
  1. 企业合约的价格解释

    Explanation of Enterprise 's Contract Price

  2. 本文分析了传统价格理论解释无力的局限性原因。

    The paper tries to analyze the cause of which the traditional price theory loses the power of explanation .

  3. 把马克思归于古典经济学家的行列并据此否定马克思的劳动价值理论对于价格的解释功能的观点是错误的。

    It is certainly wrong to classify Marx as a classical economist and thus to deny his explanation about price .

  4. 二是实证模型分析几种经典企业价值评估模型对创业板股票价格的解释效果。

    Second , this thesis explains the effect of the empirical model analysis of several classic corporate valuation model GEM stock prices .

  5. 更低的原材料价格部分解释了进口下降,但经济学家们表示,进口下降也反映出民营企业减少投资。

    Lower raw material prices partly explain the decline in imports , but economists said it also reflected reduced investment by private companies .

  6. 每股经营现金流量对股票价格的解释能力很弱,但却呈现稳定上升的趋势,表明将现金流量表纳入财务报告范围进行公布对投资者是有益的。

    The cash flow from operating activities per share could barely explain the share price , but the value correlation appears a rising trend , so the statement of cash flow could help the investor .

  7. 大量的经验证据表明会计信息向证券市场传递了新信息,会计信息对股票价格具有解释力并在股票定价中起了重要作用,会计信息是具有价值的。

    The issue discussed in this paper is the value of accounting information and earnings lacking timeliness . Many prior studies have found that accounting information convey new information to stock markets , and play an important role in the valuation of stock price .

  8. 其次,将所研究省、市的入境游客数量作为被解释变量,汇率、国内生产总值、相对价格作为解释变量,构建各省、市的入境旅游需求模型。

    Second , it takes the number of tourist arrivals of research province and city as explanatory variables , and regards exchange rates , gross domestic product , the relative prices as explain variables to the provincial and municipal construction of the entry tourism demand model .

  9. 进口没有增长,在一定程度上可由全球大宗商品价格下降来解释。

    The lack of growth in imports was explained in part by the fall in global commodity prices .

  10. 并且股利贴现模型、市盈率贴现模型、公司净值大小以及资本结构理论对于公司股票价格都具有解释作用。

    We can anticipate the price of one stock by dividend discount model , P / E model , and capital structure theory .

  11. 对于股票市场价格行为的解释一直是现代金融理论的核心问题之一。

    The explanation of the behavior of stock market prices has been one of key questions of the modern financial theory all the time .

  12. 本文第5章以8个国家的综合指数为样本,来研究中国股票市场上交易量对价格波动的解释能力与成熟市场上有何不同。

    Taking the composite index of 8 nations as the samples , chapter five analyses the differences between explanations of trading volume of China ' stock to price fluctuation and mature market .

  13. 结果显示:各利率指标变量与房价指标变量之间存在长期的稳定关系且关系为负相关,但影响系数较小,这说明当前利率各指标变量对房地产价格变动的解释比较有限。

    The results showed that : there are long-term stable relationships between the interest rate indicator variables and household prices variables , and they are negatively correlated . While the coefficient are relatively small .

  14. 异质金融市场模型模拟得到的市场价格变化可以解释许多经典金融理论不能解释的现象,例如收益率的厚尾特性、金融泡沫的产生和破裂等等。

    The simulation of heterogeneous financial market model can explain many phenomenons which can not be explained by the classical theory , such as the fat-tail of return and the bubble happen and bust .

  15. 其生产和消费中的一些新经济现象,如正反馈、消费锁定、标准垄断等,应如何运用价格机制理论解释?

    How to use the price mechanism theory to interpret the phenomenon of the new economy that take place in the software process of production and consume , for example , the positive feedback , the consume lock-in , the standard monopoly , and so forth ?

  16. 这类证据突显出不健康的价格压力,帮助解释了欧洲央行(ECB)为何已先于英美加息。

    Such evidence of unhealthy price pressures helps to explain why the European Central Bank has started raising interest rates before the US or the UK .

  17. 理性预期粘性价格模型是否能够解释通货膨胀动态?

    Can Rational Expectations Sticky-Price Models Explain Inflation Dynamics ?

  18. 新管理办法取代了过去政府定期调整成品油价格,但从不解释基本依据的做法。

    The new regime replaces a system of periodic adjustments by the government without explanation of the underlying rationale .

  19. 对于股票在达到涨跌幅限制后价格如何变化的解释有两种假设:信息假设和过度反应假设。

    The overreaction hypothesis and the information hypothesis are two major hypotheses regarding the effects of price constrains on stock price behavior .

  20. 作者用壳资源价值的概念对新股长期价格行为进行了解释,并提供了相关的实证证据。

    The author explains the long-term market performance of IPOs with the concept of " Shell Resource " and provides the related proofs .

  21. 中国价格监管局局长解释说,作出这一决定是因为该三家公司积极配合了此次调查。

    As the head of the Chinese price watchdog has explained , it 's because these companies have actively cooperated with the probe .

  22. 只要有简单多数票即可批准交易,因此纽交所需要就为何股东们应接受一个较低的价格做出完美的解释。

    Only a simple majority is needed , so the NYSE will need to make an airtight case in explaining why shareholders should take a lower price .

  23. 对于这些年很多大宗商品价格突增的解释全部源于无比凶残的市场供需法则。

    The explanation for the sudden spikes in the prices of many commodities in recent years lies in nothing more sinister than the laws of supply and demand .

  24. 本文首先从林地的基本涵义出发,阐明了林地资产的概念及内涵,对林地价格作了理论解释;

    The paper begins with illustration of the forestland , the forestry asset and the price of forestland , and then show the intention and meaning of the paper as well as the theoretical foundations ;

  25. 认为有效市场假说中的市场的正态分布假定,投资者理性行为假定和价格波动性的解释等存在问题,并提出了大量的已有实证分析结果来证实。

    The paper thinking it has some problems in the presupposition of market normal distribution , the presupposition of investor 's rational behavior and explanation of price fluctuation etc , Then a great deal of substantial evidence and analysis results are put forward .

  26. 传统价格理论的局限&以软件产品价格形成机理解释为例

    On the Limit of the Traditional Price Theory & To Interpret the price mechanism of software products as a Example

  27. 股票市场对资源的配置是通过价格机制来实现,因而对股票价格行为的解释和定价效率的研究一直是金融投资领域中的热点问题。

    In general , resource allocation is based upon pricing mechanism in stock market , so it is a hotspot at all times that making clear price behavior and pricing efficiency in financial investment field .

  28. 首先,从经典的弹性理论即蛛网模型研究了供给与需求给价格变化带来的影响,从理论上对价格变化进行解释,并分析了选择性给均衡价格带来的影响。

    First , this paper studies the impacts of supply and demand on price changes using a classical theory of elasticity called cobweb model . The study explains price changes in theory and analyzes impacts of participants ' choices on price changes .

  29. 此外,新会计准则引入公允价值计量增强了剩余收益与股票价格的相关性;(2)考察了不同行业上市公司的会计信息对股票价格的解释力度。

    In addition , new accounting standards into the fair value measurement enhance the residual income and stock price correlation ; ( 2 ) examines the listed companies of different industries to the stock price of the accounting information explanation .

  30. 商品期货价格波动理论上以相应的现货价格为基础,受到标的资产价格的制约,但经验研究表明,标的资产价格不能完全解释商品期货价格波动。

    In theory , commodity price moves based on related spot price and is restricted to underlying asset price . But empirical evidence demonstrates that underlying asset price cannot explain commodity futures price volatility at all .