
  • 网络National income accounting
  1. 国民收入核算不适用于金融服务业。

    And national income accounting cannot handle the financial services sector .

  2. 森林环境价值纳入国民收入核算中的重复计算

    Repeated Calculation of Forest Environment Values in National Income Accounting

  3. 以GDP为核心的国民收入核算体系为衡量经济状况提供了一个较为综合的尺度,但是从福利和幸福的角度来看,它却存在不可克服的缺陷。

    The accounting system of national income taking GDP as its core , has offered a most comprehensive yardstick for weighing the economic situation , but according to welfare and happiness , it has some defects that can 't be overcome .

  4. 得到最高分的是一位讲授一年级《国民收入核算》课程的倒霉老师。

    The highest score was earned by the hapless teacher of a first-year course on national income accounting .

  5. 本文从国民收入核算理论、投资乘数理论、凯恩斯储蓄&投资模型三个角度比较系统地进行了相关理论综述;

    This thesis systematically introduces related theories from three aspects of national income checking theory , investment multiplier theory and Keynes ' saving-investment model .

  6. 国民收入核算体系是宏观经济理论中的基本概念,卫星账户体系充当其补充说明成分。

    The satellite accounts system work as a supplement system for the national account system and the national accounting is the statistical language of macroeconomic theory .

  7. 如何正确理解和处理中美贸易失衡问题对中美两国甚至对世界都十分重要,基于这样的认识,本文从国民收入核算的角度对此问题进行了分析探讨。

    It is very important that how to understand and deal with the Sino-US trade unbalanced issue correctly to China and US , even to the world .

  8. 而通过本章的论证,认为目前国民收入核算体系中的所有由货币量值表示的统计变量是由社会关系或特定的货币金融体系决定的,与新古典理论中生产函数的技术分析并无关系。

    We conclude that all of the statistic variables in the system of national accounts are determined by the social relations and monetary system . It have no relation to producer function .

  9. 本文应用新古典经济学的基本工具建立了自然资本定价基本框架,依靠一些简化假设,可以通过国民收入和生产核算帐户直接加以估计。

    The paper uses the basic tools of neoclassical economics to present a simple alternative framework for the price of natural capital , indicating its value can be estimated directly from the national accounts with the aid of some simplification assumptions .

  10. 按照国民经济生产和收入核算法,初次分配中的收入总量来源于生产,是各产业增加值的总和。

    According to production and income approach of national accounts , the total income from primary distribution comes from production , which is the sum of value-added production from the three strata of industry .