
  • 网络National income distribution;distribution of national income
  1. 国民收入分配的优化与经济发展

    Improved Distribution of National Income and Its Relation with Economic Development

  2. 论国民收入分配在军事经济潜力形成中的作用

    Influences of distribution of national income on the formation of military economic potentiality

  3. 这意味着国民收入分配格局的改变。

    This means the structure of national income distribution will be changed .

  4. 规范财政教育支出改善国民收入分配减速器的速比分配

    Regulate Fiscal Expenditure on Education to Better the Condition of Income Distribution

  5. 国民收入分配使用结构的现状和前瞻

    Present Situation and Perspective of Distribution and Expenditure Composition of National Income

  6. 国民收入分配并没有向个人过度倾斜

    National Income were not Over Distributed toward Individual

  7. 资源的最优配置意味着效率,国民收入分配的均等化意味着公平,所以,公平与效率是福利经济学所追求的基本目标。

    So both the efficiency and equality are basic targets of the welfare economics .

  8. 论公共财政框架下的国民收入分配与财政支农

    National Income Allocation and Financial Support to Agriculture in the Framework of Public Finance

  9. 这种策略达到了预定的效果:净国民收入分配变得更公平。

    The outcome has been as intended : a more equitable net income distribution .

  10. 怎样认识国民收入分配中的差距与公平

    How to understand justice and the hap in the distribution of the people 's income

  11. 国民收入分配与宏观经济波动

    National Income Distribution and Macroeconomic Fluctuation

  12. 日韩两国调整国民收入分配格局支持和保护农业的政策及启示

    Reference Value of Agriculture Support and Protection by Adjusting National Income Distribution from Japan and Korea

  13. 谁在挤占居民的收入&中国国民收入分配格局分析

    Who Has Eroded Residents ' Incomes ? An Analysis of China 's National Income Distribution Patterns

  14. 研究结果表明,国民收入分配格局对居民消费率有显著的影响。

    The results show that the distribution of national income has a significant impact on consumption .

  15. 四是调整国民收入分配格局,形成城市反哺农村的利益枢纽。

    Fourthly , adjust the distribution pattern of national income to form beneficial hubs between towns and countryside .

  16. 从国民收入分配的角度看,结构矛盾主要体现在分配格局的扭曲上。

    From the perspective of the national income distribution , structural contradiction reflected into distortions of distribution pattern .

  17. 国民收入分配与再分配功能。

    National income distribution .

  18. 对我国居民消费率下降原因的深层思考&基于国民收入分配的角度

    Reflections on the decrease of household consumption rate of China & In the perspective of national income distribution

  19. 把国民收入分配格局具有相同特征的省(市)进行分类。

    The provinces ( municipalities ) having the same characteristics on the distribution pattern of national income was classified .

  20. 税收分配通过自身结构的转化,调节引导国民收入分配系统,从而实现产业结构的调整。

    The distribution effects of taxes will affect national income allocation , so taxation reform can help industrial structure transformation .

  21. 本文致力于研究国民收入分配中的劳动收入改进。

    This research is an investigation of how to improve the labor income in the overall distribution of national income .

  22. 财政学旨在探索政府调节资源配置及国民收入分配的一般规律。

    Public Finance aims to explore general laws of the government regulating the allocation of resources and national income distribution .

  23. 从政治角度看,这项政策也让发达经济体本已异常不公正的国民收入分配进一步恶化。

    From a political perspective , the policy also worsened the already unusually inequitable distribution of national income in developed economies .

  24. 努力提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重。

    Efforts to improve income in the national income , increase the proportion of Labour remuneration in primary distribution of income .

  25. 我们是社会主义国家,国民收入分配要使所有的人都得益。

    As China is a socialist country , our national revenue will be distributed in a way that benefits all the people .

  26. 二是把改善农村民生作为调整国民收入分配格局的重要内容。

    Second , making the improvement of rural livelihood as the important contents of adjusting the distribution patterns of the national revenue .

  27. 作为参与国民收入分配活动的税收必须对此迅速作出反映和选择。

    We should make rapid reaction and choice on taxation for it is as an income of the people in our country .

  28. 垄断的存在又造成巨大的收入分配效应,扭曲了国民收入分配,扩大了业已存在的收入鸿沟。

    The monopoly produces great effect of income distribution , distorts national income distribution , and widens the income gap existed long .

  29. 第二章是本文的理论基础部分,主要讨论教育为什么会参与国民收入分配及教育怎样参与收入分配的问题。

    In chapter 2 , it is discussed on why would education participate in the citizen income distribution , and how to participate .

  30. 经济的发展不仅带来收入分配的有规律变动,而且经济的发展也要求国民收入分配的优化。

    Economic development usually leads to the change in the distribution of the national income and demands improvement in that distribution in turn .