
  • Roman Holiday;William Wyler;Rome Holiday
  1. 1953年,浪漫喜剧片《罗马假日》(RomanHoliday)中,格里高利派克(GregoryPeck)一举成名,确立了自己电影史上最会穿衣演员的地位。

    In the 1953 romantic comedy Roman Holiday , Gregory Peck established himself as one of the better dressed men in film history .

  2. 1953年,赫本在《罗马假日》中扮演了尊贵的公主。

    Hepburn acts regally in " Roman Holiday " in1953 .

  3. 再过不久,人人都能像《罗马假日》中的霍莉·戈莱特利(HollyGolightlys)一样,游走在蒂凡尼店铺附近,端着咖啡,拿着点心,抬头看看窗户。

    No longer must all the would-be Holly Golightlys wander the concrete below , coffee and croissant in hand , looking up at the store windows .

  4. 还有迷上罗马假日是怎么回事?

    And what 's with this Roman holiday obsession ?

  5. 《罗马假日》是她的第一部爆款,她因此成为明星。

    Roman Holiday was her first big break , which made her a star .

  6. 罗马假日是1953浪漫喜剧。

    Roman Holiday is a1953 romantic comedy .

  7. 不管在哪家,你都会把肚子吃得圆滚滚的,所有的罗马假日都应该这样收尾。

    Either meal will end as every Roman holiday should : with a full belly .

  8. 《罗马假日》是我看过的最动人的电影。

    The movie " Rome Holiday " is the most moving one that I 've ever seen .

  9. 不久之后,奥黛丽被选中去演好莱乌电影《罗马假日》演一个年轻的公主。

    Shortly after , Audrey was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Holly film Roman Holiday .

  10. 赫本在1953年因为《罗马假日》而获得奥斯卡最佳演员,图为获奖后被记者环绕。

    Audrey Hepburn is surrounded by reporters as she holds the Best Actress Oscar she won for 1953 's " Roman Holiday . "

  11. 源于意大利的大型文化活动“罗马假日”于本周六在上海“东方明珠”电视塔下开幕。

    A large-scale Italian-themed cultural activity called " roman holiday " opened at the base of the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai on saturday .

  12. 许多人看过电影《罗马假日》。有人问奥黛丽-赫本讨教“美丽窍门”,她就此写了一首诗。许多年后,这首诗在她的葬礼上被朗读。

    Below is a wonderful poem Audrey Hepburn wrote when asked to share her " beauty tips . " It was read at her funeral years later .

  13. 从《罗马假日》中的安妮公主,到《窈窕淑女》里的伊莉莎·杜利特尔,奥黛丽·赫本几乎成了内心平和与坚毅的化身。

    From Princess Anne in " Roman Holiday " to Eliza Doolittle in " My Fair Lady ," Audrey Hepburn seemed the epitome of inner calm and self-reliance .

  14. 当我还是小孩子时,我就来回来去的看那些经典电影,比如《魂断蓝桥》和《罗马假日》,只为了聆听中文配音演员的声音。

    When I was young , I would watch classics like Waterloo Bridge and Roman Holiday over and over again just to hear the voices of the Chinese dubbers .

  15. 我的意思是,我看过她的很多著名电影,《罗马假日》、《蒂凡尼的早餐》等,但我还是无法完全理解。

    I mean I 've seen the famous films , Roman Holiday , Breakfast at Tiffany 's and a few others , but I still don 't fully get it .

  16. 我爱奥黛莉,我也相信她说的每一句话。可是,当你看着这张照片,想起电影罗马假日,难道不会心碎吗?

    I love Audrey , and I believe every word she said , but , don 't you feel heartbroken , when you look at that picture , thinking of Roman Holiday ?

  17. 看过经典影片《罗马假日》或讲述勇敢者的故事的《角斗士》后,不管你对罗马有什么印象,这座城市的名胜仍能激发起你的想象。

    And no matter what image of Rome you might have from watching the classic movie Roman Holiday or the story of the brave Gladiator , there 'll still be interesting sites to capture your imagination .

  18. 赫本凭借其在《罗马假日》中饰演的出逃公主一鸣惊人,并获得奥斯卡奖。她饰演的一些其他的角色也很出名,比如她在《窈窕淑女》中扮演的伦敦贫女伊丽莎和在《盲女惊魂记》中饰演的受到恐吓的盲女。

    Hepburn , who won an Oscar for her first starring role as a runaway princess in " Roman Holiday , " is also known for roles as divergentas cockney Eliza in " My Fair Lady " and a terrorized blind woman in " Wait Until Dark . "