
  • 网络Personal bankruptcy;Individual Bankruptcy;personal bankrupt
  1. 论我国个人破产法律制度的构建

    On Establishing an Individual Bankruptcy Regime in China My Viewpoint on Law-Making of Individual Bankruptcy in China

  2. 因此建立个人破产制度已经是社会主义市场经济的当务之急。

    Therefore , the establishment of individual bankruptcy system is the urgent task of social market economy .

  3. 我国个人破产的范围应顺应国际潮流采用一般人破产主义。

    We should follow the international trend and adopt everyman-bankruptcy system .

  4. 第三要完善个人破产制度。

    Thirdly , we need to improve individual bankrupt system .

  5. 个人破产制度是破产制度的组成部分。

    Personal insolvency system is part of the bankruptcy system .

  6. 理论上讲,企业破产是个人破产的延伸。

    Theoretically speaking , the bankruptcy of the enterprise bankruptcy is outspread .

  7. 没有个人破产制度,整个破产法就不完整。

    No personal bankruptcy system , the whole bankruptcy law is not complete .

  8. 而我国实乏切实可行的个人破产制度,无疑是不完整的。

    In China , the lack of practical personal bankruptcy system is incomplete .

  9. 构建中国的个人破产制度已经显得越来越迫切。

    Constructed China ' sindividual bankrupt system already appeared more and more urgent .

  10. 试论个人破产与财务管理

    A Tentative Discussion about Personal Bankruptcy and Finance Management

  11. 个人破产制度三论

    On the Three Problems Concerning the Personal Bankrupt System

  12. 中国香港个人破产制度对中国内地的借鉴

    Hong Kong Personal Bankruptcy System Reveal of China

  13. 这一切都说明,在中国建立个人破产制度,指日可待。

    All this shows that personal bankruptcy system in China in the near future .

  14. 第二章为个人破产制度构建的理由。

    Chapter two is about the reason of constructing the natural person bankruptcy system .

  15. 原来他曾在1992年时申请个人破产保护。

    Records show Murray has had financial trouble , filing for bankruptcy in California in1992 .

  16. 现在国外许多国家早已建立个人破产制度,并在现实中取得了很好的作用。

    Since many countries have established personal bankruptcy system and have received considerable impact in reality .

  17. 因此,也需要对个人破产的失权和复权问题作出科学合理的规定。

    Hence the need for personal bankruptcy and disqualification to make complex scientific and reasonable requirements .

  18. 除此外,个人破产免责制度有利于营造市场经济环境的公平。

    In addition ,, the personal bankruptcy exemption system is benefit to create a market with fair environment .

  19. 第一部分为程序性制度,分别对个人破产原因、破产申请条件、破产和解、简易破产程序提出了设想;

    It includes the reason of bankruptcy , the condition the application , bankruptcy conciliation and the summary procedure .

  20. 不利于构建和谐社会的民间债务纠纷时有发生,这与个人破产能力的阙如有关。

    The fact that the occasional liability disputes has to do with the absence of capability of individual bankruptcy .

  21. 邹海林:个人破产制度的重要意义在于保护了债权人的平等利益。

    Zou vocalists : personal insolvency regime is the significance of the equal protection of the interests of creditors .

  22. 尽管我国目前尚未针对个人破产进行立法,但学术界从未停止过相关讨论。

    Although China has no personal insolvency legislation yet , but the academic circles have never stopped discussion about it .

  23. 而在英国,该银行不良债务不断上升,原因是个人破产案数量继续攀升。

    In the UK , it was experiencing rising bad debts as the number of personal insolvencies continued to increase .

  24. 本文的研究旨在未雨绸缪,笔者认为在个人破产的社会问题尚未大规模浮现之时,就应当在相关法理的研究上做好充分的准备。

    Author thinks the research on related legal should be fully prepared before the personal bankruptcy becomes a massive social issue .

  25. 主要是我国的传统观念使得大部分人在思想上仍然难以接受个人破产免责。

    The main reason is that most people still difficult to accept the disclaimer which is conflict with the traditional concept .

  26. 由于个人破产制度的缺少,中国的破产制度仍然相对落后,破产法律制度体系尚不完善。

    However , the personal bankruptcy system in our country still falls behind , there is no personal bankruptcy system at present .

  27. 作者探讨了破产法的适用范围,认为破产法应适用于个人破产,并应当将债务人不能清偿到期债务作为破产原因。

    The author made a research on the scope of bankruptcy law , Pointed out that it should apply to individual bankruptcy .

  28. 本课题采用文献研究和比较研究相结合的方法,在比较、借鉴他国立法经验的基础上,对建立我国个人破产制度的若干法律问题作出了思考。

    The writer combined literature study of other countries legal systems with comparative research to study establishing the personal bankruptcy legal system .

  29. 该网站一篇关于个人破产的500字文章可谓言之无物,但“破产律师”一词却出现了10次。

    In one largely uninformative 500-word article on the site about personal bankruptcy , the phrase " bankruptcy attorney " appears 10 times .

  30. 同时,个人破产案件数量的大幅度变化,而影响到一个国家相关法律制度的大幅度改革。

    At the same time , greatly changes in the number of personal bankruptcy , will greatly affect the reform ofa national legal system .