
  • 网络National Bankruptcy;state insolvency
  1. 从冰岛、迪拜到希腊&国家破产由神话走向现实。

    From Iceland , Dubai to Greece , " national bankruptcy " from the Myth to Reality .

  2. 别除权是大陆法系国家破产法的称谓,英美法系国家的破产法,称之为有财产担保的债权。

    The first priority is the continental title of national bankruptcy laws , the bankruptcy law in common law countries , as a proprietary secured claims .

  3. 他们给白宫安上了一系列罪名,其中包括:希望让国家破产,破坏美国人的生活方式,以及引入死亡专家组(DeathPanels)以减少老年人过度的医疗需求。

    They accuse the White House of wishing , among other things , to bankrupt the nation , destroy the American way of life and bring in death panels to mitigate the excessive healthcare demands of the elderly .

  4. 如果一个国家破产了,这些情况会有什么不同?

    How does this differ if a country goes bankrupt ?

  5. 国家破产法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Matters of Sovereign State Insolvency

  6. 希腊面临着国家破产的威胁。

    Greece faces the threat of state bankruptcy .

  7. 简易破产制度是西方国家破产法中的一项重要制度。

    The simple bankrupt institution is an important institution of bankrupt law in west countries .

  8. 塞浦路斯的政治家急于结束避免国家破产的新立法方案。

    Politicians in Cyprus are rushing to finish a new legislative package that will save their country from bankruptcy .

  9. 随着破产免责制度的产生、确立和发展,各国纷纷在其破产法中作了具体规定。二、两大法系代表性国家破产法上的别除权。

    Many countries have made detailed description about bankruptcy relief after its birth and development . Second is bankruptcy relief system .

  10. 我们现在看到的是,市场对主权国家破产的担心、日益显现的主权国家流动性不足以及金融体系所承受的压力正致命地交织在一起(见图表)。

    We are witnessing a lethal interplay between fears of sovereign insolvency , emerging sovereign illiquidity and financial stress ( see chart ) .

  11. 债券市场将会把该协议解读为欧盟不会让任何一个诚信国家破产的迹象吗?

    Will the bond market interpret the deal as a sign that the EU will not let anyone fail who acts in good faith ?

  12. 破产管理人制度是国际上通行的做法,是英美法系国家破产法中较为成熟的制度之一。

    Trustee in bankruptcy system is a common international practice , which is one of more mature systems in Anglo-American law system countries bankrupt law .

  13. 综观各主要发达国家破产制度的概况,其破产法的适用范围无不包含个人破产制度。

    Looking at all the major developed countries of the Profiles bankruptcy system , and its scope of application of the bankruptcy law that contains all personal bankruptcy system .

  14. 在负债累累的希腊,国际检察官正在审查账户,以决定是否发布下一次能够避免国家破产的分期付款救助。

    In debt-burdened Greece , international inspectors are scrutinising accounts to determine whether to release the next bailout installment that would avert the country 's bankruptcy.Sylvia Poggioli , NPR News .

  15. 澳大利亚破产法是资本主义国家破产法中与平稳经济相配套的最好的法律之一,对我国市场经济的正常运行具有特殊的针对性意义。

    Australian Bankruptcy Act , known as one of the best bankruptcy laws in capitalist countries in terms of its conformity with a stable economy , has special aiming significance to the Chinese economy .

  16. 尽管这两次大规模救助行动使得希腊暂且避免了债务违约和国家破产的发生,但是救助行动所要求的大规模紧缩方案却使得希腊经济形势持续恶化。

    Although these two large-scale relief operations has avoided occurrence of default of Greek sovereign debt and bankruptcy of the nation so far , the large-scale austerity program for Greece makes Greek economy continued to deteriorate .

  17. 不到十年前刚从走向国家破产的死亡漩涡中摆脱出来的巴西,将正统的宏观经济政策与扶贫结合起来,以成为新兴市场中最新兴的国家之一。

    Brazil , having pulled itself out of a death spiral towards sovereign bankruptcy less than a decade ago , has combined orthodox macroeconomic policy with poverty reduction to become one of the most emergent of the emerging markets .

  18. 卡斯特罗在这些方面都屈从于现实:他对于导致国家破产的额外雇工进行了极尖刻的批判;同时也拒绝对美国采取贸易禁运所造成的问题进行批判,他认为这些问题都是自寻烦恼。

    In all this Mr Castro is bowing to reality . He has been withering in his criticism of the featherbedding that has bankrupted the state . He has also refused to blame the American economic embargo for problems which he rightly says are self-inflicted .

  19. 破产管理人在不同国家的破产法中有不同称谓。

    Bankruptcy administrator has different appellation in different countries .

  20. 本章首先介绍了四个国家的破产法发展史。

    This chapter first introduces development history of bankruptcy law of four countries .

  21. 许多国家的破产法都把重整制度作为其主要内容。

    Many countries have regarded the bankruptcy reorganization system as its main content of Bankruptcy Law .

  22. 最终,前一类政府和政党使国家走向破产,并掏空纳税人,原因是它们把优先次序弄错了。

    Ultimately the former administrations drive countries bankrupt , and immiserate taxpayers - because their priorities are wrong .

  23. 在市场经济发达的国家,破产机制主要有两个功能:一是通过优胜劣汰,促进企业改善经营管理、实现资源的优化配置,促进经济结构的调整;

    In developed countries , bankruptcy mechanism have two main functions , one is to improve the business management by competition ;

  24. 无论是企业还是主权国家的破产,其实际方式究竟如何,除了少数人之外,大多数人知之甚少。

    The actual mechanics of bankruptcy , be they corporate or sovereign , are poorly understood by all save a few .

  25. 他也是从经商的角度去想:多数欧洲国家都破产了,那些地方没有良好的商业机会。

    Again , he was thinking business : 'Most European countries are bankrupt , there are no good business opportunities there .

  26. 并且通过横向的分析、比较,总结了不同国家个人破产制度的优缺点。

    And through the horizontal analysis and comparison , the author summarizes the different countries of the advantages and disadvantages of personal bankruptcy system .

  27. 这个国家濒临破产,对维京种族更为重要的是,它的国际声誉被毁坏。

    The country is on the verge of bankruptcy and , even more important for those of Viking stock , its international reputation is in tatters .

  28. ,复次,文章在概述大陆法系和英美法系国家的破产管理人监督机制的基础上,得出了四个具有创见的启示。

    Thirdly , this article educed four original ideaes which based on the supervisory system of manager of bankruptcy in Civil-Law System and Common-Law System countries .

  29. 多年前南美洲的一些国家信用破产,币值一泄千里,政府连同百姓的财富一夕之间化为乌有,这都是铁一般的事实。

    Years ago , some countries in Southern America went bankruptcy and their currency value depreciated so much that wealth of government and people became nothing overnight .

  30. 本章介绍四个国家的破产法发展史,希望能以史为鉴,为我国破产法今后的发展趋势和方向起到引导的作用。

    This chapter introduces development history of bankruptcy law of four countries in the hope that take history as a mirror and guide development tendency and direction of Chinese bankruptcy law in the future .