
  • 网络safeguards;safeguard measure;safety net
  1. WTO成员对华特殊保障措施的适用条件研究

    The Research on the Application Rules of Special Safeguard Measures to China

  2. 贸易保障措施是WTO协定所允许的贸易限制手段之一。

    Safeguard measures are one of the allowed trade restrictions in WTO Agreement .

  3. 对于低收入工人来说,福利救济是唯一真正有效的保障措施。

    Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers .

  4. 延迟退休改革相关的配套政策和保障措施非常多,需要统筹谋划、协同推进。

    Jin said retirement age reform requires overall planning and coordination as it involves many supporting policies and measures .

  5. 论WTO法律体制中的特殊保障措施

    On Special Safeguards under Legal System of WTO

  6. 保障措施作为一种贸易救济措施是WTO所允许的一项重要的例外制度,是贸易自由化的产物,同时又是维护和推进贸易自由化向前发展的工具。

    Safeguard measures , as trade remedies , are important exceptions which are permitted under the WTO .

  7. 保障措施作为WTO所允许的保护国内产业免受进口损害的贸易救济手段,已成为一项重要的保障手段,各个国家也越来越多的使用这一救济措施。

    Nowadays it becomes an important measure , more and more countries use the safeguard measures to protect the national industries .

  8. 同时,WTO保障措施协议也规定了严格的实体规则和程序规则,规范各国的保障措施实践,以使保障措施不被滥用。

    At the same time WTO agreement on safeguards establishes strict provisions for implementing and procedural conditions to guide the application of member states .

  9. XX公司劳动关系管理实施的保障措施。

    Safeguard measures for XX company labor relations management implementation .

  10. 但是由于WTO的各成员国在过去很长的时间内都偏重于使用反倾销措施,因而保障措施这一救济方式并不为人们所熟悉。

    But for a long time that the WTO members put much attentions to the anti-dumpling and anti-subsidy measures , unfamiliar with the safeguard measures .

  11. 随着加入WTO以后中国对外贸易的发展,特别保障措施的弊端越来越明显地显现出来,并且给我国带来了危害。

    With the development of foreign trade of China after entering WTO , the disadvantages of Transitional Product - specific Safeguard Mechanism appear more clearly .

  12. 本文所指的保障措施制度主要包括WTO《保障措施协定》和关贸总协定第19条的保障条款。

    In this issue , the safeguard measures mainly refers to " Agreement on Safeguards " of WTO and " Article XIX of GATT 1994 " .

  13. 论立法公正的构成要件&兼及《立法法》草案的有关规定美国201条款与WTO保障措施实质要件与适用效力之比较分析

    Component of Legislative Justice Comparison between " 201 clause " of America and safeguard measures provided by WTO in two parts : substantial elements and legal validity

  14. 保障措施的因果关系要件是保障措施的实施要件之一,其采取的规则和标准决定了保障措施援引的合法与否以及难易程度,而WTO有关条文对这一问题规定相对含糊、抽象。

    The causal link is one of the application prerequisites and its rules and provable standard will determine weather the safeguard taken is legal and easy to apply .

  15. 此外,论文还提出了CG公司初创期战略实施的保障措施。

    Furthermore , this paper advises some safeguard measures on the initial period of the newly-established firm .

  16. WTO官方披露的数据显示,WTO成立至今共有32个成员共发起保障措施调查127起,仍在调查或已实施保障措施的有72起。

    According to WTO official releasing , since the establishment of WTO , there are 127 safeguard investigations initiated by 32 WTO members , 72 of which are still going .

  17. NAFTA为区域内实施保障措施设定了特殊的条件。

    NAFTA affords special conditions for application of safeguard measures within the region .

  18. NAFTA对反倾销、反补贴以及保障措施争端的解决规定了不同争端解决机制。

    Antidumping measures , countervailing measures and safeguard measures have different dispute settlement system in NAFTA .

