
  • 网络cantata
  1. 这个康塔塔有个难度很大的声乐总谱。

    The cantata has a difficult vocal score .

  2. 克洛德·德彪西是法国重要印象派作曲家,他所作的康塔塔《浪子》获得了罗马大奖。

    Claude Debussy was an important French Impressionist composer , his cantata " prodigal son " won the Rome Prize .

  3. 巴赫的康塔塔写的唱的第三个星期日后三一。

    Bach 's cantata was written to be sung the third Sunday after Trinity .

  4. 为儿童合唱队和管弦乐队而作的“阳光照耀着我们的祖国”康塔塔。

    The Sun Shines on Our Motherland , cantata , for child chorus , chorus & orchestra .

  5. 幽灵的新娘,为独唱,合唱队和管弦乐队而作的康塔塔。

    The Spectre 's Bride ( Svatebn í kosile ), cantata for soloists , chorus & orchestra .

  6. 时日和年代,为四声部合唱队和管弦乐组而作的(长康塔塔)夜乐。

    Die Zeit , die Tag und Jahre macht , serenata ( secular cantata ) for4 voices , chorus & orchestra .

  7. 康塔塔,清唱曲一段声音和器乐的乐段,由合唱、独唱和宣叙调组成轻声演奏的乐段要轻轻或静静地演奏的段落

    A vocal and instrumental piece composed of choruses , solos , and recitatives . A passage to be played softly or quietly

  8. 不过,很快的,听众对伯德,弗雷斯科巴尔迪,拉莫,斯瑞特的曲子反应热烈,他自己的一些唱片,尤其是和尼古劳斯·哈农库特合作录制的巴赫康塔塔全集进一步提高了他的声望,从那之后早期音乐运动就如火如荼地展开了。

    Fairly quickly , however , listeners warmed to Byrd and Frescobaldi , Rameau and Ritter ; his own recordings , especially with Nikolaus Harnoncourt of all Bach 's Cantatas , fanned the flame ; and the early-music movement has flourished ever since .