
  • 网络family security;family protection
  1. 在集体化时期,家庭保障是建立在集体经济的基础之上的,集体经济发挥了一种潜在的社会保障制度功能。

    In the collectivization period , family security is built on the basis of the collective economy which plays a potential function of social security system .

  2. 农村社会的老龄化、家庭保障功能的弱化、土地保障功能的虚化及其他的一些原因使得农村面临越来越严峻的养老现实。

    The attenuation of family security and the void of the farmland security function , as well as the aging problem and some other reasons have exacerbated the old-age insurance in rural areas .

  3. 社会保障同家庭保障相结合的原则;公平与效率相统一的原则;

    The principle of unifying equity and efficiency ;

  4. 这将为大家的家庭保障带来巨大变化。

    And it might make a big difference for your family 's bottom line .

  5. 第三、家庭保障在社会保障制度中占有重要的地位。家庭保障无疑是东亚社会保障制度的一个鲜明的文化特色;

    Secondly , social relief plays an important role in East Asian social security institution ;

  6. 90年代至今以家庭保障为主,保障方式多元化四个时期。

    Ninety years as yet , mainly relied on family supporting , security mode diversification .

  7. 根据您的情况,您可能需要家庭保障计划。

    According to your situation , you may be looking at a family protection plan .

  8. 这个教育系统包括家庭保障机制、学校促进机制和社会导向机制。

    This education system may include security part of family , promotion part of school and guide part of society .

  9. 家庭保障、劳动力结构与农户土地流转&基于江苏省142户农户的实证研究

    Empirical research on the determinants of farmers ' behavior of land transfer & based on 142 farmers in two counties of Jiangsu Province

  10. 农民的正式医疗保障制度覆盖率低,家庭保障等非正式制度的保障能力有限,农产对医疗卫生保障制度需求强烈。

    The coverage of formal medical security syetem is low in rural China and the informal system provides limited medical security in rural China .

  11. 新加坡中央公积金制度包括退休保障、医疗保障、住房保障和家庭保障四大保障项目。

    Singapore 's central provident fund system includes four areas , namely , the retirement security , medical insurance , housing security , and household security .

  12. 90%以上的目标家庭保障了基本生活需要,有12.61%的目标家庭获得给付后摆脱了贫困。

    More than 90 % of the targeting households had guaranteed their basic needs , there were 12.61 % had gotten away from the poverty after payments .

  13. 家庭保障、改革养老保险制度与完善最低生活保障制度相结合是应对人口老龄化的重要举措。

    It is an important measure to the aging problem to combine family safeguard , reform of endowment insurance system and perfection of safeguard system of minimum standard of living .

  14. 从土地保障的衰退、家庭保障模式的淡化以及非农产业群体保障的缺失角度,分析了我国农村建立社会保障制度的必要性和紧迫性;

    The necessity and urgency of establishing a rural social security system in China is analyzed from the angle of desalinization of land security , decline of family-security and disappearance of non-agricultural industrial group security .

  15. 鼓励家庭保障、推动社会互助、开展社会保障制度改革、培育责任共担机制意识等有益性的建议将有利地促进社会保障的健康发展。

    Such suggestions as encouraging family security , promoting social mutual-aid , reforming social security system and nourishing the consciousness of the Sharing Mechanism of Responsibilities will lead to the healthy development of social security .

  16. 对流出地而言,农村大量轻壮年劳动力流出加剧了农村老龄化程度,拉大了农村老年人口与子女生活的空间距离,使家庭保障功能逐步弱化。

    Secondly , the outflow of young labor from the rural areas aggravates the aging of population in these regions , and enlarges the distances of generation gap which weakens the risk-averting function of the family .

  17. 作为新农村建设的基础依托,完善的农村社会保障体系应是非均衡、家庭保障与社会保障相结合、公共财政适度支撑、法律体系完备且与相关涉农政策相配套的新体系。

    An established system of rural social security should be one of unbalancedness , combining social security with household security and moderate support from public finance and featuring self-contained legal system matched with corresponding agriculture policy .

  18. 由于传统家庭保障变化及土地保障的虚化,人们所依靠的传统家庭保障方式发生了变异,开始把目光转移到个人储蓄养老上。

    Due to the lack of real worth of land security , the traditional pattern of family security has changed greatly , so the people has begun to pay attention to the aged support using personal savings .

