
  • 网络lexicographers;compiler;codifier
  1. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)杂志资深语言专栏作家沃拉夫(BarbaraWallraff)说,你和我现在都可以成为自己的字典编纂者了。

    ' You and I can be our own lexicographers now , 'says Barbara Wallraff , the longtime language columnist for The Atlantic magazine .

  2. 辞典编纂者每天都在发现有关词语的新情况。

    Lexicographers are daily discovering new facts about words .

  3. 有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义

    Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean .

  4. 词典编纂者的工作就是对语言加以描述。

    A lexicographer 's job is to describe the language .

  5. 字典编纂者知道英语词汇在不断变化。

    The lexicographer knew that the English lexis was changing .

  6. 对词典编纂者来说,如何平衡句法信息的准确性和可达性(accessibility),是一项富有挑战性的任务。

    It is a challenging task for the dictionary makers to strike a balance between accuracy and accessibility of syntactic information .

  7. 有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义。

    Some dictionary writer use citation to show what word mean .

  8. 作为字典编纂者的好处--

    Now one of the perks of being a lexicographer --

  9. 他是公认的中国词典编纂者中的领先学者。

    He is widely recognised as the leading Chinese scholar in lexicography .

  10. 对韩国的词典编纂者来说,最难的是政治词汇。

    For the South Korean dictionary compilers , the toughest words are political .

  11. 当今,对于词典编纂者和词典使用者而言,注音已经成为一个独立的要素。

    Nowadays , transcription has become one indispensable element to both compilers and users .

  12. 首先,教材编纂者的重心从老师转向了学生。

    First , the focus of the textbook compilers shifted from the teacher to the students .

  13. 这种差异虽或多或少因之于两书的性质不同,然其主要的显然是著者(编纂者)对文本身价值取向有别而来。

    This difference is derived more or less from the different natures of the two works .

  14. 这些推崇女权主义的词典编纂者们一次次地拒绝,甚至取笑主流词典编纂学的做法。

    Again and again these feminist lexicographyers refuse and indeed poke fun at the mainstream lexicography .

  15. 词典编纂者应当采取哪些策略确保选例的典型性?

    And ( 3 ) What strategies should lexicographers adopt to ensure that a chosen example is prototypical ?

  16. 这种态度在约翰逊的时代相当普遍,并与词典编纂者自己并不矛盾。

    This attitude was quite common in Johnson 's day and was not contradictory to the lexicographer himself .

  17. 《论语》既蕴涵了孔子的思想,也一定程度的承载了孔子弟子以及编纂者的思想和思考问题的逻辑。

    Confucius Analects contains the Confucius thought , the ideas and thinking logic of Confucius disciple and compilers .

  18. 毕竟,字典是字典编纂者编写的有关词汇用法和意义的庞大的数据库。

    Dictionaries are , after all , giant databases of words compiled by lexicographers who investigate word usages and meanings .

  19. 编纂者可以针对这些错误,在词典编纂中提出具体的解决方法。

    Lexicographers can make a detailed study of these errors and work out specific solutions to these errors when compiling Chinese-specific dictionaries .

  20. 因此,一方面词典编纂者应在词典设计中体现用户友好,而另一方面词典用户的辞书查阅技能也有待提高。

    Therefore , dictionary makers need to bring user-friendliness into their dictionary design , whereas dictionary users have to improve their reference skills .

  21. 从对话理论看双语词典编纂者与读者的互动词典的编者必须根据所汇集的卡片来编词典,不然的话,就根本不必去汇集那些卡片了。

    Interaction Between Lexicographers and Their Readers-Perspective of Dialogism Theory ; He must work according to the cards , or not at all .

  22. 例证,作为词典中必不可少的一个部分,一直为双语词典编纂者及词典用户所关注。

    Illustrative examples , an indispensable part in most bilingual linguistic dictionaries , have been the focus of attention of lexicographers and dictionary users .

  23. 但排行榜编纂者警告称,其它英国大学在与全球大学的竞争中“难以站稳脚跟”。

    But there is a warning from the compilers of the rankings that other UK universities are " struggling to hold their own " against global rivals .

  24. 充分运用学习者语料库,对学习者语料库显示的动词句法结构进行错误分析,将对词典编纂者在动词句法处理方面提供实用性帮助。

    The application of learner corpora and the error analysis of verbs ' syntactic patterns based on learner corpora provide compilers with practical help in verbs ' syntactic treatment .

  25. 在每部分的结尾,笔者还就存在的问题提出改进意见,以便为字典编纂者提供参考。

    At the end of each part , the author gives some improvement suggestions of the flaws , which are aimed to provide some references to the dictionary editors .

  26. 不过,此类排名往往反映的是,香港对富人课税极其低、甚至完全不征税这样一个事实。排名编纂者对此怀有敬意。

    Such rankings , however , tend to reflect their compilers ' respect for the fact that Hong Kong taxes rich people at very low rates or not at all .

  27. 不过当其编纂者(位于柏林的透明国际组织)在10月26日发布第16份年度排名时,既引发了好奇,也招至了批评。

    But when its compilers-transparency International ( TI ) , an organisation based in berlin-released their 16th annual ranking on October 26th , there was criticism as well as curiosity .

  28. 另外一个对象是词目词之后的例证,在这个翻译过程中编纂者的难题在于有时无法使译文既保持原有的功能又符合译入语的习惯。

    The other object is the example after the headwords . Sometimes it is difficult to make its translation keep the original functions and sound natural at the same time .

  29. 以语料库为工具研究搭配要注意并处理好两个问题:(1)计算机语料的运用并不排除词典编纂者的语言经验和主观判断在语料的分析中所起的作用,两者同等重要。

    Two points that need to be called attention to in this thesis are : ( 1 ) Computer data collection does not rule out lexicographer 's intuition and subjective judgment .

  30. 它们作为传统的符号使用在各式日常言语里,变得司空见惯,它们的原意只限于词典编纂者和语言学家。

    They pass into conventional symbols in the multiform uses of daily speech ; they become commonplace factors of a commonplace present , and remain historic only to lexicographers and philologists .