
cǎi jué ɡōnɡ yè
  • extractive industry
  1. 资源型城市,是指主要依靠自然资源的供给,以自然资源为对象的采掘工业及其相关的社会生产发展到一定规模后,由于人口集聚而形成的特定工业城市。

    Resource-based cities is a kind of industrial cities relied on natural resources supply and formed by population gathering with the development of extractive industry and relative social production .

  2. 此外,世行集团还将立即推进一种进程,确保按照最佳做法,使用保安部队保护采掘工业项目现场。

    In addition , the Bank Group will immediately put in place a process to ensure that the use of security forces to protect extractive industry project sites is in line with best practices .

  3. 近百年来,国内外采掘工业凿岩工程用中空钎钢,只有正六边形(Hexagon)和圆形(Round)两种。

    In the past 100 years , both the domestic and overseas excavation industry employed only hexagon and round hollow rock drill steels for rock drilling engineering .

  4. 1923年德国施律泰尔发明WC-Co硬质合金,迅速形成硬质合金切削刃具和硬质合金凿岩钎具两大产业,使机械和采掘工业飞速发展,被誉为工业的牙齿。

    Cemented carbide which is known as the teeth of industry , was invented by Germany in 1923 and used in excavating after world war ⅱ .

  5. 采掘工业中的勘探成本探明的天然气可采储量

    Ploration costs in extractive industries proven recoverable gas reserves

  6. 采掘工业对土地的损毁及防治对策

    Land Destruction Caused by Mining and Digging Industry and Its Prevention and Remediation Measures

  7. 该地区采掘工业、原材料工业产品产量在全国占重要地位。

    It holds an important position nationwide in terms of its production of raw material industries .

  8. 采掘工业中的勘探成本

    Ploration costs in extractive industries

  9. 融合:世界银行集团将加强地方社区参与采掘工业项目的程序。

    Inclusion : The World Bank Group is to strengthen its procedures for local community participation with respect to extractive industries projects .

  10. 此外,世行集团还开始要求立即公开新的重要采掘工业项目的收入,并在两年内公开所有项目的收入。

    In addition , the Bank Group will begin requiring disclosure of revenue figures for new major extractive industries projects immediately , and for all projects within two years .

  11. 我们正在参与的进程的目的,是改善穷人的处境,并确保继续研究如何在采掘工业中开展工作,并制定有关可再生能源的新举措。

    We are engaged in a process aimed at improving the situation of those in poverty and ensuring that work with extractive industries and new initiatives on renewable energy continue to be developed .

  12. 本文简要介绍昆阳磷矿内排复垦技术成果的经济、社会效益,目的在于使采掘工业战线上的广大科技工作者了解这项技术,以促进成果的推广应用,保护土地资源和生态环境。

    This paper briefly describes the reclamation technique in inner spoil dump of Kunyang Apatite Mine and its economic and social benefits , aiming to popularize the technique in order to protect land resources and ecologic environment .

  13. 参与矿物采掘的工业。

    Industries involved in mineral extraction .

  14. 工业曾是很多城市的经济支柱,涌现了大批的工业城市,有的是采掘资源型工业,有的是加工工业,有的是综合性工业,一般综合性工业城市较多。

    Industry was the main economic source of some city , then many industrial cities have come forward . Someone is digging industry , someone is process industry , and someone is integrated industry .

  15. 在调整工业内部比例方面,安徽省采取关、停、并、转工业企业,加强轻工业生产,发展采掘和采伐工业等方式来平衡轻重工业比例。

    To adjusting internal industrial proportion , Anhui Province reversed the proportion of light and heavy industries by closing and incorporating industrial enterprises , strengthening light manufacturing , improving mining and logging industry and so on .

  16. 新疆处于工业化初期,工业主要由采掘、原材料工业支撑,并且其重工化程度越来越高;目前第二产业吸收劳动力能力有限。

    Xinjiang is in the industrialization initial period , the industry mainly by the excavation , the raw and semifinished materials industries support , and its heavy industry degree is getting higher and higher ; at present the second industrial absorption labor force ability is limited .