
  • 网络javac;A compiler
  1. 文中给出了Petri网-VHDL编译程序的构造方法。

    The construction method of Petri net-VHDL compiler is developed .

  2. Petri网-VHDL编译程序的构造

    Construction of Petri Net-VHDL compiler

  3. 高精度可编程恒流驱动白光LED芯片设计研究编译程序的诊断程序

    Design research on the high-precision programming constant current driver of the white light LED

  4. 第二部分是对编译程序的研究。基于双栈结构的安全C编译器的研究

    The second part is the design of the complier . Research on Security C Complier of Double Stack

  5. 同时也分析了编译程序技术对Java性能的影响。

    The authors also analyze the effect that compiler technology has on Java performance .

  6. make的主要特性之一就是依赖性管理:只有在程序源码发生更新必须要重新编译程序时,make才会真正重新编译程序。

    One of make 's key features is dependency management : make attempts to rebuild only what it has to when a program is updated .

  7. 基于工控机的G代码编译程序设计

    IPC-based design of G-code compiler

  8. 通常,GWT编译程序将成功转换合法的Java代码。

    The GWT compiler usually converts legal Java code successfully .

  9. 软PLC的编译程序包括词法分析、语法分析、语义分析和目标代码生成四个阶段。

    The compiled system includes the phrase analysis , syntax analysis , language analysis and generate target code .

  10. 我们可直接用高级语言编写机床逻辑,但实现软逻辑PLC的软件需要编译程序。

    We can write machine logic with advanced language directly , but implementing soft PLC call for compiler .

  11. 流程工业CIMS的发展策略优化的编译程序的流程优先分析

    The Developing Strategy of Process Plant CIMS Flow Precedence Analysis for optimizing Compilers

  12. 本文介绍了CL语言的特点及其编译程序结构。

    This paper describes the distinctive features of CL language and its compiler structure .

  13. 探讨了一种对C语言编译程序所生成的汇编代码进行人工干扰、手工优化的新方法。

    This paper inquires into a new method to be used to optimize handwork with assemble code created by C-compiler which needs optimization theory and assemble knowledge .

  14. 介绍在不同编译程序的存储模式下,如何在C中调用汇编例程以及如何在汇编语言中调用C的函数,即混合编程的方法。

    A method of mixed programming with calling assembler subroutine in C anc calling the function of C in assembler in different memory mode of compiler is introduced .

  15. IBMPc/XT微型机FORTRAN新版编译程序和8087协处理器的应用

    On Application of An Updated FORTRAN Compiler and the 8087 Coprocessor to IBM PC / XT Computer

  16. PHP没有配备编译程序,因此这类访问控制变得愈加重要。

    PHP doesn 't have a compiler , so this type of access control becomes even more important .

  17. 本文程序用FORTRAN语言编写,用NDP-FORTRAN编译程序编译运行。

    The program was written in FORTRAN and compiled by NDP - FORTRAN .

  18. Ada编译程序支撑环境的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of supporting environment for ADA compiler system

  19. 那是由GWT编译程序把干净、整洁的Java代码编译成JavaScript代码的实际结果。

    That 's actually your nice , neat Java code compiled to JavaScript code by the GWT compiler .

  20. 例如,PASCAL源程序对COBOL编译程序或者BASIC解释程序是无意义的。

    For example , a Pascal source program is meaningless to a COBOL compiler or a BASIC interpreter .

  21. 针对C语言程序设计中易混淆的几个典型问题,进行深入的分析,提出了避免副作用、编译程序相关等问题的方法。

    : This essay makes further study about some typical confusing problems in C programming and puts forward some methods to avoid the problems on side effects and compiler-dependent problems .

  22. 一次扫描的ADA编译程序的类属处理方法

    A new method for implementation of generic unit in one pass ADA compilers

  23. 基于群机系统的Ada编译程序

    An Ada Compiler Based on Distributed Computer System

  24. 本文通过阐述C语言中几个字符串处理函数在指令译码中的应用,给出了两种通用译码格式,可被任何编译程序所采用。

    This paper deals with several C language words processing functions ' application in the code translation , concludes two current method of code translation which can be adopted by any code translating program .

  25. 在AIXshell提示中,它使用三个命令编译程序,一个命令生成一个可执行主程序并运行该程序。

    At the AIX shell prompt , it takes three commands to compile the programs , one command to generate an executable main program and run it .

  26. 自动生成编译程序的HCP系统

    A High-le el Compiler System for Automatically Producing Compilers

  27. YACC是一个编译程序的编译程序。

    YACC is a compiler compiler .

  28. 在编译程序总体设计中,以文法作为程序设计的依据,参照硬PLC的工作原理并以语法分析程序为中心来组织整个编译过程。

    At the whole compiled system design , takes grammar as the base of program design , referring to hard PLC working theoty , syntax analysis program as center to organize the whole compiled process .

  29. HMCGS系统接受一个ADL语言程序,生成一个相应的目标编译程序。

    HMCGS accepts an ADL program and automatically generates a corresponding target compiler .

  30. 32位浮点RISC嵌入式微处理器LS-C编译程序寄存器分配实现

    Implementation of Register Allocation in LS-RISC Embedded Micro Processor LS-C Compiler