
  • 网络strategy set;set of strategies
  1. 提出了一个支持协商建立协同工作组的自动协商策略集合。

    A strategy set was put forward to support constructing cooperative work teams by automated negotiation .

  2. 构建的推理机对各分段的配置策略进行推理,从而提取出具体配置文本的配置策略集合,实现了以策略为基元的诊断。

    The reasoning machine extracted out the configuration strategy of each segment , accordingly the configuration strategy set of a text was abstracted , which achieved the strategy diagnosis .

  3. 具体的策略集合,实现了抽象的QoS意图

    Collection of concrete policies to realize abstract QoS intent

  4. 如果工作流ID别名已经分配给了策略集合,请求可能会得到本地缓存的回绝。

    If the work stream ID alias is already allocated to a policy set , the request might achieve a local cache hit .

  5. 以一个工作流标识符标记的工作条目,使用与命名策略集合相同的方式用工作流ID分解。

    Work items tagged with a work stream identifier are resolved using the work stream ID in the same way as a named policy set .

  6. PMS可以通过允许客户端服务通过域名访问策略集合中的多个策略取得策略设置来实现一个服务通知另一个策略的能力。

    The PMS can implement the ability for one service to inform another of the policy by allowing client services to fetch policy settings by domain name across multiple policies in a policy set .

  7. 工作条目使用正确的策略集合单独标记。

    Work items are tagged independently with the correct policy set .

  8. 策略集合由许多属于单独服务的策略组成。

    A policy set consists of a number of policies owned by individual services .

  9. 策略集合中具体策略的语法

    Syntax for concrete policies in policy sets

  10. 当策略集合进入体系结构中,它就被分配给每个工作条目。

    A policy set is assigned to each work item as it enters the architecture .

  11. 可有效强制结合绑定/策略集合

    Effectively constrain binding / policy set combinations

  12. 标记为策略集合的工作条目与那些策略修正有直接的关系。

    Work items tagged with the policy set have a direct relationship with those policy revisions .

  13. 服务为策略集合分配别名,以集合及影射作为回应。

    The service assigns the alias to a policy set and responds with the set and mapping .

  14. 使用最新策略集合的名字,工作条目也被从那一点向前被标记。

    The name of the latest policy set is used and the work item is tagged from that point forward .

  15. 空白策略集合的工作条目被分配给指定的策略集合,通过第一个服务请求该信息。

    Work items with a blank policy set are assigned a named policy set by the first service to require that information .

  16. 策略集合是最新的集合、名字集或策略集合分配给特定的工作流。

    The policy set is the latest set , a named set , or the policy set assigned to a particular work stream .

  17. 服务可以使用策略集合及策略名显式的请求他们需要处理的这个工作条目的策略版本。

    Services can use the policy set and policy name to explicitly request the version of the policy they require to process this work item .

  18. 标记为相同策略集合的工作条目(工作流)组以一致的及可预测的方式使用相同的策略及流程。

    Groups of work items ( work stream ) tagged with the same policy set use the same policies and process in a consistent and predictable manner .

  19. 它是一种通用组件,接受任何请求和相关的策略集合,并为可用的策略评估请求。

    It is a generic component that takes any request along with a set of policies , and evaluates the request with respect to the applicable policies .

  20. 管理者如何从外包策略集合中选择对于企业而言最合适的外包策略,错误的决策往往会导致企业核心竞争力的丧失,暴露不可预期的风险。

    How then are managers to choose from a set of options that which is most appropriate for their firms ? A wrong decision can result in loss of core competencies and capabilities , and exposure to unexpected risks .

  21. 将协作过程看成一个博弈过程,协作的结果就是求得一个最优决策的集合,也就是求得各博弈方的策略集合使得整个博弈达到一个均衡稳定的状态。

    We look upon one collaboration action as one game round , and the result of the collaboration is to get the set of the best strategies , which is equivalent to achieve the Nash Equilibrium in a game .

  22. 一个完整的博弈应当包括博弈的参加者、博弈信息、博弈方可选择的全部行为或策略的集合、博弈的次序、博弈方的收益这五个方面。

    A complete teaching game should include participants , information , behavior or strategy , order and gain .

  23. 管理组是exchange配置对象(如服务器和收件人策略)的集合,将这些对象组合到一起可简化管理特权的委派。

    An administrative group is a collection of exchange configuration objects , such as servers and recipient policies , that are grouped together to simplify delegation of administrative privileges .

  24. 如果由数据过期来管理刷新,就像Web页面情况一样,那么可以使用策略或策略集合内部的关键字,来通知任意的缓存,告诉他们数据可以保持多长时间的方式来实现。

    If refresh is managed by data expiration , as is the case for Web pages , it can be implemented using keywords inside policies or policy sets to inform any caches how long they can retain the data .

  25. 部署检查所有策略及策略集合,标记他们为不可变。

    Deployments checksum all policies and the policy set , marking them immutable .

  26. 提出了节约原则模型的一个多项式时间的贪心算法以及一种把贪心策略和分支限界策略集合在统一框架下的复合算法。

    For the parsimony this paper presents model a polynomial time greedy algorithm and a compound algorithm that combines the greedy policy with the branch-and-bound strategy in a uniform framework .

  27. 策略集是不同策略类型的集合。

    A policy set is a collection of different policy types .

  28. 策略集的实例由策略的集合构成。

    An instance of a policy set consists of a collection of policies .

  29. 服务连接SOA在接收工作前取得他们的技术策略,但从工作条目中取得策略集合。

    Services joining the SOA fetch their technical policy before accepting work but get the policy set from the work items .

  30. 将每个策略的一个版本放置在指定的集合中创建策略集合。

    Placing one version of each policy in a named set creates a policy set .