
  • 网络individual space;personal space
  1. 根据空间理论,个体空间包括个体所居住的地方以及个体的心理空间。

    According to the space theories , individual space includes the living space and psychological space .

  2. 遗传算法中带控制参数选择算子及其个体空间搜索能力的分析

    A Selection Operator With Control Parameter In Genetic Algorithm And Analysis Of Its Search Capability In Individual Space

  3. 在利用布尔代数的理想将遗传算法(GAs)中的个体空间进行等价分类后,本文在[6]的基础上,进一步给出代数杂交算子搜索能力的若干结果。

    Based on [ 6 ] , some results on the search ability of algebraic crossover operators are given in this paper .

  4. 对个体空间更新的研究与个体的环境空间能力有着密切的关系。

    There are close relations between research on individual spatial upgrading and the individual 's environmental spatial ability .

  5. 家族个体空间大小不变提高了解的精度。

    And the accuracy of the solution can be improved because of the invariability of the individual space .

  6. 本文通过对城市游憩业个体空间分布特征的研究入手进一步论述了城市游憩业的空间分级关系。

    This article begins with the analysis of individual spacial distributing feature of urban leisure industry , it discusses its spacial classification relationship .

  7. 种群格局关联维数是种群个体空间关联尺度变化规律的反映,表明了种群个体的空间相关程度。

    Correlation dimension of population pattern could reflect not only the scaling variation properties of spatial correlation of individuals , but also the spatial occupation degree of population .

  8. 个体空间不仅仅包括属于克拉丽莎私人空间的斗室,心理空间也是不容忽视的一个非常重要的个体空间。

    Individual space here not only includes the attic room which belongs to Clarissa herself , the psychological space is also an important individual space that should be emphasized .

  9. 但其恶性发展也可能导致个体空间过度封闭、知识产权保护失范、个人隐私权无法保障等矛盾和纠纷。

    Meanwhile , the negative circulation can lead to the contradictions such as excessively isolated individual space , disorder of patent rights protection and loss of personal privacy , etc.

  10. 结果表明:模拟冠幅分形分析方法更适于分析具有大小不等、复杂多样的冠幅的植物个体空间分布格局。

    The method of fractal analysis of simulation crown breadth is considered as a better method of studying spatial distribution of plant individuals with different and complex crown breadth .

  11. 在总结已有的评价方法的特点的基础上,本文讨论了基于个体空间距离的K-均值聚类算法,提出一种基于聚类的分布度评价方法,并采用这种方法对国际流行的几种算法进行实验。

    From the features of current diversity metrics , we discuss the K-means clustering algorithm of the distances between individuals , and put forward the diversity metric based on clustering .

  12. 在城市与区域空间发展形态上必须针对环境超负荷的现实,选择城镇群体空间开敞而个体空间相对紧凑的发展模式,实现城乡区域的协调发展。

    Based on the reality of overloaded environment , the urban and regional development pattern with open urban group space and compact individual space should be selected to realize the coordinative development of urban and rural areas .

  13. 采用4块100m×100m的天然林样地材料,分别利用角尺度和双相关函数分析4块大样地中不同面积的窗口(小样地)对应林木个体的空间分布格局。

    Data from 4 100m × 100m natural forest plots , then uniform angle index and pair-correlation function are used to analyze the spatial patterns of trees in forest plots with varying areas .

  14. 基于扩展杜能模型的个体城市空间发展的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Individual Urban Spatial Development Based on Supplemental Thunen Model

  15. 基于个体的空间直观种群模型的构建研究

    Construction of Individual-based Spatial Explicit Population Model

  16. 分布格局图提供了以下信息:1.14种植物种群个体的空间分布类型;

    The distribution pattern diagrams offer following informations : 1 . The spatial distribution types of individuals of 14 plants population ;

  17. 心理旋转能力与个体的空间能力和智力有关。

    Mental rotation ability was related to individual space capabilities and intelligence , Individual study of mental rotation ability is the important task of psychology .

  18. 采用随机选取和有针对性选取散光被试的方法,分别在两个实验组对个体的空间视敏度和时间视敏度进行测试。

    In two teams , with random_groups design and specialized_groups design method , the experiment tests the subjects ' space visual acuity and horary visual acuity .

  19. 用于当代人的生活中,我认为是指一个人或一个群体的个人或个体生活空间,即所谓的“小天地”。

    Used for modern life , I think refers to a person or a group of individuals or individual life space , the so-called " small place " .

  20. 通过改变元胞个体在空间的分布结构和个体间相互位置关系,使得个体间的相互作用强弱程度明显发生变化,从而影响算法的寻优性能。

    The interaction between individuals is significant difference by changing the spatial distribution and the mutual position relationship , so as to affect the optimal performance of the algorithm .

  21. 以织物材料为研究基础,首先对其进行了从普遍性到特殊性、有个体到空间的详细分析和概括归纳,并引发深入的理论思考。

    Fabric material research-based , first of its universality to particularity , detailed analysis and generalizations of the individual to the space , and lead to in-depth theoretical thinking .

  22. 海桑种群冠幅结构受密度、个体对空间竞争等的影响较大,冠幅直径与种群密度呈现较高程度的负相关。

    The crown structure of the population was influenced largely by density , competition of individuals for space etc. , and crown diameter was largely negatively correlated with population density . S.

  23. 在分析城市布局影响因素的基础上,阐述了城市用地扩张个体的空间动力学特征和群体演变的空间特征;

    Secondly factors ' character that how to affect the location of individual land parcel was analyzed and the character of whole spatial distributing trend of land expanded was also expounded based on it .

  24. 详细介绍了应用立体视觉技术由立体像对测定林木个体分布空间格局的方法、步骤,探索了适合林业环境下的立体视觉实现的技术路线。

    The approach of applying stereo vision technology on measuring distribution of tree with stereo image couple was introduced in detail and the procedure of stereo vision which fit for forestry environment was explored .

  25. 对α与β值进行随机偏离度检验,F值为8.77(F>F0.05(2,6),P<0.05),由此判定相关甲胁虱在齐氏姬鼠不同个体间的空间分布格局为聚集型分布。

    The F values is 8.77 ( F > F 0.05 ( 2,6 ) , P < 0.05 ) in the significance test of random . The spatial pattern of Hoplopleura affinis among the individuals of its dominant host ( Apodemus chevrieri ) is of aggregated distribution .

  26. 正常个体人眼角膜空间形态数学建模路线研究

    A study on the mathematical model of normal individual cornea

  27. 该方法首先利用小波变换减小表情因素对人脸验证的影响,再为每个人建立单独的个体特征脸子空间。

    An individual specific face subspace for each person is established in frequency space .

  28. 因此,必须把政府作为第三方强制实施,引入开发商和业主的博弈,用强制力对个体的地下空间权利提供保护。

    So , the government must join the game as a implementary third party .

  29. 结果表明:对于中国儿童个体,在空间标准化时,用中国儿童脑模板更合适。

    These results show that the Chinese pediatric template is more adequate to Chinese children in spatial normalization .

  30. 目的通过数学方法分析角膜的三维数据,并以数学表达式的方式归纳和反映正常成年个体人眼角膜空间形态特征。

    Objective To analyse the data of the cornea , and conclude the space-form characters of normal individual cornea .