
  • 网络Television Marketing;tv marketing
  1. 从多个角度分析地方台的电视频道包装的现状,发现其问题,用科学的电视营销手段,对其进行研究和解决。

    From various angles analysis of local TV channels package to Taiwan the status quo , found problems , using scientific means of television marketing , its study and solution .

  2. 研究电视团购节目有助于我们研究新时期新的电视营销手法,更好的认识和了解媒体传播的方式。

    Research TV Group buy program helps us to research new TV marketing practices in the new era , better awareness and understanding of media communication solution .

  3. 中国数字付费电视营销策略研究

    A Study on the Marketing Strategies of China Digital Pay TV

  4. 如果在不久的将来,在线视频营销取代电视营销成为主流的视频广告,请不要感到惊讶。

    Do not be surprised if online video marketing replaces its television counterpart in the not too distant future as the predominant form of video advertising .

  5. 整合营销4C理论与电视广告营销

    Integrate 4C of Marketing Theory with Marketing of TV Ads

  6. 基于4P理论的美国电视剧营销研究

    The Research on U.S. Teleplay Marketing Based on 4Ps Theory of Marketing

  7. 三星公司电视产品营销事务副总裁比尔o李表示,4K电视去年的出货量为80万台,三星预计这一数值将在2015年翻两番。

    Bill Lee , vice president of television product marketing at Samsung , says the television industry shipped 800,000 4K / UHD sets last year – and Samsung expects to see a four-fold increase to that number in 2015 .

  8. 因此,对电视购物营销策略研究具有其必要性。

    Therefore , the TV shopping marketing strategy research has its necessity .

  9. 构建数字电视服务营销竞争优势

    Build up the Competitive Advantage of DTV Service Marketing

  10. 供需特征、替代效应与经济福利&对中国电视活动营销的理论解析

    An Analysis on TV Events Marketing in China

  11. 电视媒体营销管理试论传媒假事件

    Television Marketing Management Characteristics of Media 's Pseudo-event

  12. 这一结论对其他电视栏目营销策略的制定也有一定的参考价值。

    This conclusion has certain reference value on how to make marketing strategy about other TV programs .

  13. 然而,我国电视购物营销人员对消费者的漠视,使其曾一度跌入低谷。

    However , in China , it had once suffered a transitional low tide because of ignored consumer demand by marketers .

  14. 深圳有线数字电视市场营销策略研究如果能在促销活动中看到特价电视机,我就买一个。

    Study on Marketing Strategy of Shenzhen Cable DTV I might buy a TV , if I can find a bargain in the sales .

  15. 然后,选择了相关企业进行了实证分析,证实了基于网络能力的电视传媒营销模式对于我国电视传媒企业的有效性。

    Then , the paper selected the relevant enterprises and confirmed the effectiveness of TV media enterprises in China based on the network capabilities .

  16. 电视节目营销网络的建立是市场开发的重要环节,是电视节目制作单位的生存之本;

    The establishment of the marketing network for TV programmes is an important link of the market development , and also is the foundation of the existence of TV programme makers .

  17. 第三章为电视广告营销的环境分析,在本章结合电视广告经营的外部竞争环境以及内部营销策略存在的问题,提出了精益营销策略的引入和必要性。

    The third is analysis of TV ads marketing environment , combining the problems between external marketing environment of TV ads marketing and internal marketing strategies , then putting forward the introduction and necessity of optimized marketing strategies .

  18. 在消费文化的影响下,怀旧成为了电视媒介营销的一种手段,电视媒介把当前大众所具有的这种怀旧情结商品化了,而怀旧景观其实是电视媒介与消费文化共谋的产物。

    Under the influence of consumer culture , nostalgia has became a means of TV media marketing , television media public nostalgia commercialized , and the nostalgic spectacle is actually the product of collusion by the television media and consumer culture .

  19. 第四部分对中国中小城市电视购营销存在的问题及原因进行了分析,指出了其存在的诸如投资者信心不足、商品投放定位不准等问题。

    Part iv TV purchase and marketing problems of small and medium-sized cities in China and their causes are analyzed , and pointed out the existence of such as investors lack of confidence , goods delivery location are not allowed to issue .

  20. 最后提出了广西电视台营销战略实施保障措施,即战略实施观念和思想保障、品牌栏目保障、管理制度保障,为促进广西电视台打造可持续竞争优势提供对策与建议。

    Finally , the Guangxi Television marketing strategy to the implementation of safeguards , the implementation of the strategy concepts and ideas of security , brand part protection and management system to protect and provide countermeasures and suggestions to promote Guangxi Television to create a sustainable competitive advantage .

  21. CBA联赛电视转播权营销与市场开发

    CBA ' broadcasting property rights exploitation and marketing

  22. 中美体育赛事电视转播权营销现状比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Sports TV Relay Marketing Between China and USA

  23. 城市形象电视广告的营销效应研究

    A Research on the Marketing Effects of City Image Commercial on TV

  24. 电视媒体广告营销策略研究

    The Research on the Strategy of Television Advertisement Management

  25. 国内外体育比赛电视转播权营销策略的研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Home and Abroad Sports Games and TV Relay Right

  26. 但是,由谁来控制通过卫星电视或因特网营销不健康的生活方式,包括饮食、药品和烟草制品?

    But who regulates the marketing , by satellite TV or Internet , of unhealthy lifestyles , including diets , tobacco products and pharmaceuticals of questionable quality ?

  27. 第四章为电视广告精益营销管理的主要内容,在本章分析了电视广告领域的特性,提出了精益营销策略的具体实施方略。

    The fourth is main contents of TV ads optimized marketing management , analyzing the TV ads area character , putting forward specific methods of optimized marketing strategies .

  28. 结论认为:美国体育赛事电视转播和营销经历了萌芽,争议犹豫,初步探索和繁荣发展4个历史阶段;

    Conclusion conidering : American sport competition affair television relay and marketing experience germinates , Controversy is irresolute , Probes initially with makes prosper to develop 4 history phases ;

  29. 与此同时,在当今媒体竞争异常激烈、新媒体冲击的媒介环境下,安徽卫视的电视剧品牌营销战略也有很多不足之处,自身竞争力优势日趋下滑,亟待对自身品牌经营方向进行变革和升级。

    At the same time , under the circumstances of fierce media competition and the impact of new media , Anhui TV needs immediately Changes and upgrades to get rid of its disadvantages of brand positioning strategy .

  30. 美国有关部门向42名被告提出指控,其中15人已被判有罪。他们的罪名包括在南非申办2010年世界杯主办权时收受贿赂,为联赛电视转播和营销权支付贿赂。

    US authorities have charged 42 defendants , 15 of whom have already been convicted , for accepting bribes from South Africa 's bid to host the 2010 World Cup , as well as paying bribes for TV and marketing rights to tournaments .