
  • 网络Reservation price;Reserve Price
  1. 从供给的角度,判断价格合理性的指标是保留价格。

    In terms of supply , the index to judge the price rationality is the reservation price .

  2. 这和出售拍卖的保留价格类似,供应商在拍卖投标中也将体现自身的收益率。

    The income rate will be reflected in the auctions similar to the reservation price in sale auction .

  3. 在eBay上公开保留价格就不可能起到这种安抚作用了;

    An open reserve price on eBay makes that reassurance impossible ;

  4. 在最近与拉玛o卡特卡尔(RamaKatkar)合著的一篇论文中,他对eBay拍卖中的保留价格应该公开还是保密的问题进行了研究。

    In a recent paper with Rama Katkar , he investigated whether reserve prices in eBay auctions should be open or secret .

  5. 拍卖理论提出一种看法,认为保留价格保密更好。

    Auction theory offers an argument that a secret reserve price is better .

  6. 产品的保留价格之间的相关关系;产品的组合是否能产生附加价值,这些因素以参数形式出现在实验模型中。

    These factors will appear in the form of parameter in the experiment model .

  7. 从保留价格出发对票价管制情况下运用价格垄断模型对垄断企业的行为进行了刻画。

    The monopoly of the enterprise under price ( control ) is described with reserved price .

  8. 分析了利润最大化厂商可以通过改变产品质量方式内生来改变消费者保留价格的三阶段水平差异模型。

    A three-stages horizontal differentiation model , in which profit-maximization firms change consumers ' reservation prices by changing product quality .

  9. 每个物品有一个名称和一条描述,以及保留价格(最低价格)和有效期。

    An item has a name and description , as well as a reserve ( minimum ) price and expiration date .

  10. 而卖方保留价格的确定依赖于待售商品的特征和潜在消费者的分布情况。

    While the ascertainment of reserve price is relying on the features of the product for sale and the distribution of potential consumers .

  11. 保留价格保密可以让出价方看到彼此逐渐攀升的出价,从而激起他们的信心,让他们相信自己不是唯一欣赏这件物品的人。

    A secret reserve price allows bidders to see each others ' gradually ascending bids and thus draw confidence that they are not alone in prizing the item .

  12. 对居民要素交易机会的限制越大,要素保留价格越低,供给弹性越小,要素收入份额越小。

    Besides , the more constraint put on opportunities of factor marketing , the less the reservation price and the elasticity of supply was , therefore the share of factor income became less .

  13. 通过基本假设、矿业权保留价格的设置,系统地设计了黑龙江省矿业权最优拍卖机制,并进行了市场配置效率分析。

    Pass basic assumption , the mining rights reserve price of constitution , systematically design Heilongjiang province the mining rights be superior sale mechanism , and carried on a market allocation efficiency analysis .

  14. 任何人都不能提交低于公开保留价格的出价,而没有任何来自其他出价方的信心信号,就可能出现没有人出价高出保留价的危险。

    nobody can submit a bid below the open reserve , and lacking any signs of confidence from other bidders , there is a danger that nobody may submit a bid above it either .

  15. 以产品性能特征值量化界定不同企业产品差异化,定义了消费者期望产品性能特征值、消费者实际价格的概念,界定了包含产品性能特征值的消费者保留价格、消费者需求价格概念。

    Product differentiation is quantificationally depicted by product quality index . Concepts of consumer-anticipant product quality index and consumer-factual price are defined . Concepts of consumer reservation price and consumer demand price embodying product quality index are demarcated .

  16. 本文分析了独立的私人估价环境下最优保留价格与竞买人数之间的关系,纠正了最优保留价格与竞买人数无关的传统观点。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between the reserve price and the number of bidders under the condition of independent private values , correcting the traditional false view that optimal reserve price is irrelevance to the number of bidders .

  17. 研究了具有如下特征的连续时间收益管理问题:顾客的到达为时依强度的泊松过程,每个顾客具有最大、最小保留价格,其分布依赖于到达时间。

    This paper discusses a continuous time yield management model with the following characters : customers arrive according to a nonhomogeneous Poisson process , each arriving customer has maximal & minimal reservation prices , the distribution of which depends on the time of arrival .

  18. 我宁愿在合同中保留离岸价格条件,这更方便。

    I 'd rather keep the FOB quotation in our contract . That 's more convenient .

  19. musicMagpie.co.uk网站的一份报告指出,新车在使用一年后通常会贬值20%。而投入大笔金额的手机大约在几个月之后就很难保留其价格了。

    While cars typically lose 20 per cent of their value a year after being driven off the forecourt , money-draining mobiles struggle to retain their value after a matter of months , a report by musicMagpie.co.uk has concluded .

  20. 本球会保留随时更改以上价格的权利,恕不另行通知。

    The club will reserve the right to update the price , and we won 't offer any other notice .