  19. 最后,介绍了ACE公司针对以上问题方案在系统上保障措施,以保证上述解决方案的实施。

    Finally , the paper introduces the improvement measures of system in ACE company for above problems to ensure the implementation of the solution .

  20. 最后,论文提出TF游泳俱乐部的战略实施保障措施。

    Finally , to ensure the implementation of development strategies , this paper presents the strategic safeguard implementation of TF Swimming Club .

  21. 但在对外贸易经营主体、外贸经营许可制、运用关税保护国内市场和保障措施规定等方面与WTO的规定有差距。

    However , they are different in the respect of foreign trade subject , the system of foreign trade license , the protection of domestic market by applying tariff and the provisions of securing measures .

  22. 以一个TCP与UDP相结合的网上缴费系统作为实例,在较好的网络环境下采用UDP进行进程间的通信时,保障措施的完善可以简化编程、提高运行效率。

    Taking an example of an Internet which combind UDP and TCP , consubmit_payment system , perfecting of safeguard action could predigest programming and improve efficiency .

  23. 近年,全球反倾销与反补贴调查案件逐年下降,而WTO争端解决机构受理的因成员国使用保障措施而引发的争议案件日益上升。

    In recent years , investigation cases of anti-dumping and countervailing have been declining globally , while the dispute cases induced by safeguard measures being taken by relevant countries accepted by WTO dispute settlement body are rising .

  24. 作为公平贸易条件下WTO允许采取的唯一合法的保护手段,保障措施在给予成员方进行产业结构调整,救济产业损害、维护多边贸易体制稳定的过程中发挥了重要作用,并日益受到WTO成员的重视。

    As the only legitimate protection method that WTO permitting , safeguard measures play the vital role in giving the member to carry on the industrial structure adjustment , reliving industry harm , maintaining the multilateral trade system .

  25. 针对Web服务领域日益严重的安全问题,分析了消息传输安全性的需求,分别讨论了几种常见的构架在SSL安全协议之上,或工作在非SSL环境下的安全保障措施。

    Aimed at the increasingly severe security of web service , the security requirements of the message transport were analyzed . Several pieces of security guarantee were discussed base on secure protocol SSL or not .

  26. 文章最后提出了FG集团公司实施出口转内销营销策略和保障措施。

    In summary , the author , forwarded marketing strategies and supporting measures for FG Group Corporation to take on domestic sales of export-oriented commodities .

  27. WTO规则中的保障措施是指一经济体针对未可预见的急剧增长的进口,为补救国内产业因此所受到的严重损害或严重损害威胁而采取的临时性进口限制措施。

    Safeguard measures in WTO refer to the temporary import restrictions protecting relevant domestic industries from the unforeseen increases in imports that cause serious injury or threat thereof to those industries . Safeguard is experiencing a rapid increase in recent years .

  28. 论文第四章介绍了反倾销、反补贴的定义及其主要内容,比较分析了WTO保障措施与反倾销、反补贴的异同点,指出应加以区别使用。

    The definition and meaning of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy is introduced in Chapter 4 , which also compares the WTO safeguards with anti-dumping and with anti-subsidy separately , pointing out the necessity to make a difference between them when taking action .

  29. 保障措施是为保证多边贸易体制的稳定运行而设立的安全阀,它在实现多边自由贸易和公平贸易的内在统一中起着重要的协调作用,为各成员履行WTO义务提供了更大的空间。

    Safeguard measures are the safety valve for the running of the multilateral trade . It plays an important role in the consolidate of multilateral free trade and fair trade , and provides the members with larger space for implementation of international duty .

  30. 本文在对多功能农业进行初步诠释和探讨的基础上,结合崇仁镇多功能农业发展的SWOT分析,提出了崇仁发展多功能农业的发展策略和保障措施。

    This paper bases on preliminary explaining and investigating about MFA , and combines the SWOT analysis of MFA development in Chongren town to propose strategies and safeguards of the development of MFA in Chongren town .