
  1. 市场监管总局检查发现,15家机构有虚假宣传行为,13家机构存在价格欺诈行为。

    The SAMR inspection found that 15 training institutions had indulged in false advertising , while 13 resorted to pricing frauds .

  2. 商业企业价格欺诈行为分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures on Price Deception of Commercial Enterprises

  3. 家乐福部分城市的超市存在的第三种价格欺诈行为是:不履行价格承诺。

    The third price deceive of Carrefour in several cities was refusing perform price promise .

  4. 另外,价格欺诈行为是否构成诈骗罪也值得进一步探讨。

    In addition , the price of fraud constitutes fraud is also worthy of further discussion .

  5. 近几年,我国商业企业的价格欺诈行为愈演愈烈。

    In recent years , there are more and more behaviors of price deception in our commercial enterprises .

  6. 新的价格欺诈行为出现,也应当有相应的监管手段迅速跟上。

    When new price fraud occurs , appropriate regulatory means should be taken to keep up with fast .

  7. 我国现行的价格欺诈行为的调整基于民法欺诈理论,主要由民法,行政法,经济法来进行调整。

    Price fraud is based on civil law theory , which is adjusted by civil law , administrative law and economic law .

  8. 价格欺诈行为的泛滥已成为社会主义市场经济健康有序发展进程中不容忽视的现象,它在本质上背离了诚实信用原则。

    Rampant price cheating has been a fearful phenomenon which is counteracting the healthy and orderly development of the socialist market economy .

  9. 据新华社报道,一项网上调查显示,逾半数参与者认为零售商的价格欺诈行为应归咎于政府监管不力。

    More than half of respondents to an online poll think the authorities'failure to supervise retailers is to blame for deceptive pricing practices , Xinhua reports .

  10. 第三,以大型超市价格欺诈行为的危害米证明对其进行监管的必要性。

    They have typical characteristics which are different from other improper price behaviors . Third , the dangers which are brought in by the price fraud of hypermarkets are used for testifying the necessity of supervision .

  11. 价格欺诈行为进行定性,从民事欺诈入手,详细分析其概念、构成、认定及法律适用,从而认定价格欺诈是民事欺诈的一种类型,是在经济市场化的情况下演变出的新形式。

    Qualitative price fraud , start from the civil fraud , a detailed analysis of the concept , structure , determination and application of law , and thus finds that the price fraud is a type of civil fraud , and new forms evolved out of the market economy .

  12. 虚假宣传、价格欺诈等违法违规行为不仅损害了家长和学生的合法权益,还严重扰乱了行业竞争秩序。

    The malpractices of false advertising and pricing fraud have damaged the legitimate rights and interests of students and their parents and disrupted the orderly market competition .

  13. 发改委指出,上述行为违反了《价格法》的有关规定,构成了价格欺诈的违法行为,严重侵害了消费者权益。

    NDRC pointed out that the activities of the seller infringed some rules of the Price Law , constituted prime fraud , and seriously encroached the rights of the consumer .

  14. 但我国对于价格欺诈的法律规制主要体现在民法和行政法方面,对价格欺诈行为的经济法、刑法规制还有待加强和完善。

    In our country , legal regulation on price fraud behavior mainly in civil and administrative law , Economic Law , Criminal Regulation on price fraud behavior have yet to strengthen and improve .