
ɡè rén shōu rù
  • personal income;individual income
  1. 旅游火了,工作机会多了,个人收入涨了。

    Tourism is up , jobs are up , individual income is up

  2. 简要介绍Excel的强大制表和数据处理功能在个人收入所得税计算、财务统计、预算管理等方面的运用。

    The paper introduces the application of Excel 's powerful functions of form composition and data disposal into the calculation of individual income tax , statistics of finance , management of budget and so forth .

  3. 1990年个人收入名义上增长了6.8%。

    In 1990 personal incomes grew a nominal 6.8 per cent .

  4. 人们正密切关注降低个人收入免税额度一事。

    Serious attention is being given to diluting the value of personal tax allowances .

  5. 英国财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)估计,穷人缴纳的肥胖税占其个人收入的比例可能是富人的7倍。

    The Institute for Fiscal Studies in the UK estimates that a fat tax would cost the poor seven times as much as a proportion of income as the wealthy .

  6. 效益巨大:直接经济效益142亿元,间接经济效益挽回GDP损失306亿元,减少个人收入176亿元;

    Benefit great : its direct economic returns were $ 1.42 × 10 9 and its indirect economic returns were redeem GDP $ 30.6 × 10 9 ;

  7. 上个月个人收入有所增长,所以AAA发言人希瑟·亨特说,那表示更多的钱进入了民众的钱包。

    Personal incomes rose last month , so AAA spokeswoman Heather Hunter says that 's putting more money in people 's wallets .

  8. 阿马蒂亚·森认为,传统发展观把发展等同于国民生产总值(GNP)增长、个人收入提高。

    Sen believes that the traditional development outlook equate development with growth of GNP and the increase of personal income .

  9. 结果:无独立个人收入的ALE低于有收入的ALE、低收入的ALE低于高收入的ALE。

    Result : Study findings revealed that people who did not have regular personal income or at low income level had lower ALE than those who had regular or at high income level .

  10. 包括个人收入,家庭收入和贫困率。

    It includes personal income , household income and poverty rates .

  11. 中国个人收入分配问题研究

    A Research into the Issue of Personal Income Distribution in China

  12. 如何评估我国现阶段个人收入差距的性质

    How to Evaluate the Nature of Income Difference at Present Time

  13. 这是一个很好的方式,以增强您的个人收入。

    This is an excellent way to bolster your affiliate earnings .

  14. 被定义为贫穷的个人收入水平线。

    A level of personal income defining the state of poverty .

  15. 健康人力资本与个人收入经济发展的关系

    Relationship of health human capital with personal income and economic development

  16. 论我国税收调控个人收入分配

    On Our Country s Tax Regulation of Personal income Distribution

  17. 除去这个,他就没有其他个人收入了。

    Apart from that , he had no private income .

  18. 美国政府明晰个人收入的政策与实践

    The Policies and Experiences of Clarifying Individual Income in the United States

  19. 税收调节个人收入分配的理论分析与现实思考

    On the Theory of Individual Income Distribution by Tax Adjustment

  20. 职工个人收入分配方面改革要从经营者入手。

    Income allotment for employees shall be reformed form the subsidiary managers .

  21. 经济转型期的个人收入分配扫描

    The Allocation Scanning of Personal Income in the Changing Time of Economy

  22. 对我国个人收入差距的几点认识

    Some Views about the Gap of Individual Income in China

  23. 加强政府调控,防止个人收入分配中的两极分化

    Strengthen Government Adjustment to Prevent Polarization in Personal Income Distribution

  24. 社会主义初级阶段的个人收入分配方式

    The Mode of Distribution of Personal Income at the Primary Stage of Socialism

  25. 我国现阶段个人收入分配差距正在逐渐拉大。

    The individual income gap is enlarging at present .

  26. 论个人收入、财产的税收调节

    Tax Regulation on Individual income and Property Personal Storage

  27. 我国个人收入差距的变动特征及其调节政策

    The change Characteristics and Adjustment Policies of Individual Income Difference in Our Country

  28. 教育对个人收入高低的影响程度主要靠教育收益率指标来反映。

    The returns on education reflect the impact of education to income level .

  29. 试论调控个人收入分配的财税政策选择

    On the Choice of Finance and Taxation Policy for Regulating Individual Income Distribution

  30. 论西方经济学个人收入分配理论的三次转型及其意义

    Three Transformations of the Income Distribution Theory in Western Economics and Their Significance