
  • 网络Conocophillips;Conoco Phillips
  1. 康菲石油公司CEO赖安o兰斯的商务机特殊待遇支出为330869美元。

    ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance 's jet perk cost $ 330869 .

  2. awilco拥有英国石油(bp)和康菲石油公司(conocophillips)等稳定可靠的客户群,中海油服希望能继续为这些客户服务。

    Awilco has a blue-chip customer base of oil companies including BP and ConocoPhillips , and COSL hopes to continue to serve those customers .

  3. 目前,油价高企可谓旷日持久,因此康菲石油公司(ConocoPhillips)正打算2012年剥离其精炼部门,转而专事石油勘探和生产。

    The price of oil has been so high for so long that ConocoPhillips is planning to spin off its refining arm in2012 and focus only on exploration and production .

  4. 与其他公司相比,马拉松石油公司与康菲石油公司进行业务拆分的条件更有利。

    Marathon and Conoco were in better positions to split than other companies .

  5. 康菲石油公司拥有专利权的硫磺移除技术也将用于这种气体清洗过程。

    ConocoPhillips'proprietary sulfur removal technology will also be incorporated into the gas cleanup .

  6. 雪佛龙和康菲石油公司则拒绝置评。

    Chevron and ConocoPhillips have dec-lined to comment .

  7. 吉姆穆尔瓦,康菲石油公司的老板,对企业分拆,给出了一些令人信服的理由。

    Jim Mulva , ConocoPhillips 's boss , outlined some compelling grounds for a corporate divorce .

  8. 而康菲石油公司将把主要精力放在石油勘探与开采上。

    Conoco , on the other hand , will probably focus the bulk of its business on oil exploration and drilling .

  9. 7月14日,康菲石油公司宣布,将在2012年上半年之前拆分其下游业务。

    That model failed ConocoPhillips , which announced on July 14 that it will spin off its downstream division by the first half of 2012 .