
  1. 他认为艺术是一种生命趋向强力的生成过程,能使个体沟通生命的有限与无限。

    He thinks of art as a kind of generative process life to the power , which can link the finity with infinity of life .

  2. 在文学活动系统中,文学思潮在观念层面上对参与文学活动的个体产生沟通、组织、同化或激化的作用,并促进群体性文学实践的形成、扩大与演变。

    In the literary movement system , the trend of literary thought plays the roles of communicating , organizing , assimilating or intensifying to the individual in literary movement at concept level .

  3. 动机、互动特点、个体差异、沟通情境等因素对说谎和识别行为都会产生影响。

    Moderators of cues to deception and detection accuracy include motivation , interactivity , personality differences , context , et al .

  4. 阶层差异不仅表现为经济上的差异,更表现为文化、心理上的差异,阶层差异是造成个体与他人沟通障碍的重要原因。

    Level differences not only behave in the economical aspect , even in cultural and psychological aspects . Level differences are important reasons to cause the individual communication barrier .

  5. 探讨了将高校突发事件中的大学生从被动管理者变为理性判断的个体,信息沟通机制的构建是重中之重,以及高校具有构建有效的信息沟通机制的客观条件。

    Discussed the incident from university college students into a rational judgment of passive managers individual , the construction of information communication mechanism is the top priority , and an effective of university of information communication mechanism to objective conditions .

  6. 个体之间有垂直沟通、横向沟通和斜向沟通。

    The communication between individuals has perpendicular communication , horizontal communication and inclined communication .

  7. 沟通满意度指个体对其组织沟通各个方面的满意程度。

    The research of teachers'communication satisfaction is significant to measure the quality of organizational communication and reduce the pressure of their work .

  8. 同时阐述了美、法、日学生管理制度,归纳了学生管理制度变迁的国际趋势:重视个体意识,重视沟通渠道的构建、重视个性化问题研究以及重视制度日常生活质量。

    At same time , the part describes student managerial institution of American , Japan , and France , which afford international angle to analyze our school .

  9. 在论文中的第二部分详细介绍了组织内部沟通(个体与个体间的沟通、个体与群体间的沟通、群体与群体间的沟通)有效性。

    In the second part of this paper inter-organization communication is introduced particularly ( including communication between individuals , communication between individual and group , communication between groups ) .