
  • 网络Strategic Planning;strategy planning
  1. 基于DAMS的资产管理策略规划

    Strategic Planning of Property Management Based on DAMS

  2. 策略规划:促进组织学习和变革的过程

    Strategic planning : A process for stimulating organizational learning and change

  3. 网络中基于Agent的信息搜索特点及策略规划

    Specialty and design for information seeking strategy in a network agent-based system

  4. SWOT与军队房地产经营管理的策略规划

    SWOT and military real estate management

  5. 作为北美最大的网上隐形眼镜零售商之一,CoastalContacts在结束两天的策略规划议程时,对如何加速业务增长仍无头绪。

    Coastal contacts , one of the largest online contact-lens retailers in North America , came out of its two-day planning session at a loss for how to rev up growth .

  6. 山、水、城的链接&小城镇的生态策略规划初探

    Link of Landscape and City : Ecological Strategy Planning of Small City

  7. 企业管理信息系统中数据安全策略规划

    Data Security Strategy Planning for the Enterprise Management Information System

  8. 你可能生活在一个充满了想法和策略规划的世界里。

    YOU probably live in a world of ideas and strategic planning .

  9. 目标计划可以使得项目工作与整个组织的策略规划保持一致。

    Goal Planning helps align project work with the organization 's strategic objectives .

  10. 机器人比赛策略规划

    The Strategy and Plan of Robot Contest

  11. 必须对制造基础设施的投资进行策略规划,以与预期或非预期市场情况吻合。

    Investments to manufacturing infrastructures must be strategically timed to coincide with expected or unexpected market conditions .

  12. 整个避碰策略规划通过软件编程实现,在单片机系统上进行了仿真。

    Finally the whole collision avoidance strategy is implemented through software program , and simulated in the SCM system simulation .

  13. 第三阶段为决策阶段,即形成量化策略规划矩阵。

    The third stage is the decision-making , which is the formation of quantitative strategic planning matrix ( QSPM ) .

  14. 下一步你需要估计你的总成本,分析竞争格局,并且为你的长期策略规划蓝图。

    Then you need to estimate your total costs , analyze the competitive landscape , and map out your long-term strategy .

  15. 冯先生负责经济日报集团整体策略规划及发展工作,制定政策及企业目标。

    Mr Fung is responsible for the overall strategic planning and development , policy-making and corporate missions setting of the Group .

  16. 而在国外,博物馆界对策略规划之应用也已行之多年,惟独国内博物馆界在这方面的探讨却不多见。

    The application of strategic planning for museums also has been several years abroad , but few discussions in domestic museums .

  17. 讨论了改进的力/位混合控制方案、异形孔装配策略规划及其在JRB-1机器人上的实现。

    The implementation of the improved force control scheme on JRB-1 robot and the planning of non-circular peg-into-hole assembly strategy are discussed here .

  18. 如何在市场经济不断变化的今天做好蛋品行业的营销策略规划关系着公司能否在激烈的竞争中生存并发展壮大。

    How to do a good job marketing strategy about egg industry in today 's ever-changing market economy means its survival and development .

  19. 仿真结果表明,该避碰策略规划能够实现潜水器在航道环境中的简单避碰。

    The simulation results show that the collision avoidance strategy plan can achieve simple collision avoidance for the vehicle in the fairway environment .

  20. 本书作者已经看到使用这种方法的客户重新调整其组织内的人物角色,为销售活动、组织结构及其他策略规划活动提供信息。

    The authors have seen their clients repurpose personas across their organization , informing marketing campaigns , organizational structure , and other strategic planning activities .

  21. 我们认为,单从劏房暴露出来的问题,已经说明本港长远房屋供求策略规划的必要性。

    In our view , what flat subdivisions have made clear alone shows how necessary it is for the government to make strategic long-term housing planning .

  22. 目前,企业在制定年度营销策略规划时,都一个问题:缺乏指导性营销理论,营销策略规划方向模糊。

    At present , the enterprise in the annual marketing strategy planning formulated , are aproblem : lack of guidance marketing theory , marketing strategy planning direction fuzzy .

  23. 在那里他负责美国耐克运动营销项目策略规划与管理,包括联赛,球队和新闻发布等方面。

    There he was responsible for the strategic direction and management of Nike 's sports marketing programs in the United States , including league , team and spokesperson relationships .

  24. 一直以来致力于推行组织变革、教授引导力训练课程以及执行策略规划引导专案,服务客户产业涵盖企业界、政府机关、医院及学校。

    She dedicates to the implementation of organizational change , facilitation training and strategic planning projects and has facilitated projects in companies , government agencies , hospitals and schools .

  25. 依据苏州古村落三种旅游开发类型的划分,对应实证分析了其古村落旅游开发的资源赋存、发展目标和开发策略规划。

    According to the division of three tourism development types of Suzhou ancient villages , it analyzes the resources occurrence , development goals and development strategies planning of the ancient village tourism development .

  26. 公司战略是公司管理层所制定的策略规划,其目的在于:建立公司在市场领域中的位置,成功地同其竞争对手进行竞争,满足顾客的需求,获得卓越的公司业绩。

    The company strategy is a tactics planning made by the administrative level of the company . The purpose enables the company to establish its position in market , compete with opponents successfully , meet the customers ' requirements and obtain the outstanding achievements .

  27. 基于Agent的信息搜索策略及规划

    A Design and Plan for Information Seeking Strategy in an Agent-based System

  28. 结合铁通IP城域网的建设,对IP城域网的规划设计做一说明,重点介绍了IP城域网中IP地址、VLANID、路由策略的规划设计,以及宽带接入服务器(BRAS)的应用。

    Based on the construction of IP MAN of CTT , the planning and design of IP MAN is discussed . The IP address , VLAN ID , design of routing policy and application of BRAS are highlighted in this paper .

  29. 最后,基于移动电子商务发展策略的规划,细化了现阶段产品平台和品牌建设、合作运营管理、营销推广的实施方案,为广西移动在3G时代取得进一步竞争优势、抢占市场先机提供支持。

    Finally , based on the strategy , Refining the current product platforms , brand-building , and cooperation operations management , marketing implementation plan were refined , which make Guangxi Mobile achieve the further competitive advantage in the 3G ear .

  30. 系统分析及控制策略的规划。

    The system analysis and the layout of the control strategy .