
  • 网络Procurement cycle;purchasing cycle;Lead time;procurement lead time
  1. 当前,制造企业面临着客户需求多变、客户订单提前期短、采购周期长、库存控制困难等问题,所以库存与库存管理越来越为企业所重视。

    At present , the manufacturing enterprises meet the problems of diversified requirements from customers , short delivery time of customer orders , long purchasing lead time , difficult inventory control etc. , so the enterprises pay more and more attention to inventory and inventory management .

  2. 详细分析了电子采购的评价指标&价格指标、成本指标、采购周期指标和综合指标。

    The deliberated indexes of e-procurement-price index , cost index , lead time index , general index , are analyzed in detail .

  3. 总所有权成本关注整个电子采购周期的总成本。

    The total cost of ownership involves the total costs of entire E-procurement period .

  4. 计划员分使用部门组织相关人员评审采购周期和批量。

    Planner organize relevant personnel to review procurement cycle and bulk divide use departments .

  5. 民用飞机生产涉及进口航空零部件较多,采购周期长、库存量大。

    Civil aircraft production involving more aviation parts , long procurement period and large inventories .

  6. 采购周期通常是3-6个月,因此初创公司自然希望提前为未来做好准备。

    The buying cycles are often 3-6 months so you want to put your best future foot forward .

  7. 该系统逻辑上包括业务需要的独立审批周期和采购周期,按照审批权限、授权和预算进行区分。

    This system comprises logically independent approval and procurement cycles for business needs , segregated on the basis of approval rights , authorization , and budget .

  8. 计算结果表明:新的设计方案使蜗杆传动的中心距下降了20%,能缩短蜗杆传动零部件的采购周期,从而节省大量原材料和生产成本。

    The results indicated that the new design declined center space 20 % and sharply shorten worm transmission accessory stocking cycle , which greatly saved raw and processed materials and production cost .

  9. A管道公司是一个专业的天然气管道运输企业,虽然运营时间不长,但其库存管理已经暴露出许多问题,比如库存管理观念落后、采购周期长和库存成本高。

    Although its operating time is short , but the inventory management has exposed a lot of problems , such as the inventory management concept falls behind , the procurement cycle is long , the inventory cost is high .

  10. 其中表象问题包括采购周期、采购物资价格和品质问题、采购协调及库存等问题;深层次问题包括采购流程、采购计划编制、采购组织、供应商管理等问题。

    Appearance of which include the procurement cycle , procurement of goods prices and quality problems , such as procurement and inventory coordination problems ; deep-rooted problems , including the procurement process , procurement planning , procurement organizations , supplier management and so on .

  11. 进口零件采购周期长,市场需求和运输时间波动对库存管理带来严峻挑战;而S公司目前库存设定仍然主要依靠管理人员的经验进行决策,缺乏对影响因素的数理分析,决策效率较低。

    Due to the long leadtime , variation of market demand and transportation time is a big challenge on inventory management . Without mathematical analysis on the influencing factors , S company still sets its inventory strategy mainly based on the experience of managers , leading to low efficiency .

  12. 本章主要从采购周期、采购金额、市场供需变化、供货商资金情况等方面分析了影响采购效率损失的因素,并提供解决措施。2、物流环节的效率损失及应对措施。

    This paper mainly focuses on procurement cycle , procurement amount , change in supply and demand of market , and fund aspects to analyze the factors and dealing measures related to efficiency loss of procurement . 2 , The efficiency loss and solutions dealing with it in logistic process .

  13. 并根据企业原材料采购的周期性特点,给出运用棘轮期权下的模型运作形式。

    And according to the periodical character of the enterprise raw material procurement , ratchet option was used here to optimize the model .

  14. 降低采购和寿命周期维修费用是新攻击潜艇设计工作中的一个主要目标。

    Reducing acquisition and life-cycle costs is a major objective of the New Attack Submarine design and engineering process .

  15. 政府工程采购的全寿命周期成本分析

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Government Project Procurement

  16. 分别给出了寻找最佳采购次数及采购周期服务水平的算法,并对其算法复杂度进行了分析。

    Two algorithms to determine the optimal number of reorders and the service level are developed respectively .

  17. 通过实例说明:当采购量与采购周期的分布特性已知时,总费用的弹性变化范围就完全被确定。

    The example shows that elasticity distribution of total cost is defined completely , when the distribution characteristics of purchase quantity and period is known .

  18. 有效的采购管理能够缩短采购周期、降低库存水平并节约成本。

    Effective purchasing management can shorten the procurement cycle , reduce inventory level and save the cost .

  19. 在提高产品质量,减低采购成本,缩短采购周期,增强服务水平等采购诸要素方面达到了良好的效果。

    There is a good effect to improve product quality , reduce procurement cost , shorten the purchasing cycle , and enhance the service level in purchasing .

  20. 通过求解雅各比行列式,给出了总费用对随机采购量和随机采购周期的随机局部弹性的联合概率密度。

    Solution by Jacobi determinant , the joint probability density function of stochastic partial elasticity of total cost related to random purchase quantity and purchase period is obtained .

  21. 利用随机局部弹性理论,研究了允许缺货的随机存储模型中,总费用对随机采购量与随机采购周期的随机局部弹性。

    In case the purchase is undertaken in goods out of stock is permitted , stochastic partial elasticity of total cost related to random purchase quantity and purchase period are studied , using stochastic partial elasticity theory .

  22. 通过A公司为GE公司量身定做开发新产品的案例,试图从项目采购管理的角度,特别是供应商的选择与成本控制以及采购周期几方面来探讨项目采购管理如何帮助项目的成功。

    Through the case that Company A develops new products specially for GE company , it is tsied to find out how project sourcing management helps to make the project succeed , especially from the aspects of suppliers'choice , cost control and purchase lead time .

  23. 在采购中,扩大了采购市场的范围,缩短了供应方和需求方的空间距离,缩短了采购周期,简化采购流程,能够更好地选择商品和供应商,在一定程度上节约了成本。

    In procurement , it will expand the scope of the procurement market , shorten the supply side and demand-side distance , shorten the procurement cycle , and simplify the procurement processes , better selection of goods , the supplier , to a certain extent , cost savings .

  24. 如企业经营活动所需要的物资绝大部分是通过采购获得的,它是企业物流管理的起始点,但采购任务往往多且分散,采购项目执行周期长审批环节多。

    For instance , a vast majority of materials needed is obtained through procurement , which is the starting point for enterprise logistics management . Nevertheless , the task of procurement is often large and dispersed ; the procurement of project and the approval procedure is time-consuming .