
cǎi ɡòu yuán
  • purchaser;buyer;purchasing agent
  1. 若关系到补料、订料时,须发物料PMC、编码员、采购员。

    Issue to material PMC , code programmer and purchaser if it concerns material complement or reservation .

  2. 我父亲是一家百货商店采购员,我母亲是同一商店的售货员。

    My father is purchaser at a department store and my mother is a saleswoman at the same store .

  3. 她成了一家连锁店的采购员。

    She became a buyer for a chain store .

  4. 采购员天天为备料东奔西走。

    The purchasing agent rushes around every day to secure materials .

  5. Francesca和一名签字的客户Bill谈话,Bill是一家以专业女士用品为主的连锁商店的采购员。

    We 'll hear Francesca speak to a potential customer , Bill , who is a buyer for Bancroft 's , a retail chain store that targets professional women .

  6. 某一B2B固定提供增值服务由保证产品质量,确认的采购员和卖主信誉,供应的信托财产服务,并且通信的行业信息。

    Some B2B firms provide value-added services by guaranteeing product quality , certifying buyer and seller credit worthiness , supplying escrow services , and communicating industry information .

  7. 34岁的滑雪装备采购员贾尼丝・贝尔利克(JaniceBerlik)从她位于科罗拉多州伊格尔(Eagle)的家中开车去韦尔(Eagle)上班要花35分钟时间。

    Janice Berlik , a 34-year-old ski-apparel buyer , drives 35 minutes from her home in Eagle , Colo. , to her job in Vail .

  8. Viva是连锁百货公司的采购员,他已经决定从Viva购买商品。

    Bill is a buyer for a chain of department stores , who has now decided to purchase from Viva .

  9. 采购员肯特·彼得森(KentPeterson)现年61岁,从书店开张伊始就一直在店里工作。他甚至还协助设计了桌子底下的书架,这样就能陈列更多的书。

    Kent Peterson , 61 , a merchandiser who has been with the store since it opened , even helped design the shelves underneath the tables so that more books could be displayed this way .

  10. 颜色非常抢眼,因此你需要一种低调的现代装束,AustinReed男士正装采购员道恩•戈尔茨坦(DawnGoldstein)表示,这意味着翻领变小,剪裁更为讲究。

    It 's a very sharp look , so you need a modern silhouette which is understated , says Dawn Goldstein , men 's formalwear buyer at Austin Reed . This means slimmer lapels and a more tailored jacket .

  11. 哦,天,那是Serena。嗨,Serena。嘿,Jenny,对吗?恩,嗨,这是我…stylist:时装设计师personal:私人的,个人的shopper:采购员造型师兼私人选购Eric你好。呒,这是我哥哥。可能…

    Oh , my gosh , it 's Serena . Hi , Serena ! - Serena : hey . Jenny , , right ? - Jenny : yeah , hi , - Serena : This is my ... - Eric : Stylist and personal shopper Eric . Hi . - Jenny : Um , this is my brother . Or ...

  12. 我是一个大的纸业公司的采购员。

    I 'm a Buyer for a large paper goods company .

  13. 你得再找一位私人采购员了。

    You 're gonna have to find yourself another personal shopper .

  14. 我会让你在这部门里当个助理采购员。

    I 'll make you an assistant buyer in this department .

  15. 我是哈尔及哈迪食品公司的首席采购员。

    I 'm the Chief Purchasing Officer with Hale and Hearty Foods .

  16. 服务生,采购员,保洁员,收银员,食物准备员,等等。

    Crew Member , Stocking , Cashiering , Cleaning , Food Preparation and etc.

  17. 在投资采购员的指导下支持零件和设备维修的采购工作。

    Support Ordering of maintenance components and equipment under guidance from Investment buyer .

  18. 可以作为原材料采购员的后备人员。

    Be able to be backup for RM buyers .

  19. 佛山国营第五机械厂采购员,你清楚吗?

    Foshan fifth national machine factory are you clear ?

  20. 高级采购员-针织系(日本部)

    Senior Merchandiser-knit dept ( Japan Department )

  21. 在这个意义上说,采购员把产品和客户联在一起。

    Examples of merchandising businesses and some of the products they sell are shown below .

  22. 她是“自由之子”的采购员。

    She 's a buyer for freebodys .

  23. 米德兰的采购员

    I 'm the buyer from Midland .

  24. 评审材料不合格报告的,协助质量部和采购员一起负责处理材料的质量问题。

    Review NCMR and give assistance to QA and buyer deal with the material quality problem .

  25. 比利:这太棒了!你晓得我是一个很棒的采购员。

    Billy : That sounds just perfect ! You know that I am a great salesman .

  26. 男:然后我说服了一家大型百货公司的食品采购员来见我。

    Man : Then I persuaded the food buyer of a major department store to meet me .

  27. 请列出你认为一个合格采购员或采购管理人员所应具备的条件。

    List the subjects which you feel are necessary for a well qualified buyer or purchasing Executive .

  28. 协助采购员管理应收账款(发票收据、更新应收账款管理表、制作报销申请表等)。

    Assist buyer to manage AP invoice reception , updating AP management table , generate payment application , etc.

  29. 那是来自米德兰的一家连锁零售企业的时装采购员的名字

    That 's the name of an actual fashion buyer from one of those chain retailers , Midland .

  30. 不要显现出不确定或没有安全感的样子,对采购员而言是最糟糕的事。

    Do not show uncertainty or insecurity . ? It is the worst that can happen to a buyer .