
  • 网络free trade theory
  1. 中国加入WTO后,如何利用本国的比较优势扩大国际贸易来加速经济发展,对此循着自由贸易理论演变的历史轨迹进行了初步的理性思考。

    China as a member country should utilize its national comparative advantage to speed up its economical development by expanding foreign trade . Here we do some preliminary rational thinking by following the historical orbit of the free trade theory .

  2. 1817年,大卫?李嘉图创立了比较优势理论,进一步完善了自由贸易理论。

    In1817 , David ricardo 's comparative advantages theory enrichedthe free trade theory .

  3. 理论的进步和现实环境的变化促成了WTO的产生,其延续了GATT的宗旨和原则,并且以有节制的自由贸易理论为基础,继续发挥作用。

    WTO came into being because of the progress of theory and the changes of real circumstance . It has the same tenet as GATT and has an effect on international trade with the basis of abstemious liberal trade theory .

  4. 发展中国家发展之路&反思自由贸易理论

    The developing road of developing countries : reflection of the free trade theories

  5. 论自由贸易理论的演变与发展

    The Evolution and Development of Free Trade Theory

  6. 第一部分论述了自由贸易理论的产生及其带来的利益。

    The first part is arguing the arising of free trade theories and its advantages .

  7. 第二章介绍了作为自由贸易理论基石的比较优势理论。

    Chapter Two brings forward the comparative advantage theory as the basis of free trade theory .

  8. 从理论上说,自由贸易理论建立在很多脱离现实的假设基础上,而由此构建的经济天堂虽然令人向往,但终究是一个可望而不可及的幻像。

    Theoretically , free trade theory is based on many assumptions that are far from the truth of reality .

  9. 经济一体化的发展伴随着经济一体化理论的发展。一体化理论已经不再是单纯的自由贸易理论,而是涉及到多领域,多角度的综合性理论。

    The theory of Economic Integration is enriched with the development of the economic integration in the world , which involves various aspects .

  10. 在当今贸易全球化的大背景下自由贸易理论是主调,贸易保护理论也存在现实的市场。

    Under the globalization , the theory of free trade is the main stream while the theory of trade protection is existing in the meantime .

  11. 自由贸易理论的演变与发展大致可分为三个阶段,即古典学派的自由贸易理论、现代学派的自由贸易理论和二战以后的自由贸易理论。

    The evolution and development of free trade theory can be divided into three phases : classical school , contemporary school and the World War Two .

  12. 浅析我国的对外贸易选择&从斯密的自由贸易理论与李斯特的保护贸易理论角度

    To Analyse Simply on Chinese Choosing for Foreign Trade & From the Perspective Free Trade Theory of Smith and Protective Trade Theory of F · List

  13. 但这和我们与中国之间的贸易现状甚至毫不沾边,中国远未接纳传统的自由贸易理论,而是公开采取了一种新重商主义、以出口为导向的经济增长战略。

    But this is not even close to the reality of our trade with China , which far from embracing orthodox free trade has openly adopted a neo-mercantilist , export-led economic growth strategy .

  14. 克林顿夫人向英国《金融时报》表示,她认为,在全球化时代,某些自由贸易理论可能已不再正确,但她强调,“这不是贸易保护主义”。

    Mrs Clinton told the FT she believed certain free trade theories might no longer be true in the age of globalisation , but she emphasised " there is nothing protectionist about this " .

  15. 在亚当•斯密之后,李嘉图以相对成本法则来代替绝对成本法则,这使自由贸易理论更适用于一般的条件,更具普遍性。

    After Adam Smith , David Ricardo replaced the absolute cost rule with the relative cost rule , as made the theory of free trade more adaptive to the general conditions and more universal .

  16. 首先,对自由贸易理论与自由贸易政策的研究,包括绝对利益理论与英国的自由放任政策,比较利益理论与英国的自由贸易政策,要素禀赋理论及其应用。

    Firstly , free trade theory and free trade policy . It includes absolute interests theory and English Laissez-faire policy , comparative advantage theory and English free trade policy , and Factor Endowment theory and its using .

  17. 自从亚当·斯密创建绝对优势理论以来,自由贸易理论一直是西方国际贸易政策的理论基础。

    The theory of free trade has been taking an important role in contemporary economic field since the establishment of theory of absolute cost , which indicates that every country can gain the maximum interests only by taking the policy of free trade .

  18. 在传统自由贸易理论下构建反补贴的经济效应模型,研究发现反补贴对出口国造成整体国民福利损失,对进口国引起消费者负效应但同时得到了反补贴税补偿。

    The relevant economic models are constructed under the traditional free trade theory , the models shows that countervailing will cause the national welfare losses for exporting countries and negative effect for consumers in importing countries but countervailing duty could be as a compensation for their government .

  19. 论文认为自由贸易理论和保护贸易理论并不对立,从亚当斯密开始自由贸易理论一直是主流,而保护贸易理论修正了自由贸易理论的一些条件,从而使自由贸易政策在一个新的水平上。

    The article thinks the free trade theory and protected trade theory does not oppose . The free trade theory has been a mainstream from Adam Smith , and the protected trade theory revises some conditions of free trade theory which causes the free trade theory in a new level .

  20. 分析了国际分工理论、相互依存理论、关税同盟理论和自由贸易区理论,其中,关税同盟理论是分析CAFTA经济效应的基础。

    It analyzes the International Division of Labor Theory , the Interdependence Theory , the Customs Union Theory and the Free Trade Area Theory , the theory of customs union is the basis of analyzing the economic effects of CAFTA .

  21. 区域经济一体化理论可以解释CAFTA产生和发展的原因,其中主要包括关税同盟理论、自由贸易区理论、大市场理论、协议性分工理论。

    The regional economies integration theory may explain the reason why the CAFTA could emergence and development . The theory mainly includes the Customs union theory , the free-trade area theory , theory of leading market , and the agreement division of labor theory .

  22. 第二章着重介绍与论文主题相关的基础理论,介绍了国际分工理论、国际相互依赖理论、关税同盟理论和自由贸易区理论,为全文的展开作了理论铺垫。

    In chapter 2 , some theories are discussed , including the theory of international division , international interdependence customs union and free trade area .

  23. 国际上的关税理论主要分自由贸易政策理论和保护关税政策理论,两大流派有着各自的支持者,在不同时期为不同国家所实践。

    The international tariff theories are mainly divided into the theory of free trade policy and the theory of protective tariff policy , both of which have their own supporters and are put into practice by different countries in the different period .

  24. 试析贸易自由与贸易保护理论的分歧及其根源

    Difference and origin of free trade and trade protection theory

  25. 双边自由贸易协定的理论重构与实证研究

    Bilateral Free Trade Agreement : Theoretical Reconstruction and Empirical Research

  26. 中国-东盟构建自由贸易区的理论分析&应用产业内贸易理论的研究

    The theoretic analysis of constructing the free-trade area between China and ASEAN

  27. 第一部分主要阐述了构建中印自由贸易区的理论基础与现实意义。

    The first part mainly set forth the theoretical basis and practical significance of Sino-India FTA .

  28. 贸易自由理论和贸易保护理论并不是截然对立的,贸易自由理论中可以找到贸易保护的依据。

    The theories of trade freedom and protection are not diametrically opposed .

  29. 美国自由贸易之争:理论与现实之分歧

    Disputes on free trade in America : The gap between the theory and the reality

  30. 区域经济一体化的理性选择&建立自由贸易区及其相关理论问题

    The Rational Option of Regional Economic Integration : On Establishment of Free Trade Zone and the Related Theoretical Issues