
diàn zǐ ɡōnɡ yè
  • electronic industry
  1. 随着电子工业的发展,电子废弃物污染已成为一个严重的问题。

    With the development of electronic industry , e-waste pollution has become a serious problem .

  2. 实验证明,本文开发的用于电子工业的低成本高分辨率X射线检测机达到了课题的要求。

    The experiments had proved that low cost real-time digital high-resolution X-ray inspector used for electronic industry developed by author achieved the demands of subject .

  3. 电子工业出现了跃进的局面。

    The electronics industry is developing by leaps and bounds .

  4. 她在电子工业部门工作。

    She works in the electronics industry .

  5. LED曾经用作电子工业指示灯,现在已经成为一项可以改变未来普遍照明的重大的灯饰技术。

    Once used just as indicator lights for electronics , LEDs have evolved into a major lighting technology that may change the future of general illumination .

  6. com贝尔罗斯集团总部位于芬兰,是全球领先的电信、医疗和电子工业行业的供应商。

    Perlos Corporation , headquartered in Finland , is a leading global supplier for the telecommunications , healthcare and electronics industries .

  7. 随着电子工业的发展,电路板(PCB板)的自动测试已成为电子行业中不可缺少的一环,自动测试环境的开发成为必然。

    With the development of the electron industry , the automatic testing of the PCB board become the key of the electron industry .

  8. 新的Au与Au合金材料研究包含电气工业用新材料、电子工业用新材料、饰品与牙科新材料及先进复合材料和涂层材料等。

    The Au alloys newly developed involved materials used for electrical and electronic industries , jeweler and dental alloys , and advanced composites and so on .

  9. 粉体的Ba与Ti摩尔比为(1000±0005),杂质含量小于电子工业行业标准;

    The Ba / Ti mole ratio was ( 1 000 ± 0 005 ) confirmed by chemical analysis . The content of impurity was below the industry standard .

  10. Al2O3陶瓷材料具有优异的绝缘、耐高温、抗腐蚀、耐磨损性能,广泛的应用于电子工业和机械工业。

    Al_2O_3 ceramic materials has many excellent properties , such as high insulated property , excellent heat-resistant , high wearability and good erode-resistant property , it is applied in electronic industry and mechanical industry widely .

  11. 目前广泛用于电子工业界的Sn-Pb焊料合金由于Pb的毒性而将被限制使用,无铅焊料合金的研制成为研究的热点。

    The Sn-Pb solder commonly used in electronic industry will be restricted because of the leads toxicity . The study on lead-free solder is becoming a focus .

  12. 分析了成像系统的设计思路与总体方案,建立了该检测机系统分辨率的数学模型,并开发完成了该电子工业用X射线检测机专用检测软件。

    Author analyzed principle of design and overall planning of this system , build the systemic resolution mathematical model of this radiation imaging system , complete the specialized software of this X-ray inspector based on this system used for electronic industry .

  13. 随着Sn-Pb焊接材料在电子工业中的应用限制,无铅焊接材料的设计与开发已经是电子封装领域的重要课题。

    The development of Pb-free solders is very important in the electronic industries , as the restricting of the Pb in solders .

  14. 电子工业生产环境空气质量要求较高,需对空气成分实时监控,利用VISUALBASIC编程软件实现RS232/RS485串口通信分布式监控系统是一个有效的解决方案。

    It is necessary to supervise the air quality in electronic industry fields because of high demanded air environment required for producing qualified products . An efficient method is supervising the air quality in real time by using RS232 / RS485 distributed serial communication system based on Visual Basic .

  15. 作为电子工业的基础,印刷电路板(PCB)是电子电器产品中重要的组成部分,随着电子废弃物数量的增加,废弃印刷电路板的数量也呈现出急剧上升的趋势。

    As the base of electronic industry , PCBs are important component in electric and electronic equipment . With the increasing number of electronic waste , the number of discarded PCBs also shows sharp upward trend .

