
  • 网络CONCEPCION;Concepción
  1. 军队被派出支援警方防止圣地亚哥南面康塞普西翁出现动乱局面。

    The army has been sent to support police to prevent unrest in Concepcion , south of Santiago .

  2. 在智利的第二大城市康塞普西翁,救援人员继续在一间倒塌的公寓中寻找大约100名被困居民。

    Rescuers are working to reach about a100 people trapped in an apartment building that collapsed in Concepcion , the country 's second-largest city .

  3. 从旅馆的防波堤可以看到康塞普西翁火山(Conceptión)全景,这座火山高1610米,非常活跃,俯视着尼加拉瓜湖。

    A jetty from the lodge offereduninterrupted views of Concepti ó n , the 1610m-tall , very active volcano thattowered over Lake Nicaragua .

  4. 康塞普西翁的人们用上街头和跑到空旷的地方。

    The people of Concep-cion rushed into the streets and open places .

  5. 康塞普西翁50万居民中很多人正缺少食物,面临断水断电。

    Many of Concepcion's500,000 inhabitants are short of food and have seen their water and electricity supplies cut off .

  6. 康塞普西翁火山和围绕在火山顶的云朵,在如镜的湖面上形成绝美的倒影。

    Concepti ó n , and thecloud surrounding its peak , created a perfect reflection on the lake 's glass-likesurface .

  7. 智利中部一城市,位于康塞普西翁西南以南。建立于1881年,是个贸易中心。人口157297。

    A city of central Chile south-southwest of Concepci ó n.Founded in1881 , it is a trade center . Population , 157,297 .

  8. 地震中心在康塞普西翁东北面115公里(70英里)处,圣地亚哥西南面325公里(200英里)处。

    The epicentre of the quake was115km ( 70 miles ) north-east of Concepcion and325km ( 200 miles ) south-west of the capital Santiago .

  9. 与此同时救援队仍在尝试接近拒信陷入了康塞普西翁倒塌公寓楼的数十名人员。

    Meanwhile rescue teams are still trying to reach dozens of people believed to be trapped in a collapsed block of flats in Concepcion .

  10. 在离震中更近的城市康塞普西翁,记者见到一幢公寓楼倒塌,数十名居民被困。

    Closer to the quake , scores of residents were feared trapped in an apartment building that toppled onto its side in the city of Concepcion .

  11. 截至我在岛上的最后一天,一直笼罩在康塞普西翁火山顶上的云都已散开,露出火山完整宏伟的真身。

    By my last day on the island , the cloud that had beenenveloping Concepti ó n 's peak lifted , unveiling the volcano in its fullmagnitude .

  12. 有些人划着皮艇追逐西沉的太阳,落日在康塞普西翁火山表面灼热的土地上投射出一道柔和的紫光。

    Some paddled out in kayaks towards the sinking sun , which cast a soft , purple hue over the scorched earth of Concepti ó n 's facade .

  13. 这架小型智利飞机正运载一个援助和评估小组去康塞普西翁,星期一下午在靠近托梅镇附近地方撞毁,当地媒体报道。

    The small Chilean plane , which was carrying an aid and assessment team to Concepcion , crashed close to the nearby town of Tome on Monday afternoon , local media reported .

  14. 马尔科里克尔梅,百货商场的一位地区发言人,告诉“第三日”这个事件是幸存者正在康塞普西翁忍受的“混乱局势”的一个“明显的例证”。

    Marco Riquelme , a regional spokesman for the department store , told La Tercera the incident was a " clear example " of the " chaotic situation " survivors were enduring in Concepcion .