  19. 从农村经济社会发展现状看,农村土地和家庭保障功能弱化,城市化进程中农民工的社会保障需求及农村人口老龄化的趋势,都迫切要求健全农村社会保障制度。

    From the existing state of rural areas , the effect of land and family security is weakening , the social security need of farmer 's worker in cities in urbanization is increasing , and the rural population is ageing .

  20. 新中国建立后,农村养老保障的发展经历了家庭保障、集体保障、老农村社会养老保险(简称老农保)与新型农村社会养老保险(简称新农保)四个时期。

    After founding of new China , there are four stages for the development of old-age security in rural areas : family security , collective security , the old rural social pension insurance and the new rural social pension insurance .

  21. 如何建立有效的社会保障制度,实现农村从家庭保障到社会保障的过渡?一直是许多发展中国家迫切需要解决的难题。

    It is always the difficult and urgent problem in developing countries how to establish the effective social security systems to achieve the countryside transition from the family security to the social security and it is the same in our country .

  22. 从经济支持的角度讲,建国以来农村老年保障经历了建国初的家庭保障、人民公社的集体保障、80年代至今的以家庭保障为主、保障多元化等三个时期。

    In the economy offering view , rural elder social security went through family security in the beginning of the new China establishing , collectivity security of people 's commune , present mainly in family security and many other security ways .

  23. 另一方面,在历史发展过程中,我国农民养老保障先后经历了家庭保障、集体保障和社会保障阶段,其保障模式逐渐从传统的家庭养老向现代的社会养老发展。

    On the other hand , in the historical development , Chinese peasants ' old-age security have experienced from family security to collective security then to social security . The security patterns changed from traditional family support to modern social support .

  24. 20世纪80年代以来,中国致力于全面的市场化改革,社会经济结构开始转型,产业结构逐步调整,中国由集体保障转向以家庭保障为主的农村养老保障体系。

    Since the 1980s , in China , the overall reform of the economy system carried out , social economic structure transformed increasingly , the industry adjusted , the rural social old-aged insurance system has converted from " collectives insurance " to " family insurance " .

  25. 随着社会的发展,农民养老、家庭保障、医疗、子女教育、安全生产等社会问题开始显现,农民的生活保障正在逐步得到全社会的关注。

    With the development of the society , farmers ' pension , family security , health care , children education , safe production and other social problems began to emerge , the protection of peasants ' lives are gradually get the attention of the whole society .

  26. 本文首先肯定了土地保障与家庭保障在农村养老中的基础性作用,接着重点探讨了在农村建立社会化养老保障体系进程中有关基金筹集、基金管理和组织管理的问题。

    This paper admits the essential function of the land and family in supporting elders of Rural China , then mainly discusses and analyzes the problem of raising money , fund administration and organization concerned in the process of creating the Neo-elder security system in rural areas .

  27. 随着老龄化社会的到来,以及传统的家庭保障和土地保障功能的弱化,以及计划生育政策的实行和家庭规模的缩小,还有就是老农保制度的缺乏吸引力,农村人口的养老问题将变得更加迫切。

    With the advent of an aging society and weakening of the traditional family protection , as well as the execution of family planning policy , including the less attractive of rural social endowment insurance system , the problem with surviving of old peasantry will become very urgent .

  28. 根据养老经济支持力的变迁,把农村养老保障模式的变迁划分为四个时期,即建国前至50年代初的家庭保障;

    On the foundation of the variance of providing for the rural aged economy power sustain , carve of the elder-security mode four periods , that is from our country 's strike up to early days of fifty years , the Chinese rural aged mainly relied on family supporting ;

  29. 为此,应摈弃经济发展决定论片面化的思想误区,着重建立健全三项农村基本社会保障制度,拓宽农村社保资金来源渠道,提升土地保障和家庭保障的造血功能。

    Therefore , we should abandon the one-sided misunderstanding of " Determinism of Economic Development ", setting up three kinds of basic social security system , widening the fund resource of social security , and improving the " hematopoiesis " function of family and land securities in the rural areas .

  30. 我国城镇最低收入家庭住房保障研究

    Research on Housing Safeguard of Chinese Town Dweller with Lowest Income