
  • 网络personal income distribution
  1. 中国个人收入分配问题研究

    A Research into the Issue of Personal Income Distribution in China

  2. 论我国税收调控个人收入分配

    On Our Country s Tax Regulation of Personal income Distribution

  3. 完善税收体系缩小个人收入分配差距

    Perfect the tax system and reduce the difference in personal income

  4. 税收调节个人收入分配的理论分析与现实思考

    On the Theory of Individual Income Distribution by Tax Adjustment

  5. 职工个人收入分配方面改革要从经营者入手。

    Income allotment for employees shall be reformed form the subsidiary managers .

  6. 经济转型期的个人收入分配扫描

    The Allocation Scanning of Personal Income in the Changing Time of Economy

  7. 加强政府调控,防止个人收入分配中的两极分化

    Strengthen Government Adjustment to Prevent Polarization in Personal Income Distribution

  8. 社会主义初级阶段的个人收入分配方式

    The Mode of Distribution of Personal Income at the Primary Stage of Socialism

  9. 我国现阶段个人收入分配差距正在逐渐拉大。

    The individual income gap is enlarging at present .

  10. 试论调控个人收入分配的财税政策选择

    On the Choice of Finance and Taxation Policy for Regulating Individual Income Distribution

  11. 论西方经济学个人收入分配理论的三次转型及其意义

    Three Transformations of the Income Distribution Theory in Western Economics and Their Significance

  12. 试论社会主义社会个人收入分配制度

    On the Distributing system of Personal Income in Socialism

  13. 浅析人民公社时期的农民个人收入分配制度

    On the Peasants Personal Income Distribution System in the People 's Commune Period

  14. 和谐视野下我国个人收入分配制度的改革与完善

    Harmonious Vision of Our Country under the Personal Income Distribution System Reform and Improvement

  15. 60年代调整后农村人民公社个人收入分配制度

    Personal Income Allocation Institution of Rural People 's Community After Adjustment of 1960 's

  16. 论构建合理的个人收入分配秩序

    On Establishing Reasonable Personal Income Distribution Order

  17. 第二章分析了改革开放以来我国个人收入分配的现状。

    The second chapter analyzes the current status of the individual income distribution in China .

  18. 运用税收手段调节个人收入分配

    Regulate Personal Income Distribution with Tax Revenue

  19. 我国现阶段的个人收入分配制度问题

    On Current Chinese Personal Income Distribution System

  20. 经济转型时期个人收入分配特点与军队工资制度改革

    The characteristics of personal income distribution in economic transition and the reform of troops wage system

  21. 个人收入分配测度方法的新思路&效率曲线的研究

    The Study on Efficiency Curve & the New Measurement of Inequality in Size Distribution of Income

  22. 第二章,重点研究、探索了现阶段我国个人收入分配政策的实践或者说双重作用。

    Chapter 2 mainly researches dual role of present personal income distribution policy in the country .

  23. 个人收入分配制度是人民公社体制下重要的制度安排。扩大社会福利和提高个人收入的比例;个人收入的差距的比例。

    Personal income allocation institution was an important institution arrangement of the people 's community system .

  24. 我们应从完善收入分配税收调控体系和税收发挥作用的条件入手,充分发挥税收调节个人收入分配的作用。

    Therefore , it should play its important role in adjusting individual income by perfecting its system .

  25. 税收是调节个人收入分配的重要手段,从理论上分析,有其存在的必然性及实施的可行性。

    Tax is a useful political tool employed by the free-market government to regulate individual income distribution .

  26. 因此,研究税收制度调节个人收入分配的有效性迫切而必要。

    Therefore it is very reasonable to study tax system effectiveness from the angle of income distribution .

  27. 个人收入分配税收调控从其作用的发挥范围而言,应当属于社会收入再分配环节。

    On the one hand , personal income tax can serve as a stabilizer in income redistribution .

  28. 按生产要素分配及其涉及个人收入分配的若干问题探讨

    Probe Into Distribution According To Essential Factors Of Production And Several Problems Related To Distribution Of Personal Income

  29. 这三次转型对解决我国当前在个人收入分配中存在的矛盾有借鉴意义。

    We can learn from the three transformations in solving the contradictions in the income distribution in China .

  30. 税收作为国家重要的经济杠杆,对调节个人收入分配的起着举足轻重的作用。

    As the important national economic lever , Taxation plays an important role in adjusting the distribution of personal incomes .