
luó mǎ ɡuì zú
  • patrician;patricians and senators
  1. 到1840年,托洛尼亚家族的地位已经很高,亚历山德罗·托洛尼亚(AlessandroTorlonia)得以迎娶罗马贵族之家的特雷莎·科隆纳(TeresaColonna)。

    By 1840 , the Torlonia family was established enough for Alessandro Torlonia to marry Teresa Colonna of the aristocratic Roman family .

  2. 我亲爱的格劳科斯,一个罗马贵族得保持他的气派。

    My dear Glaucus , a Roman noble has his dignity to keep up .

  3. 我是说电子邮件,自从铅制餐具损害了罗马贵族的大脑以来,对文明社会最大的威胁。

    I speak of email , the greatest threat to civilization since lead dinnerware addled the brains of the Roman aristocracy .

  4. 罗马贵族非常狡猾,他们对平民作出一定程度的让步以打击每一个这样的潜在的霸主。

    The Roman patricians were clever enough to beat every such potential tyrant by giving in to a certain extent to the plebeians .

  5. 此外,罗马贵族人物的葬礼还具备特殊的展示和记忆功能。死者生前的荣耀及其家族辉煌的历史在葬礼的各个环节中能够得到全面的体现。

    Furthermore , the funerals of Roman nobles had also exercised special functions as display and memorization , and the splendid family history and the honors that the deceased had won during his lifetime could also be shown fully in every stage of the funeral .

  6. 罗马的贵族在罗马的南部曾建立大型的公共玫瑰花园。

    Roman nobility established large public rose gardens in the south of Rome .

  7. 通过我们的分析,可以认定罗马共和政制为贵族混合政体。

    According our study , we can conclude that Roman regime was mixed constitution leading by patrians .