  16. Al及其合金有重量轻、强度高、力学性能好等优点。长期以来,其在航空航天、汽车制造、建筑工程、电子工业等领域扮演着重要角色。

    Aluminum and its alloys have been extensively used in aerospace , automobile manufacturing industry , construction , electronic industry , equipment production and other civilian areas due to their satisfactory features such as light weight , high strength and good mechanical properties .

  17. PikeOS用于处理航空电子工业中安全性至关重要的航空电子应用程序。

    PikeOS is used in the avionics industry for safety-critical avionics applications .

  18. 随着电子工业的飞速发展,晶片的应用范围越来越大,晶片加工技术也越来越受到重视,它反映出一个国家IC制造业的规模和工艺水平。

    With the rapid development of the electronics industry , increasing the scope of application of the chip , chip processing technology is more and more attention , it reflects a country the size of the IC manufacturing industry and the level of technology .

  19. 航空航天、运输和电子工业更为依赖采用PFOA生产的产品,以确保其关键系统的纯度、可靠性和耐用性。

    The aerospace , transportation and electronics industries rely on products manufactured using PFOA for purity , reliability and durability of many of their key systems .

  20. 随着微电子封装技术的发展及绿色电子工业的兴起,各向异性导电胶膜(ACF)作为一种新兴的绿色封装互连材料,日益受到电子工业和研究者的广泛关注。

    With the development of microelectronic packaging technology and the rise of green electronic industry , anisotropic conductive adhesive film ( ACF ) has attracted more and more attention as a new kind of green packaging interconnect materials .

  21. 本文运用层次分析方法(AHP)对商品林业投资项目和电子工业投资项目风险进行比较研究,从定性和定量角度出发,研究分析和初步测定商品林业投资风险。

    The present paper ( AHP ) conducts the comparison research using the level analysis method to the commodity forestry investment project and the electronics industry investment project risk , embarks from qualitative and the quota angle , research analysis and rough determination commodity forestry investment risk .

  22. 在电子工业中,PCB是各种电子产品的主要部件,PCB上的缺陷可能导致整块印制板甚至整台仪器报废,因此印制板的检验和测试是PCB厂商质量控制不可缺少的环节。

    In electronic industry , PCB is the main part of kinds of electronic products , faults of which may led to rejection of the PCB , even more , the whole instrument . So the detecting and testing measure on PCB is necessary for quality control for PCB manufacturer .

  23. 国际环境计划(UNEP)1990年修改了蒙特利尔公约,要求在2000年以前停止氟氯碳化合物(CFC)的生产。因此,电子工业正在急切寻找不需用CFC溶剂的替代清洗材料和助焊剂。臭氧(英文)

    United Nation Environmental Protection ( UNEP ) agency has revised the montreal protocol and demand that CFC products'production be terminated by year 2000 . Therefore , the electronic industries are desperately searching for non ozone depleting cleaning solvents or soldering fluxes that do not require the use of CFC .

  24. 基于环保和可持续发展,本文概述了SnAg、SnZn、SnBi、SnCu、SnSb等系列Sn基无铅软钎料研究成果,分析了电子工业用无铅钎料的可靠性问题。

    Considering environmental protections and sustainable development , the research conclusions of Sn-based Lead-free solders series ( such as SnAg 、 SnZn 、 SnBi 、 SnCu 、 SnSb et al ) are illustrated in this paper . Reliability of electronic Lead-Free Solders was also analyzed .

  25. 美国电子工业国际标准化管理模式介绍

    Introduction about Management Model of Electronics Industry International Standardization in USA

  26. 汽车及电子工业等用粘结稀土永磁体

    Bonded Rare Earth Magnets Used in the Car and the Electronics

  27. 喂,这是波内勒电子工业的半导体部。

    Hello , this is the Bonelle Electronics , Semicon-ductors Department .

  28. 银也是一样,被大量应用于电子工业。

    Silver is no different , with electronics a large consumer .

  29. 电子工业纯度级化学试剂GB/T3135-1982工业纯氧化铍粉末技术条件

    Electronic grade chemica Technical requirements of commercial purity beryllium oxide powder

  30. 电子工业(产业)环境安全和卫生研讨会

    Seminar On Environmental Safety and Health in the Electronics Industries