
  • 网络Cornell University;Johnson;Weill
  1. 康奈尔大学开设了一门研究语言与特定文化符号之间如何关联的课程。

    Cornell University offers a course that investigates how language relates to particular cultural codes

  2. 康奈尔大学教授克廷想知道,在决定哪些绘画作品跻身文化排行榜前列的过程中,一种被称为"单纯曝光效应"的心理机制是否起到了作用。

    Cutting , a professor at Cornell University , wondered if a psychological mechanism known as the " mere-exposure effect " played a role in deciding which paintings rise to the top of the cultural league .

  3. 同样在榜单上名列前茅的康奈尔大学所在地伊萨卡情况又如何?

    And what happened in Ithaca , home of Cornell University , which is also high on the list ?

  4. 我在匹兹堡长大,在康奈尔大学上过学,所以我对二者均有发言权。

    I grew up in Pittsburgh and went to college at Cornell , so I can answer for both .

  5. 根据康奈尔大学食品和品牌实验室的一项新研究,小型非食物奖励——如麦当劳开心乐园餐中的玩具——同食物一样可以刺激大脑中的奖励中枢。

    According to a new study from Cornell University 's Food and Brand Lab , small non-food rewards — like the toys in McDonald 's Happy Meals — stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does .

  6. 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)著名心理学家基拉博•杰克逊(KiraboJackson)表示,同一个奖励计划可能会对不同类型的学生产生不同的影响。

    The same prize program might have different influences on different kinds of students , said Kirabo Jackson , a famous psychologist at Cornell University .

  7. 艾丽丝·H·库克楼,康奈尔大学,绮色佳,纽约州,美国

    Alice h. cook house , Cornell university , ithaca , new york , usa , 2004

  8. DAVIDSKORTON,康奈尔大学校长:是的。


  9. 在IBM研究中心待了一段时间后,他到康奈尔大学研读博士后。

    After some time at IBM Research , he did a post-doc at Cornell .

  10. 本文作者为康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)贸易学教授

    The writer is professor of trade at Cornell University

  11. 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)约翰逊学院(JohnsonSchool)金融学教授卡洛伊(AndrewKarolyi)也持有类似的观点。

    At Cornell University 's Johnson School , finance professor Andrew Karolyi strikes a similar note .

  12. 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)的学者们研究了这一问题,得出以下结论:摄氏25度才是适合工作的最佳温度。

    Academics from Cornell have researched the matter and concluded that the magic number is 25C .

  13. 我知道这行得通;我有两位年轻朋友在康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)就是合干一份活。

    I know this works ; I have two young friends who job share at Cornell University .

  14. 这位亿滋国际(MondelezInternational)掌门人几乎参加过你能想象出的所有体育项目——排球、陆上曲棍球、垒球和篮球。不过,她最热爱的当属篮球。事实上,她曾计划在康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)打篮球。

    While growing up , the Mondelez International head played almost any sport imaginable , including volleyball , field hockey , softball and basketball .

  15. 在美国肯定不是,就像康奈尔大学法学院(CornellUniversityLawSchool)教授林恩斯托特(LynnStout)指出的那样。

    Certainly not in America , as Lynn Stout , a professor at Cornell University Law School , has pointed out .

  16. 例如,康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)约翰逊商学院(Johnsonschool)今年收到的国际申请比去年增加了30%。

    For instance , international applications to the Johnson School at Cornell University were up 30 per cent this year over last year .

  17. 美国康奈尔大学食土癖领域的住校专家塞拉•杨(SeraYoung)指出,食土癖遍及世界各地,且历史悠久。

    According to Sera Young , resident geophagy expert at Cornell University in the US , it has a long history around the world .

  18. 这种饮料名为BigRedRefuel,现如今由康奈尔大学现场制作,在该校校园内可购买到。

    The beverage , called Big Red Refuel , is now being manufactured by the Cornell on-site dairy and is available on the university campus .

  19. 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)经济学家罗伯特•H•弗兰克(RobertHFrank)辩称,除非其他很多人也做出同样的选择,否则很难做到这一点。

    Robert H Frank , an economist at Cornell University , argues that it is hard to do that unless many others do the same .

  20. 美国康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)的科学家们向研究对象展示了一些罪犯和无罪的人的面部照片,发现大多数人能够将他们区别开来。

    At Cornell University , scientists showed subjects mugshots of those who were guilty and innocent and found the majority could tell them apart .

  21. 由美国康奈尔大学基因组多样性研究所的MichaelGore领导的这项研究有望用于梳理重要特性的遗传基础,诸如产量、品质和耐胁迫特性。

    In teasing out the genetic basis for important traits , such as yield , quality and stress tolerance .

  22. 康奈尔大学营销学教授埃德·麦克劳克林(EdMcLaughlin)表示,这些老板们应该为此担忧。

    Cornell University marketing professor Ed McLaughlin says they should be worried .

  23. 据康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)一项研究显示,到2025年,中国中产阶级人口数量将从目前的3亿增加一倍。

    According to a study by Cornell University , China 's middle class population will double in size from its current 300m people by 2025 .

  24. 康奈尔大学经济学家ChrisBarrett说,另一个问题是,农场的收成在下降。

    Cornell University economist Chris Barrett says another problem is that gains in farm production have slowed .

  25. 例如,康奈尔大学每年都提供40个mba奖学金,但是只颁发给其公民和常住居民。

    For example , every year Cornell University offers 40 MBA students scholarships , but they are for citizens or permanent residents only .

  26. 国家艺术基金会(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)的总预算不过是康奈尔大学在理工科领域所得到的政府研究及支持资金的一半。

    The total budget for the national endowment for the arts is one half of what Cornell gets from the government in terms of research and support for science and engineering .

  27. 蒂姆·诺维科夫(TimNovikoff),康奈尔大学(Cornell)大学应用数学系博士生

    TIM NOVIKOFF , Ph.D. student in applied mathematics at Cornell

  28. 本文作者是美国康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)经济学教授和布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)高级研究员、曾任国际货币基金组织(IMF)中国部主任

    The writer is a professor of economics at Cornell University , a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former head of IMF 's China division

  29. 事实上,康奈尔大学的PerPinstrup-Andersen也同意,在不破坏自然资源的情况下生产更多的食品是至关重要的。

    Indeed , growing more food without damaging natural resources is essential , agrees Per Pinstrup-Andersen at Cornell University .

  30. 上世纪50年代,康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)的克莱夫·M·麦凯(CliveM.McCay)和同事曾将幼龄鼠的血液输入老龄鼠体内,借此检验这一观念。

    In the 1950s , Clive M. McCay of Cornell University and his colleagues tested the notion by delivering the blood of young rats into old ones .