
  • 网络charles v;Charles V of France
  1. 析查理五世统一德意志失败的原因

    Analysing the Causes of Failure of Charles V Unifying Germany

  2. 查理五世统治下的帝国及其欧洲争霸战争

    The Empire under the Rule of Charles V and His Hegemonistic War in Europe

  3. 16世纪查理五世在位时,哈布斯堡王室达到权力的顶峰。

    The zenith of Habsburg power came in the16th century under the Emperor Charles V.

  4. 因此查理五世的城廓也遭受菲利浦&奥古斯都的城廓的命运。

    So Charles V. 's wall suffered the fate of that of Philip Augustus .

  5. 1521年的今天,西班牙国王查理五世和神圣罗马帝国皇帝召开了沃尔姆斯帝国议会。

    1521 – Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor , opens the Diet of Worms .

  6. 历史上的今天-沃尔姆斯帝国议会1521年的今天,西班牙国王查理五世和神圣罗马帝国皇帝召开了沃尔姆斯帝国议会。

    Diet of Worms 1521 - Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor , opens the Diet of Worms .

  7. 泰勒是一种银币,于1518年德国皇帝查理五世统治时期首次铸造。

    The taler was a silver coin first minted in 1518 under the reign of Charles the 5th , emperor of Germany .

  8. 椭圆庭院的尺度来自查理五世在阿尔罕布拉的皇宫。

    The dimensions of the elliptical courtyard have been taken from the courtyard of the Palace of Charles the V in the Alhambra .

  9. 查理五世(1519-1556年在位)因其拥有数十个王侯头衔和统治着地域广袤的帝国而著称。

    The emperor of Charles V ( reigned from 1519 to 1556 ) was known of owning dozens of princely titles and the domination of huge empire .

  10. 新城城廓(即查理五世城廓)的顶点在圣德尼门和圣马丁门,这两座城门的地点至今没有变动过。

    The culminating point of the Town wall ( that of Charles V. ) was at the gates of Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin , whose situation has not been changed .

  11. 这老头儿早晚会知道查理五世是藐视不得的;他一旦抓住什么东西就死不放手。

    The old chap should find that CharlesV was not to be defied ; that when he got his teeth into a thing , he did not let IT go .

  12. 批准它的皇帝查理五世同时领导着神圣罗马帝国和西班牙帝国(当时的王朝很复杂)。

    It was given its charter by Emperor Charles V , who headed both the Holy Roman Empire and the Spanish Empire ( dynasty was a complicated thing back then ) .