
  • 网络kantian;Kantianism
  1. 康德哲学的范畴与亚里士多德哲学的范畴的不同在于其主观性。

    The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective .

  2. 康德哲学体系中的价值论命题

    The Propositions of the Theory of Value in the System of Kantian

  3. 道德哲学在康德哲学体系中的地位和现实价值

    On Status and Realistic Values of Moral Philosophy in Kantianism System

  4. 认识论在康德哲学中的地位和意义

    The Status and Significance of the Theory of Cognition in Kantism

  5. 康德哲学美学与中国心性哲学论近代美学与哲学的关系

    A Comparison Between Kant 's Philosophy-Aesthetics And Chinese Mind-Xing Philosophy

  6. 开放的康德哲学&重读物自体

    Kantian Philosophy as an Open System : Re-interpretation of " Thing-in-Itself "

  7. 康德哲学与洛克哲学的时空观之比较

    A Comparison to the Space-time View of the Kant and the Locke

  8. 二十世纪对康德哲学的两次批判及其意义

    Two Critiques to Kants Philosophy and Their Significance in the Twentieth Century

  9. 康德哲学是人类思想史上的一座丰碑。

    Kant philosophy is a monument in the intellectual history of humankind .

  10. 人的本质问题是康德哲学的核心问题。

    Human 's essential question is the core question of kant philosophy .

  11. 康德哲学的理论构想与现代回响

    The Theoretical Construction of Kant Philosophy and Its Modern Reflections

  12. 审美判断力在康德哲学中的地位

    The Status of Aesthetic Judgment in the Philosophy of Kant

  13. 永久和平是贯穿整个康德哲学及其发展历程的一个重要主题。

    Perpetual peace is a key-note in Kant 's philosophy and its development .

  14. 自由作为一个核心概念贯穿于康德哲学的始终。

    " Freedom " as a central concept runs throughout the Kantian philosophy .

  15. 在康德哲学中,形式-质料是一对反思概念。

    In Kantian philosophy form / material are a pair of reflexive concepts .

  16. 形而上学的终结与康德哲学

    The End of Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Kant

  17. 从康德哲学再看音乐美学的基本问题

    Musical Aesthetics from Kant 's Philosophy : Basic Problems

  18. 康德哲学对计算机意义重大。

    Kant 's philosophy is momentous to computer .

  19. 论康德哲学的纯粹特征

    On the " Purity " Feature of Kantianism

  20. 马克思对康德哲学革命的扬弃

    Marx 's Sublation of Kant 's Philosophical Revolution

  21. 自由是康德哲学研究的出发点也是最终目的。

    Freedom is the starting point and the ultimate aim of Kant ' sphilosophy .

  22. 康德哲学与现代性论争

    Kant 's Philosophy and the Debates on Modernity

  23. 但这领域对于康德哲学是一个无法问津的“他界”。

    But that region was to the Kantian philosophy an inaccessible ' other world ' .

  24. 康德哲学重心侧记

    Notes of the Core of Kant Philosophy

  25. 康德哲学的人学旨趣

    The Anthropological Purport of Kant 's Philosophy

  26. 根据康德哲学的思想,心理机能被分成内向机能和外向机能。

    Following Kants thoughts , mental function is divided into extroversive function and introversive function .

  27. 解读康德哲学与数学的关系

    Correlation between Kant 's philosophy and mathematics

  28. 试论康德哲学的二向度思维与康德美学的二重结构

    On the Bidirectional Thinking of Kant 's Philosophy and the Dual Structure of Kant 's Aesthetics

  29. 只有在这方面的思想里,康德哲学才算达到了思辨的高度。

    It is in these apercus alone that the Kantian philosophy rises to the speculative height .

  30. 自在之物在康德哲学中的地位

    The Status of " Th in g - in - itself " in Kant 's Philosophy