
  • 网络Household operating income;Income from Household Business Operation
  1. 家庭经营收入比重长期下降;

    The income of household menagement dropped for a long time ;

  2. 利用中国1994~2004年的时间序列和2004年的截面数据的实证分析也表明小额信贷增加了农民家庭经营收入,降低了贫困。

    Empirical data with time series 1994-2004 and 2004 panel dada also show that microfinance promotes farmers ' family income and reduces poverty .

  3. 利用动态计量模型协整方法,得出影响农民家庭经营收入与工资性收入的主要影响因素和影响程度。

    With the dynamic econometric models and cointegration approach , the extent and the influencing factors of farmers'household income and wage income are reached .

  4. 从农村居民家庭经营收入内部结构来看,家庭经营第三产业对农户人均纯收入贡献很小。

    Operating income of rural residents from within the family structure , the contribution of the family-run tertiary industries to per capita net income is very small .

  5. 而农民家庭经营收入下降的主要原因在于农业、牧业等传统农业收入的下降;

    The main cause of the decline of peasants ' household sideline production income lies in the income decline of conventional industries such as agriculture and animal husbandry .

  6. 与之相反的是,地震发生后,纯收入中家庭经营收入所占的比重对农户的贫困脆弱性起到负向作用。

    Conversely , the proportion of household operating income in the family net income has a negative relation with the vulnerability of poverty of rural households after the earthquake .

  7. 其中,工资性收入增长18.7%,家庭经营收入增长8.7%,财产性收入增长19.4%,转移性收入增长17.2%。

    Of this total , the growth of wage income was 18.7 percent ; household business operating income 8.7 percent ; property income 19.4 percent ; and 17.2 percent from transferred income .

  8. 改革开放20多年来,青岛市农民收入表现出阶段性波动增长和劳动报酬收入比重逐渐上升家庭经营收入逐渐下降两大特点。

    Over the 20-odd years since the opening-up and reform , the Qingdao farmers ' income has showed a periodical fluctuating growth and an increase of the ratio of labor payment and a decrease of the family management income .

  9. 从农民收入构成和变化趋势以及农民家庭经营收入的增长因素等方面进行研究,认为农民收入增长的主要源泉是农民工资性收入的增加。

    In this paper we analyst the main resource of increasing peasant 's income is increasing the peasant 's wages from the constitution of farmer 's income , it 's trend and the increasing factor of peasant 's farming income .

  10. 随后对我国农民收入增长的变化及特征进行分析得出,目前农民的工资性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入虽然都在增加,但是这些年家庭经营收入还是作为主要的收入来源。

    Subsequent from the analysis of the farmers ' income growth changes and features in China draws that farmers ' wage income 、 transfer income and property income are on the rise , but family-run income remains as the main source of income in these years .

  11. 农业生产与农民家庭经营性收入

    Agricultural Production and Income from Household Business

  12. 家庭经营性收入空间自相关性亦较强,但近年有减弱趋势。

    The spatial autocorrelation of home business income is strong , but in recent years the trend has weakened .

  13. 绝对数看,工资性收入、家庭经营性收入、财产性收入、转移性收入绝对数逐年增长。

    Based on the absolute terms , wage income , family business income , property income and transfer income are increasing every year .

  14. 部分县域农民收入构成改变不明显,家庭经营性收入比重下降有限。

    The change of the peasant income constitution in part of the county is less obvious , the decline of the proportion of home business income is limited .

  15. 本文主要研究结论如下:1、从长期看,农民家庭经营性收入呈较强增长态势,不同的历史时间阶段,农民家庭经营性收入呈现出不同的波动,甚至滞缓现象的出现。

    The main conclusions are as follows : 1.In the long term , Fuling District of the family business income had strong growth trend , historical different time stage , the family business income showing different volatility , even stagnation .

  16. 研究结果表明,重庆市的城镇化发展已处于较高的发展阶段,但是地区之间差异明显,重庆市的农民收入增长较快,其中工资性收入和家庭经营性收入占比较大。

    The results show that , Chongqing has been at a higher stage of development of urbanization , but there is a significant difference between areas . In farmer s ' income , wage and household business accounted for relatively large .

  17. 农村收支结构方面。农村收入仍以家庭经营性收入为主,而第一产业收入占家庭经营收入80%以上,可见榆林市农村发展依然主要依靠农业生产。

    As to the agricultural revenue and expenditure structure , family management income is the main income in countryside , while the agricultural income accounted for 80 % of family management income . So we see rural development mainly depended on agricultural production .

  18. 交通、通信水平发展水平越高,农村家庭经营第三产业收入就会越高,发展的就越好。

    The higher level of transportation and communication , the income of the tertiary industry of rural households will be higher , and the rural family-run third industry revenue will be higher .

  19. 农产品价格、农产品成本、农户家庭生产经营结构是影响农民家庭经营收入变动的主要因素。

    Price and cost of agricultural product and the household production structure of farmers are the main factors influencing the changes in household production income of farmers .