
  • 网络Price allocation;Rate Allocation
  1. 对财政分配与价格分配关系的研究

    Researches into the Relationship in Financial Distribution and Price Distribution

  2. 生产率提高带来的好处可以分配给股东,通过降低价格分配给客户,或者通过工资支付给员工。

    Higher productivity can be distributed to shareholders , customers through lower prices , or paid to workers .

  3. 边际生产力分配形式与均衡价格分配形式属于要素价值理论的范畴,它们是以市场交换作为前提而展开的。

    Marginal productivity distribution form and equilibrium price distribution belong to factor value theory and they are based on market exchange institution .

  4. 财政分配与价格分配两者之间存在着相互制约的关系,即财政分配制约着价格分配;

    Abstracts Financial distribution and price distribution restrict each other . That is , financial distribution restricts price distribution , and vice versa .

  5. 然后,电网调度机构(ISO)按照输电网使用者对容量投标的价格来分配输电线路的可用容量,使得输电可用容量的总价值最大化。

    The Independent System Operator ( ISO ) dispatchs the usable transmission capacity on these paths so that it maximizes the value of the capacity by the users ' bids .

  6. 第二,交易价格具有分配属性。

    Secondly , transaction price has the distribution property .

  7. 计算消费物价指数时,必须给汽油价格增长分配以较大的权数。

    Greater weight has to be assigned to the gas price increase than to the cost of cars increase .

  8. 之后针对包含三个供应链成员的合作问题设计了基于时间的价格折扣分配和赔偿合同相结合的三方契约。

    Then we develop a time-dependent price-discount sharing mechanism together with a compensation triple contract to coordinate the producer , logistic provider and the distributor .

  9. 当一个公司被并购时,会计准则要求并购价格首先分配给所并购的可确认资产的公允价值。

    When a business is purchased , accounting principles require that the purchase price first be assigned to the fair value of the identifiable assets that are acquired .

  10. 实际上,在现实发展中,市场不能充分自由发展,部分的政府干预会影响自由之手的发挥,因而所谓的均衡价格收入分配理论只是一种理想状态。

    In fact , in the development of realistic , development of the market is not completely free , part of government intervention will affect the free hands to play , thus the so-called equilibrium theory of income distribution is an ideal state .

  11. 无线adhoc网络基于价格的资源分配仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Resource Allocation of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Based on Price

  12. 基于班加罗尔开发和运营这种软件的公司[24]7,该公司RaviVijayaraghavan称,通过个性化价格软件来分配折扣,通常可以带来比随机分配折扣多两到四倍的营业额。

    Allocating discounts with price-customisation software typically brings in two to four times as much money as offering the same discounts at random , claims Ravi Vijayaraghavan of [ 24 ] 7 , a Bangalore-based firm that develops and operates such software .

  13. 市场分割;水平相加;差异价格;产量分配。

    Horizontal Summation , Price Discrimination , and Output Division .

  14. 在此原则的基础上,论文探讨了责任核算机制中的两个典型问题&转移价格与成本分配。概括了代理理论下转移价格机制与成本分配机制的特别,主要包括:要遵循风险分担原则;

    Based on this principle , this article studies transfer price and cost allocation .

  15. 具体是指以总收益最大化为目标,为不同价格的舱位分配合适的座位的过程。

    Airline seat inventory control entails the allocation of available seats to different fare classes with the goal of maximizing total income .

  16. 在第四章中,论文提出基于分级频谱共享网络架构的市场&价格模式频谱分配中继路由算法。

    Based on Hierarchical Spectrum Shared Network ( HSSN ), the fourth chapter of this thesis proposes a price-based spectrum allocation relay routing algorithm .

  17. 第四章建立了弹性系数模型对供应链信用风险的传导问题进行分析,主要反映了供应链信用风险传导过程中保证金,价格,利润分配在风险传导中的影响。

    The fourth chapter analyzed the transmission problems of supply chain credit risk through building elasticity coefficient model , mostly reflected the influence of caution money , price , profit distribution in the transmission process of supply chain credit risk .

  18. 一种基于密封第二价格拍卖的任务分配算法

    Task Allocation Algorithm Based on SPSB Auction

  19. 有信誉的商人不会不知道提供的价格和它们的分配一个葡萄酒出售。

    Reputable merchants would not offer a wine for sale without knowing the price and their allocation .

  20. 第五部分是集体建设用地流转价格与土地收益分配制度。

    The fifth part is on the collective construction land prices and land revenue flow allocation system .

  21. 在该模型中,电力公司在每个时段可根据实时情况确定合同价格和供电中断分配方法。

    In this model at each time interval the utility can determine contract price and dispatch method of power supply interruption .

  22. 理解和发展马克思的劳动价值论,必须在搞清楚价值创造与财富生产、价格形成、价值分配,以及活劳动与物化劳动等的区别中掌握其意义所在。

    Its significance must be grasped in the difference between value creation and wealth production , price formation as well as value distribution .

  23. 而集装箱班轮的舱位分配是指如何以合适的价格,有效地分配其众多航线上不同港口间的舱位数量,使其收益最大。

    Moreover container vessel slot allocation also defined as how effectively to allocate the container slots or spaces on different call at port to maximize revenue .

  24. 本文运用新制度经济学关于价格管制以及租金分配理论,对民营企业融资中遭遇的规模歧视与所有权歧视问题给出解释。

    This paper gived the explanation to the ownership and scale discrimination in the Private enterprise financing , based on the theory about price control in New Institutional Economics .

  25. 商品房价格与居民收入分配不平等的之间有着双向影响作用,政府应该合理的房地产政策和经济政策,有效的控制房价的快速上涨和居民收入差距的扩大。

    Because of that housing prices and distribution inequality have a mutual influence ; government should make reasonable real estate and economic policies for effective macro-controlling of housing prices and income gap .

  26. 公务员们根据中央规定而不是价格因素进行食品分配带来的后果便是餐饮行业成为黑市和团伙犯罪的温床。

    One consequence of food and drink being allocated by civil servants according to central decrees , rather than by price , was that the restaurant business became an incubator for the black market and organised crime .

  27. 与以往研究不同,除了传统的决策变量&订货次数外,模型的决策变量还包括转移价格和运输成本分配因子,目标函数为跨国供应链税后利润最大化。

    Different from previous research , besides traditional decision variable - order numbers , transfer price and transportation cost allocation factor were taken as decision variables , and the objective function was the maximization of after-tax profit for GSC .

  28. 最后,考虑到系统在追求其性能最优的时候,没有考虑用户成本的问题,提出了一种基于价格理论的节能分配算法。

    Finally , taking into account the system in pursuit of its performance is optimal , without considering the user cost , this paper introduces a price function to evaluate user cost , proposes a based on the price theory energy-saving resource allocation algorithm .

  29. 针对民航收益管理的特点,提出一种具有制导性的整数编码遗传算法以加快收敛速度,以简单的运算,根据需求变化实时、快速调整价格与座位存量分配。

    In view of the civil aviation revenue management feature , a modified integer coding genetic algorithm with guidance was used to speed up the convergence rate , with the simple calculations , which pricing and seat allocation get speedily real-time correction on the basis of demand . 6 .

  30. 为采购订单定价&使用一个服务将基于当前价格目录的某个价格分配给采购订单。

    Price Purchase Order-uses a service to assign a price point to the purchase order based on the current price catalog .