial strategies .

  28. 基于CORBA技术的策略安全信息系统的研究

    Study on Policy Security Information System Base on CORBA Technology

  29. 如果链是如INPUT之类的主链,则使用该链的缺省策略处理信息包。

    If the chain is a main chain like INPUT , the packet will be handled using the default policy of that chain .

  30. 供应能力制约下的VMI策略及其信息价值研究

    VMI strategy and its value of information in capacitated supply chain